Eleven of many

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WARNING! This story can have very sexual scenes and bad language in it. Eating disorders, sleeping disorders and self harm and hate!

Marco POV




"SURE!" Arthur answered and came down the stairs with a smile on his face. "Are you friends coming back?"

"No. Fabio needed to go back to France and the other two, I don't know" I said as I started cutting the onion.

"Okay, so what do you want me to do?"

"You can cut this and this. After that, can you put plates and glass on the table" I said and started frying the meat. When the dinner was finally done, I heard someone walking downstairs. So both me and Arthur looked over to the stairs and saw Lando walking down the stairs looking a little bit fancy than usual. He walked over to the hallway and put his shoes on while I heard the front door open a little bit.

"Where are you going? Dinner is ready"

"I'm going for a walk. I can eat later" he said and left the building. Both me and Arthur looked confused and just stared at each other for a minute before I screamed that dinner was ready so Pato would hear. He came in to the kitchen after a few minutes and looked confused at the empty chair next to me.

"Where is Mr Norris?"

"Out for a walk"

"Okay, have he eaten anything?"

"No, he just left" I said and took a peace of food in to my mouth. Pato just shrugged and sat down to start eating. After we were done, I cleaned all the dishes and walked upstairs. But instead of walking in to my room, I walked in to Lando room. But when I opened his door, a wave of perfume was thrown in to my face. That made me confused and in shock because it always smells awful and disgusting in his room. So I started looking around and saw that he has been throwing around fancy clothes in his room. Saw also that he had brought out his jewelry box. It was just chaos in his room like usual but something didn't feel right.

Lando POV

What am I supposed to wear tonight? I can't be to fancy or they are going to figure it out!

I was throwing clothes everywhere and was looking in my jewelry box to find something good. After like a hour I finally found some clothes, a watch to wear and a necklace before I was putting some perfume on. After that I left my room and walked downstairs. I saw that Marco and Arthur had made dinner and was looking at me weirdly. I tried to act normal and just walked straight to the hallway to put my shoes on.

"Where are you going? Dinner is ready?" Marco asked while I opened the front door.

"I'm going for a walk. I can eat later" I lied before I just left the house to start walking to the restaurant. I hated every step as I got closer and started to see Charles. He was smiling and looked incredibly handsome. He gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek when I finally was close to him before we walked in to the restaurant. He had reserved a table far away from the window, in the darkest corner so no one could nearly see us. We got our menu and I almost smashed it in to my face trying to avoid eyes contact with him. But then he took a deep breath that made me look at him who was smiling awkwardly.

"You okay with this Lando?"

"Yes! I just nervous" I answered as I put the menu down. "When are you leaving?"

"In a week" he smiled and tried to take my hand but I moved my hand away from the table. "What is it? I thought you liked me"

"I do but it's just..."

"Because of Arthur?"


"I could have figured it out" he smiled and I finally let him take my hand. Then the waitress came and took our order before disappearing again and everything went quiet. We sat in silence while holding hands for a long time until our food arrived with our drinks. We started eating and I tried to look everywhere except Charles but it was hard because he was so good looking. After like a hour, he went to pay for the food and then we just left. He followed me all the way home and when we stood outside of my house, he grabbed my hand so I turned around. Then he just kissed me and I kissed him back. Few minutes later our kiss turned more passionate. Then we broke apart the get some air so we rested our foreheads on each other. Then we said goodbye after a while and he gave me a kiss on the cheek before starting walking away from me and the house. I opened the door quietly and walked in to take off my shoes.

"Where have you been?"

"Pato! What the hell! You scared me"

"Sorry but where have you been?"

"Out. Walking" I lied as I tried to go up to my room but Pato stopped me.

"Stop lying to me Lando! Are you seeing someone?"


"Why are you screaming at me!"


"Because you are acting strange Lando! I'm worried about you!"

"Why are you two arguing?" Marco came running downstairs with Arthur behind him.

"IS NOTHING! PATO IS JUST BEING A FUCKING DICKHEAD" I yelled as I ran upstairs and slammed the door behind me. I walked around in circles and tried to calm myself down but it ends up that I breaks down in tears. The air was thin and I couldn't breathe when I felt two arms around me. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to yell at you! I don't know what's wrong with me! I'm so sorry Pato! I really am!"

"Hey hey. It's okay. I know something was wrong. I just triggered it and that's wrong! I'm so sorry! Of course you don't have to tell me" Pato said as he was trying to calm me down. We sat there forever it felt like when Marco and Arthur came running in. They joined us and were talking extremely calmly. But when I finally had calmed down after a long time, everyone let go of me and we just sat there on my floor in silence.

"I'm sorry again that I yelled at you"

"It's okay Lan. No need to worry" Pato smiled and started to stand up. Then he help me up and all of us sat down on my bed.

"Will you tell us what has happened?"

"Not really"

"Okay" Marco said and gave me a small hug. Then Pato started talking about other things to make me stop thinking about the bad stuff. And after a while I actually started smiling and Arthur and Marco joined in and started telling funny stories and jokes.

"Oh shit! It's almost midnight!"

"Damn! You right Art!" Pato said as he looked at his phone.

"Time flies by when you have fun" Marco laughed as he got out of bed. Then Pato and Arthur also left the bed then they gave me a hug. After everyone had said good night and left, I turned on my tv and started hugging one of my pillows while I let some tears fall down on my cheeks.

Why do I have to fall for two guys?! Why does one of them have to be Arthur brother?! What is wrong with me!

While I was drowning in my own thoughts I heard my phone got a text message so I got up and went to look who it was. It was just Max who wanted to check on me like always so I just ignore it and went back to the bed. I hated myself so bad that I went on a date with Charles but also the same time I was loving every minute of it.

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