One of many

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WARNING! This story can have very sexual scenes and bad language in it. Eating disorders, sleeping disorders and self harm and hate!

Pato pov

"This movie sucks! I really hate it!"

"WHAT?! You have watched it for like ten minutes. You can't say you hate it!"

"Yes I can because I just did! I'm not going to watch this. I hate horror movies!"

"It's me who chose today and I want to see this! So shut the fuck up! You choose a really boring movie last Friday!"

"That movie wasn't boring. Is one of my favorites! But this is one of the worst! Can you just change?"


"Oh come on Arthur! If you not going to change, I'm going to leave!"

"Leave then because I'm not going to change to a different movie"

"Fucking dickhead!" Lando mumbles while getting out of the couch and disappears upstairs in to his room. I just rolled my eyes and went to the kitchen to get something to drink. Then I saw what a mess the kitchen was so I started cleaning all the dishes. I felt Rocky, Norbi and Marco dog Rubik around me feet because they thought probably that I had food. It was not easy but it worked to have dogs around me so when I finally was done with the dishes and put them where they belong. I turned around to see Arthur sitting by the kitchen island.

"I thought you were watching the movie"

"No, I'm not in the mood anymore"

"Because of Lan?"

"Yea, I should have just let him choose what he wanted to see"

"No, I know that you don't know him like me and Marco do but I can promise you that it's always like this. So this isn't something new"

"Okay" he said while playing with his hands.

"You know. I need to go for a walk with my babies so you can take Rubik and join us. I know that Marco doesn't mind"

"You sure?"

"Hundred percent sure!" I smiled and he actually looked up and smiled back. So he walked out to the hallway to fix the dogs ready while I walked up to Marco who was still on the couch almost asleep. So I shake him a little.

"Me and Arthur taking the dogs for a walk so you know"

"Okay but don't let Cactus and Kiwi out or Lando is going to kill you!"

"I know! I'm going to close the gate to the hallway! But do you actually think he would care? Sometimes I wonder if he knows that he have cats"

"You maybe right but still. By the way, I think I'm going to bed so when you are back. You can just open my door and let Rubik in" he said and I just nod and went to the hallway to see that Arthur and the dogs were ready to go. So I put my shoes on, looked for the cats then I closed the gate before we opened the front door and walked out.

"By the way Pato. Thanks for letting move in with you guys"

"Of course and I can promise you that you going to get used to Lando behavior" I smiled while we walked down to the beach.

Lando pov

"FUCKING PEACE OF SHIT!" I screamed as I slammed my hands on the desk in anger. Then I turned off the game to play something else that maybe would help me clean my head even if I knew gaming never helped me with that. After a few minutes in to the game I lost like most of the time.

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