Seventeen of many

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WARNING! This story can have very sexual scenes and bad language in it. Eating disorders, sleeping disorders and self harm and hate!

Lando POV

"IT'S FUCKING RACE DAY FOR OUR LITTLE BOY!" Marco screams as we walked through the paddock. Arthur was so red in the face that he looked like a tomato of embarrassment. I just laughed while Daniel was trying to calm Marco down but he failed. Marco has been screaming since we left the house. But when we finally got inside of the McLaren building Marco finally had stopped screaming but everyone was still looking at us. Arthur just waved to everyone before disappearing in to his room while Daniel sat down by a table so we joined him.

"Good morning guys"

"Good morning Zak" I smiled brightly while the others smiled and nod a little.

"Where is Arthur?"

"In his room and hiding from embarrassment" Daniel laughed. Zak looked a little bit confused before he gave us a smile and walked over to Arthur room. Then Daniel left to his room to get changed so I picked up my phone because I got a text massage before. It was from Fabio.

-Do you maybe want to go out and eat with me?
-Just you and me?
-Sure, why not
-Good because I already chose restaurant and reserved a table for us
-Good I said yes then😉

I put my phone back in to my pocket and looked up at Marco who was sitting there and smiling.

"What the hell are you smiling at?"

"I was about to ask you the same question!"

"I'm not smiling!"

"Yea sure! Who were you texting?"

"Just Fabio. We going to eat later"

"Just the two of you?"


"OH MY GOSH! YOU ARE GOING ON A DATE!" Marco screamed as he flew out of the chair and threw himself on top of me so we both fell off my chair down on the floor. He was screaming like a teenager girl so everyone was looking at us while holding their laughter. I tried to shut him up while pushing him away but it felt impossible.

"What the hell is happening here?"



"Can you fucking shut the fuck up Marco!" I said while covering Marco mouth with my hands. But then Arthur started asking so many questions so Marco was screaming under my hands. Somehow Arthur understood exactly what he was saying. But after a while trying not to kill Marco we left and followed Arthur to the garage because it was not far until the race was about to start. When we got in to the garage and watched Arthur do his warmup when suddenly someone started calling me on my phone.

"LANDOOO, is everything alright man?"
"Yeah! Absolutely!" I lied as a felt a hand on my shoulder and my phone disappeared from my hand. Then I heard Marco laughing while telling Pato that I had a date. I slapped him in the back of his head and took my phone back before I said I was going to kill him.

"Don't listen to Bezz! I don't have a date!"
"Okay, if you say so"
"Okay, chill man! Who are you going to eat with?"
"It's just Fabio"
"Then it is a date! I have seen you two! Flirting and laughing together. You can't deny it"
"God I hate you two!" I said before I just hung up on Pato and left the garage. I walked behind the McLaren building and sat down on the ground.

Maybe they are right? Maybe he actually asked me out on a date?! Or maybe they are wrong? What do I know!

I got interrupted by that I felt I hand on my shoulder that made me look up. It was Enea who was standing there with a smile before he just sat down next to me and put his head on my shoulder.

"Something wrong?"

"I don't know"

"Have something happened?"

"I think so. I don't know"

"Can you tell me?"

"Yea" he said and took a deep breath. "I have somehow started checking someone out"

"Formula one driver?"



"No" Enea answered and somehow it made me smile that it was not a Ferrari driver.

"Who is it? Maybe Arthur can help you so you can with this mysterious person?"

"No need to. It would never work if it ever happened. That's the problem"

"Oh okay. But can you tell me who it is?"

"He is driving for Haas or something"


"What?! No! Mamma Mia! It's Mick!" Enea said as he slammed his hand on his forehead.

"Yea, of course it is. Kevin is a dad and married" I laughed and he just smiled.

Marco POV

"Go and find Lando! I have to jump in the car now! I want both of you in here when I race"

"Okay! Okay! I go and search for him!" I said and left the garage. I called Fabio but Lando wasn't with him then I called Francesco but he wasn't there either. So I called him but got no answer so I walked in to the McLaren building and started looking there but got no luck. After that I called Enea because Francesco told me he had disappeared too but got no answers.

Where the fuck are you Lando?!

I took deep breath and started thinking before I went behind the McLaren building. As I got closer to the back I started hearing voices and one of them was Lando voice. So I started running and when I saw him and Enea I tried to stop but I fell with my face down to the ground.

"I could see that over and over again"

"Me too Norris"

"I have been looking for you! Arthur wants you to be in the garage! The race is about to start!" I said as I stood up and brushed away the dirt. Lando just nod and the three of us started walking. We said goodbye to Enea who disappeared in to the Ferrari garage while we walked in to the McLaren. Both the car was gone and many people from the team also but Zak was still here. And when he saw us he walked over to us with a smile on his face.

"You found him. Arthur was so nervous that you maybe wouldn't" he said as he put a hand on Lando shoulder. Lando just smiled. "But now I have to go over there. The race is about to start" he smiled before he left and me and Lando went to the place in the garage that we have been standing yesterday and the day before. Then few minutes later the lights went off and everything got loud and the race had begun.

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