Twenty two of many

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WARNING! This story can have very sexual scenes and bad language in it. Eating disorders, sleeping disorders and self harm and hate!

Lando POV

"Where are you? Are you okay? Are the animals safe? Are they with you? Did you eat before jumping in to the car?"
"Oh my gosh Pato! Can you breathe for a minute! You acting like my mom! I have just arrived in France! The animals are sleeping and yes I have ate dinner!"
"Can you stop fucking screaming! You are on speaker in the car! You can wake the animals up!"
"I'm sorry but I'm just worried and want you to come home save! You are a big fucking dickhead for driving alone! How can you be so stupid?"
"Because I have you, Arthur and Marco as roommates!"
"Fair enough but still!" Pato said before he just gave away a big loud sigh. I just rolled my eyes and continued keeping my eyes on the road.

"By the way I have slept very much today so it's going to be okay"
"If you say so but send me a text when you have walk through the front door!"
"I promise Pat! Stop worrying about me!"
"I can't Mr Norris!"
"I know but you can try!"
"No!" Pato said before he started talking in Spanish like always when he is angry, frustrated or worried. I just rolled my eyes again and just listened to him while I couldn't understand half of the words.

"English please!"
"Fuck off" Pato said before he just sighed again. "Please text me when you are home"
"Like I said few minutes ago. I promise I'm going to text you"
"Okay but I need to go now so drive safe"
"Yes and adiós"
"Bye" Pato said before I hung up and turned on some music. Not to loud so the cats and Rubik were going to wake up. But then I heard a little bit of laughter.


"Is he always like that?"

"Yes but I'm used to it then Marco and Arthur is. Me and Pat have know each other for many years"

"Oh okay. But I think we both would be dead if they found out I'm with you"

"That's true" I smiled while I felt Charles hand on my thigh. Charles wanted to go with me and had asked me if I could drop him off at the airport in Nice before I went to Monaco. After like 2 hours Charles fell asleep while he was still having his hand on my leg so it got pretty quiet except for the low music from the radio. He was asleep the whole trip and when we got close to the airport in Nice, I started to wake him up.

"Good morning. I let you go with me to keep me company but you were sleeping the whole time instead. Thank you Charles"

"Why the fuck didn't you wake me up dumbass?"

"Because you looked so cute" I smiled while looking in to his sleepy eyes. He smiled back and kissed me when we finally had stopped beside the airport. We said fast goodbye then he jumped out and took his bags and I drove off. After a while I was finally back home and unlocked the door. Then I send a quick message to Pato to tell him I was home before I locked to front door and walked upstairs to go to bed because I was extremely tired. Almost fell asleep immediately after my face touched the pillow.

Pato POV

I woke up early and saw that I had gotten a text message from Lando that was saying that he was home now. So I could finally breathe again. I was laying in bed for like a hour before I saw Arthur was calling me.

"Bonjour Pato"
"You sound happy"
"Because I am! I'm racing in America this weekend!"
"That's amazing! Hope you get a good race!"
"I hope that too but that's not why I called you!"
"What is it then?"
"I know you are not close to Texas so I have booked you a private jet. I know you don't have a race this weekend so you can actually come! I have fixed everything!"
"Are you serious?!"
"Oh my gosh Arthur! When does it take off?"
"I have sent every detail to you now! You can't take your dogs with you so I hope you have someone who can take care of them! But now I have to go but see you tonight when I come and pick you up by the airport!" Arthur said before he just hung up on me. I sat on my bed with a big smile on my face while texting Felix and asked if he could have the dogs and drive me to the airport in a hour. And like I was hoping he said yes to both things. And 20 minutes later he showed up at my place I had here in America. I told him everything and he was so happy for me and told me to say hi to Arthur from him. Then when it was time we put my bags and the dogs in his car and drove off. It was a fast goodbye when we finally arrived at the airport and I almost ran into the building with my bag in a hard grip. But when I got inside and had walked around a little bit I saw Zak standing with two coffee cups in his hands.

"ZAK?! What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to pick you up with the private jet!"

"But... how... Arthur didn't tell me!"

"I know but he told me" Zak smiled and I just shake my head and laughed. Then we started walking through the building and got outside were the plane would be. I held my breath when I walked inside of it and breathed out when I sat down in a comfortable chair. I felt Zak eyes on me but I couldn't turn to face it. I was having an extremely weird feeling about Lando. It felt like he wasn't alone in the car except for the animals. Like it was an other human in the car when I called him yesterday.

"Everything alright Pato?"

"Yea, I'm just tired"

"Is something going on with Lando again?"

"I don't know really. I just don't recognize him anymore. I'm just scared to lose him again"

"I don't think you going to lose him. Everything is just new to him. I just think you need to be patient and let him be. Let him explore a little"

"But I can't Zak! You don't know him!" I said before I took a long deep breath. "For many years he has been fighting with depression and anxiety. Eating disorders and self harm! I can't just stop worry about him!" I said while tears were falling from my eyes. Zak just looked at me, sighed and gave me a big hug. Then the rest of the flight was pretty quiet and Zak was always on his phone. I just looked out through the window while thinking about everything and nothing.

Live, love, learn, your roommates best friend or brother!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt