Two of many

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WARNING! This story can have very sexual scenes and bad language in it. Eating disorders, sleeping disorders and self harm and hate!

Arthur pov

"Is Lando still in bed?"

"Probably" Marco said before he took a big bite from his toast. I just sighed and went upstairs to wake Lando up. I opened the door and Cactus came running out, that made me jump a little. But I shake it off and walked in to the dark room. I turned the lights on and saw Lando put the blanket over his head so I walked straight up to the bed and pulled the blanket down on the floor.

"Get up! Now!"

"And here is some clean clothes you can wear" Pato said and threw a hoodie, ripped jeans and some underwear before he disappeared in to Marco room. I picked up Lando clothes and threw it on top of him before I left the room and got in to mine. Put some perfume on and some black socks before I went down to the kitchen to take some water to drink. After a few minutes Lando finally came down and started eating some yogurt before both of us went to the hallway and put our shoes on. We said goodbye to the guys and left. We walked out to my black mclaren and jumped in to drive off to the golf place. When we got there, I took my golf things that Lando needed to have in his lap during the car ride. We started walking and I fixed a golf car and we drove over to where everyone was waiting for us.

"You are here! Now we can start!"

"Before we start I want you guys to meet one of my roommates Lando Norris" I smiled proudly.

"Hola I'm Carlos"

"I'm Alexander but everyone calls me Alex" Alex smiled and shakes Lando hand who looked a little bit nervous. I looked over to Charles who was looking Lando up and down without moving a muscle in his face. Like if he was judging Lando really hard. I knew that he would do that to me but to Lando, it was just weird. He didn't look so interested to talk with him because then he just turned around and was ready to play. I just sighed, I knew he was mad at me but I couldn't say anything so I just walked over to Carlos who looked extremely confused at the moment.

"You look confused as usual"

"I don't get why Charles didn't introduce himself to your friend. He always so nice to new people so I don't get it"

"I don't understand either. Maybe because Lando is my roommate" I said and both of us looked straight at Charles who had his back to us. After everyone except Lando had shot their shot, we jumped in to our cars and drove to find our balls. When me and Lando had find mine, we stopped and jumped out to wait for the others to find their.

"I don't think your brother likes me. Maybe this was a bad idea"

"No, I'm glad to have you here. My brother is just acting like a dickhead as usual. I think Carlos is talking to him if you are looking over there" I smiled and pointed at a direction. Far away we saw Carlos talking to Charles, it almost looks like he was screaming at him because we could hear him a little bit. Both me and Lando tried to hold our laughter because it looked pretty funny to see the Spanish man talking to a very scared monegasques man. I actually felt a little bit bad for Charles but I couldn't stop laughing at the situation. But after a while we continued playing for many hours and just tried to have a good time.

Lando pov

Arthur was really nice to me and so was Carlos and Alexander. They let me try some golf and was showing what I could think about. But now it was pretty late and all of us started to get pretty hungry so Carlos came up with the idea that we should leave and eat at some restaurant before we saying goodbye to each other. But I thanked no to that and said that I was going to take a cab back home. I wasn't really comfortable with these new people and Arthur was so nice and understanding. So I started calling a cab then I just stood by a taxi spot and waited. But then I felt a hand on my shoulder so I turned around to see Alexander standing there with a smile on his face.

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