sexually aroused

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Author's pov

"Why are you standing here?" Jin asks sliding the window of his car as he saw somi standing at the roadside.

"Waiting for bus." She replies firmly.

"Why? Where is miss Kim?"

"She is busy with something so she can't come." Somi replied.

Jin was about to ask her if he would drop her. but suddenly he heared a Manly voice.


"Jun" somi mumbles.

"What are you doing here pabo?" He asks walking towards her.

"Nothing just waiting for bus "

"Wae? Where is your unnie?"

"She is busy I have to go alone today."

"No fear when jun is here. Come I'll drop you " he said and jin clenched his fists.

He doesn't like him around her a bit.

"No its totally fine jun. I'll go myself." Somi denied politely.

"No way, I am not letting you go alone and you are coming with me." He holds her hand and jin starts feeling uneasy.

"Jun It's ok"

"No way-"

"LEAVE HER HAND!" jin said loudly.

Jun become shocked seeing him there. He didn't notice him before.

Somi also looked at jin confused.

"Somi come with me, I'll drop you " jin said firmly.

"No jin sir I will go my-"

"I SAID COME WITH ME ". jin puts pressure on each word to show her that he is not asking her, he is telling her.

Somi sighed. She was tired of his this behaviour.

"No sir, I am going with jun." She replied looking straight into his eyes.

Jin clenched his jaw in anger.

Just before she could step further jin holds her wrist coming out from the car.

He opens the door and makes her sit on the passenger seat.

"Si-" jun tried to say something but cut in middle by jin's deep threatening voice.

"You stay away from her."

Somi rolled her eyes.

What does he want from her?

Jin starts the car and drove from there leaving jun dumbfounded.

Annie's pov

I have to tell him everything...
I ring the bell and he opened the door smiling brightly.

" welcome home baby" my heart melted.

The sight is very beautiful. whole living area is decorated with candles.

" what's all this?" I ask and he wraps his arms around my body pulling me into him closing the door.

"Candle light dinner" he replied hugging me.

"Don't hug me I am wet" I said and he hissed.

What happened to him suddenly?

Author's pov

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