Chapter 28

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There he was standing,  and to my surprise, he wasn't alone. A few policemen were surrounding him and a man in black suit. He, himself, was wearing the blackest tuxedo I’ve ever seen. My breath hitched at the realization that he was here to take me but at the cost of creating a mishap first.
He made his appearance clearly as he advanced toward me. His gazes remained on me until Ravi jumped in and stood between us like he was trying to protect me. Frankly, it was a move out of stupidity because Damien was a lot taller than any of us combined so he can look at me with ease nevertheless.

“What the fuck do you want?!” Ravi didn't hold back his tone at all. Not that I was expecting him to but since it was our so-called marriage, he had to maintain a bit of calmness.

“The girl you are marrying and your daughter,” He spoke, coming straight to the point.

My eyes widened as if they would pop out of their sockets and my jaw touched the ground beneath my feet. I wasn't the only one with this reaction, almost every single person present here had this look on them.

“The fuck?! Are you out of your mind?! You want my wife and daughter?! Who the hell do you think of yourself?!” He yells his lungs out at Damien who stood like he is rather getting bored by this whole useless conversation.

“Yet to be your wife and my daughter,” He corrected Ravi.

Ravi raised his eyebrows in bafflement as he turned his head in our direction, meeting our eyes to see if any of us knew what he was talking about or what was going on. Ravi held his eyes on me, expecting me to know the answer or worse If I planned this behind their back.

Unfortunately, I wasn't this lucky because they took away all of my ways to contact Damien so as much as shocked he was, I was too.

I shrugged my shoulders and shook my head in denial, but Ravi seemed far from convinced, Damien tapped his shoulder, sort of annoyed, “Don't scare the girl, talk like a man to me,” He says.

Ravi instead of replying to Damien, he moved towards the cops that were accompanying my lover, “Officers, please arrest this man for trespassing in my property and ruining my wedding here!”

One of the officers signed and stepped ahead, “I am sorry, I can't do that,” The officer told him.


“Because,” Another man in black suit said, judging by his calmness and attire, he appeared to be an advocate, “Mr. Wlyder has officially adopted your daughter Nia since you are a complete bankrupt and no longer can pay for her future,” He explained.

“How could he?! My daughter isn't orphaned! If not me, Nia should go with her actual mother, Sania. Not with this stranger!” Ravi exclaimed as he dared to raise his voice and height at the advocate who didn't budge at all as if he had experienced this type of reaction many times before.

𝐁𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐞'𝐬 𝐂𝐚𝐠𝐞 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now