Chapter 7

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Every inch of my body was going through a hell of aching. And my head felt like it would explode any second now, throbbing grew painfully inside my skull as soon as I try to open my eyelids. I was in no health to get up from the bed either, let alone recall what happened to me. I switched my body to a comfortable position multiple times in the hope that it would make me feel better.

But It never happened.

Maybe an hour or later, I could feel the soft breeze gently grazing my skin and the golden glow of the dawn greeting me, I forced my eyelids to open up to see my surroundings. My eyesight minded a minute to get adjusted to the amount of whiteness, blending with the orangish tint of the morning I could catch in the room. Except for green plants, everything that caught my eye was made up of white color. I was wondering which place or whose room I am in when I noticed a photo frame near the bed. 

It was Damien's.

Or at least that’s what it looked like, however, I wasn’t in his home. 

I gradually got my back up by my elbows as I managed to sit against the wooden headrest of the bed. I sensed the pain subsiding but not much that could help me with my migraine. I stroked my temples with my fingers as I heard the door unlocking and someone’s footsteps reverberated in the serene silence.

Damien stepped in with Nia in his arms, lightly patting her back to sleep, “What happened to her? Is she okay?” Despite the pain cracking my bones, I immediately forced my feet to move and headed to take her back from him. He averted his hands away in an exhausting manner.

“She is fine, she just wetted her diapers, and we didn’t have any extra at home, so I went to the 24x7 store to grab it,” He says, walking past me toward the recliner chair as he dropped himself there, covering Nia with his jacket on top of it to make her feel heated throughout the cold atmosphere.

I pursed my lips, feeling ashamed that he had to take care of my sister’s baby daughter when I passed out, coming to her, where is she? How could she leave us here among the people we barely know? 

“I am so sorry, Damien, we didn’t mean to trouble you,” I tried to apologize on behalf of both Sania and me. He raised a brow in a questioning way as he carelessly closed his eyelids again, waving his free hand that it is not a big deal, “Still, I should be thanking-”

“Did you see the clock? It is freaking five in the morning, go back to bed,” He told me, dismissing my gratefulness. I know the timing is wrong but it was important, after all, he looked after Nia like she is his own daughter or something, and the way she is peacefully resting in his embrace, it isn’t hard to see she has been attached to him as well since he keeps her safer and loved than I can do. 

I sighed, tiredly, “Fine, give her to me, you must be tired,”

“Go. To. Bed.” He straightaway ordered, slightly pissed off by my talk. 

𝐁𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐞'𝐬 𝐂𝐚𝐠𝐞 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now