Chapter 16

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Mornings are my favorite part of the day because they contain solace in the soft breeze and fragile rays of the warm sun. But I won’t count yesterday as such. My parents' unexpected arrival and their unexpected departure as they finally found out that we weren’t living with Ravi anymore. Father seems to be calm but Mom, don’t ask. She didn’t like Damien a bit. Not that I am complaining, however, in the long term, it won’t help us in any way. I can’t handle too much questioning from them.

“Back to earth?” I saw a couple of fingers snap before my eyes, snatching me away from my thoughts. It was Hardy. He is in his uniform, which means he is on his way to his job as he causally visited the restaurant to make sure everything is running smoothly. It is not that he doesn’t trust me, perhaps, he doesn’t. Yep, living with Damien is the reason, yet his attitude toward me hasn’t changed a little, and whenever I ask him why he came, he simply replies, ‘Out of habit, nothing else.’

“Hey,” I greeted, realizing I was standing behind the reception counter because the receptionist made a mistake in registering the bills and pre-booked tables for couples on the computer and now I am correcting it.

“You seem lost, anything wrong?” He asks, keeping his hands on his waist belt.

“No,” I sighed, “My parents are returning to India this evening so just thinking about them,” I told him, honestly with a small smile gracing my lips at his ‘happy-shocked’ kind of reaction.

“Your parents are here and you didn’t inform me?”

“I didn’t get time, everything happened so quickly but didn’t Damien tell you anything?” I asked back and it was one of the wrong decisions I had made after I came to the US because his cheerful face turned into a blank glare suddenly, he pursed and unpursed his lips and stayed with a dry nod.

“He said you are having some guests at his home, that’s it, he never specified them, otherwise I’d have loved to meet your family,” The sincerity in his tone made me chuckle, at least, someone was excited about it, unlike us. I was happy but scared as well since I had no clue what was going to take place yesterday, it was my good luck that we were in one piece without hearing a single scolding from my parents. And solely the credit goes to Damien. Or, it is what I believe after the way my father changed his behavior once he found out who Damien actually was.

“Very typical of him,” I joked to ease the tense air.

“Never mind.” He looked away to hide his anger before it appeared over his features, he turned to face me, “I am coming to bid farewell to your parents if that’s okay with you,”

“Yeah, it is fine but won’t it be too much for you?”

“Nope. Not at all. In fact, it would be my pleasure.” We both smiled as he wished me the best of luck for the rest of the day, he turned around and walked away toward his police car to get back on his duty and me on mine.

𝐁𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐞'𝐬 𝐂𝐚𝐠𝐞 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now