TWELVE: Lorenzo Hellbringer

Start from the beginning

One day, Enzo returned home from school, his face and body adorned with bruises and cuts. It was clear he had been the victim of a brutal attack, his anguished sobs echoing through the small cottage as he ran to his mother, Maria, who was busy in the kitchen.

"Mama, why do they hate me? What's wrong with me?" he cried, burying his face in her embrace.

Maria immediately dropped the spoon she had been holding, wrapping her arms around her son and pulling him close. Pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead, she soothed, "Oh, my sweet boy, nothing is wrong with you. You are perfect, just the way you are. You are beautiful, and smart, and brave, and good. You are our son, and we love you more than anything."

Guiding Enzo to the bathroom, Maria tended to his wounds, cleaning them and applying ointment before bandaging them. As she sang a soft lullaby and regaled him with stories and jokes, Enzo's tears slowly subsided, and a smile began to grace his features once more.

When Carlos returned home from work and saw his son's injuries, his fury was palpable. He wanted nothing more than to confront the bullies and their parents, but Maria gently calmed him, reminding him that retaliation would only make the situation worse.

"We have to be patient, and hopeful, and strong," she said, her voice filled with conviction. "One day, things will change, and people will see Enzo for who he really is. One day, we will find out the truth about his origins, and his destiny. One day, they will be proud of him, and respect him, and admire him."

Though she did not know how or when, Maria felt it in her heart – Enzo was special, and he had a purpose. She had a feeling that he was not alone, that he belonged somewhere, and that he was not a monster, but a miracle.

Embracing her husband and son, Maria smiled, her love and unwavering belief in Enzo shining through. They were a family, and they would always be, come what may.


With a heavy heart, Enzo accompanied his father to the market the next day, hoping to assist in selling the fresh produce and perhaps avoid the prying eyes and taunts of his tormentors. However, his luck was not on his side, for as soon as he entered the bustling marketplace, he spotted Jack Gregory and his gang of friends.

Enzo did not notice the malicious glint in their eyes as he walked beside his father, carrying a basket of carrots and feeling a sense of contentment and safety. He enjoyed the conversations with his father, listening to the older man's stories, jokes, and words of wisdom, which he held in the highest regard.

But Enzo's brief moment of happiness was shattered when Jack and his friends seized the opportunity to strike. Waiting until Enzo and his father were separated by the crowd of customers, the bullies pounced, dragging Enzo into a dark corner and throwing him into a nearby cart. Covering him with a cloth, they drove away, their laughter echoing in the air.

"Ha ha ha, we got you now, you little freak," they jeered. "You're going to rot in here, and no one will help you. You're going to starve, and freeze, and die. And your daddy won't even know where you are. He'll think you ran away, or got lost, or got killed by a thief. He'll cry, and mourn, and suffer. And we'll laugh, and celebrate, and rejoice. Because you deserve it, you deserve it, you fucking deserve it."

Enzo's desperate pleas for mercy fell on deaf ears as the bullies abandoned him in the dark, dank confines of the school's underground bunker, where old books and forgotten furniture lay in disarray.

"Please, please, let me out," he cried, his voice laced with fear and desperation. "I don't want to die, I don't want to suffer. I want to see my father, I want to hug him. I love him, and he loves me. Don't do this to me, don't do this to him. Have mercy, have mercy, have mercy."

But his cries echoed in the empty space, unanswered, as Enzo faced the grim reality of being left to rot, freeze, and ultimately, perish – all while his father remained blissfully unaware of his son's dire predicament.

As Enzo remained trapped in the dark confines of the underground bunker, a devastating turn of events unfolded in the village. Whispers of a rich harvest and abundant wealth had reached the ears of a band of ruthless thieves, who descended upon the unsuspecting community, intent on plundering everything in sight.

The sounds of chaos and destruction soon reached Enzo's ears – the crackling of flames, the anguished screams of the villagers, and the boisterous laughter and curses of the invaders. Enzo's heart raced with terror and confusion, his mind consumed by the uncertainty of his parents' safety and well-being.

Desperate to escape his confinement and reach his family, Enzo frantically tried to open the locked door, his hands growing bloody from the relentless pounding. Time and again, he called out for help, but his cries were drowned out by the din of the ongoing battle.

Just as Enzo was about to lose all hope, a small crack began to form in the metal door, a testament to his unwavering determination. Summoning every ounce of his strength, he continued to batter the barrier, his resolve fueled by the need to reunite with his parents.

Finally, with a resounding crack, the lock gave way, and Enzo tumbled out of the bunker, his eyes wide with a mixture of relief and trepidation. The scene that greeted him was one of pure horror – smoke billowed from burning buildings, bodies lay strewn across the ground, and the clash of weapons echoed through the air as the villagers fought to defend their homes.

Enzo's heart sank, his mind reeling as he tried to make sense of the chaos unfolding around him. He did not understand the reasons behind this attack, nor could he discern the outcome of the battle. But one thing was clear – he had to find his parents, to ensure their safety and well-being.

With a surge of adrenaline, Enzo set off, his eyes scanning the devastation, his ears straining to catch any familiar sound or voice that might lead him to his loved ones. Amidst the smoke and the carnage, he knew he had to remain strong, to push forward, and to reunite with the family he held so dear.

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