Chapter 30

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Nina pov

It's been months now and Y/n got closer and closer to the executives and somehow a bit attached to them what was really off.

She gets often red in embarrassment around them and takes more care of them, like treating their wounds after a mission or cook/backe food. Y/n gets more and more the attitude of a mother but also a child.

Another thing I wanted to mat mention is the ofc we took her Squish-Mallows!!

Y/n still is afraid of Sanzu because of that one time but a bit less than before because she understands that he wouldn't actually done that to her.

One day I went to Mikey's office to talk about Sanzu and Y/n with him, about how she needs to trust him more to it would be a problem for Bonten. So we came up with the idea of putting both in a mission. A mission where they need teamwork.

That mission is yesterday and currently Y/n was making herself ready for it. She and Sanzu had to pretend to be a couple going to a masket ball together to spy on one of the enemies.

Sanzu wasn't very happy about a ball, he's not the type of person to be elegant and nice. One whole night he was whining about not wanting to do such thing but after he found out he had to go with Y/n, he had shut up and was very excited.

On the other hand Y/n was really happy about it and really excited but the smile fated away after she saw the person she had to go with. She found out yesterday, just before they wanted to start the mission. She knew she couldn't step out of the mission because it was to late but I could see her scared face.

Ofc they weren't the only one of us going, Nino and me went too, just to be sure they wouldn't mess up anything or get caught by the enemies.

At the ball the leader of the enemies gang was looking at Y/n the whole time. He wasn't very old, more like in his mid twenties. A very young man... with a disgusting attitude.

He was trying to get Y/n's attention so bad, even if he knew she was with someone else. Ofc Y/n noticed that so she played along with him. She pretended to be really drunk and the enemie believe it. He came up to her when Sanzu went to the restroom and he eyed her up and down then asking her with a big grin "Would a pretty little girl like you want to come with me? We maybe could have some fun!"

Y/n used this opportunity to get information or end him right away so she continued to be drunk and followed him.

"I hope she doesn't get hurt!"  I repeaded over and over again.

After a few minutes Sanzu came back and the first thing he did was running up to us and asking for Y/n. After I told him about the situation he got mad but tried to hide it.

We waited and waited and it felt like hours but it was just half an hour, 30 minutes. She came right up to us and whispered "I got information of our enemies. This gang has two partner gang we didn't knew about but now I know everything an will tell y'all at the next meeting Mikey makes. And ofc one of the leaders is dead. Hihi!" Then she wiped off some blood that was on her cheeks.

Apparently The man somehow
Sedatives that made her body numb and her body got numb but she was still conscious. Because she couldn't move herself, Sanzu had to carry her back to the car. But we couldn't leave just yet because it would be to suspicious, so she had to be in his arms for another 30.  minutes and we left.

I could see her red face and nervous behavior. She also hit thirsty one or two times so Sanzu had to take care of that.

Mikey's and mine plan worked. But I'm sure the others get jealous!

On top of that, Y/n had a thin, short, skiny dres on what made it even better. They kinda looked cute together. Hehe.

We left and the way Sanzu placed her on the passengers seat!! It was just as romantic as my romance films. Too cute!! On the ride she fell asleep while blushing.

We got  back and he carried
Y/n upstairs and laid her on her bed to sleep for the meeting that was on the sext day so today evening. I'm curious to see the other faces after they find out about this.

★Bonten x Y/n★Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang