Chapter 4

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(Two days later)

Y/n pov

I woke up from a nightmare. I check my phone to see it's 5 in the morning. I was sweating and went to the bathroom to cool off with water.

Everyone was sleeping so I went downstairs to grab something to eat. In the fridge was nothing except alcohol and beer.

"Uhg... is there even something to eat?" I check the whole kitchen and only found a bag full of dorayaki.

"Hm.. I'm just gonna eat it..." I said to my self and went to my room.

After I eat I I remembered I had a mission. "Fuck! If they find out about my secret they definitely hand me to the police!"

" Am I dumb or something I can just escape! I mean what business do they have they don't want to share with others, I don't even know about their business so why do they think I could tell anyone!" I question myself while I packed my stuff and disappeared.

Sanzu pov

"Time to bring Mikey his dorayaki. But where is it?!" I search the whole kitchen but didn't find it. "Fuck, I'm gonna be dead were could it be?" I questioned myself and thought about that Y/n took it so I went to her room.

But before I arrived I heard a voice swear from her room. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" It sounded like Ran.

I opened the door to see him sitting on the bed holding his head frustrated.

"Hey what's going on and where is Y/n?!" I asked.

"I don't know! She's not here! She escaped! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" He said while pointing on the window.

I began to panic when I heard the door behind me open. " Hey what's going on here?" It was Koko behind him Kaku, Rindou and... Mikey...

After we told them she escaped they began to panic too, what if she tells to cops?! We need to find her.

But we still had our missions, Ran, Rin and me had to kill the boss off our enemy. Kaku already found out his location the only thing we need to do is to kill him.

So we made our self ready, got in the car and drove to a club. But something was off, it was very quiet not a single tone was heard.

We went inside but what we saw shocked us. Dead body's all around the ground, blood on the walls on the ground everywhere. Someone already was here and killed them.

It didn't look like someone shot them it looked like they used a Katana to kill them. We headed upstairs and some more bodies lying everywhere.

We looked in every room in the hallway to find the Boss off our enemies but there were only dead people, I open the last door of the hallway to see a man lying on the ground crying and begging.

It was dark so I couldn't see properly but then a black figure came out of the dark.

His face was covered by a mask and he had a long black coat on. In his hand was a Katana covered in blood.

" please please don't kill me I do everything you want" the man on the ground screamed and begged for his live.The black figure still didn't notice me.

"Shhhhhhh.... there is nothing you can give me!" Said the black figure in a deep but quiet voice.

After my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I saw that the man lying on the ground was our enemies boss.

The black figure stroke slowly with his katana on our enemy's neck, it began to bleed making him sob more.

After the figure noticed me, he cut off his head immediately with the katana and rush to the window and jumped out.

Wow, never saw someone using his katana that good!

Just then the others came and saw him lying on the ground. " Wow, Sanzu good job! We can go now" Ran said and Run agree.

" No, I didn't do that! It wasen't me" Came out of my mouth.

"Who was it then, I heard him scream and ur the only one here!" Both said in unison.

" It wasn't me someone was here before me I saw him killing him! Look my Katana doesn't have any blood on it!" I said while showing them my Katana.

"It was...." I mumbled.

"It was who?" Rin asked.

"It was a black figure that came out of nowhere whit a mask and along black coat! At first I didn't see him but then it came out of the shadow" I said still lookind in shock at the dead body.

"Did he had a symbol of a star on his coat?" Ran asked.

"Yeah.." I respond.

{It looked like this↑}

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{It looked like this↑}

"Maybe it was hidden face bether known as Black Shadow!" Ran said.

"Who's that?!" His brother asked him.

" Didn't you watch the news? He is a new criminal,  no one knows his face and name! So they call him black shadow cause he's always coming out of the shadow and surprise is victimes or hidden face cause yeah he keeps his face is secret." Ran response to his brother and added "We're not the only ones feared, the police are looking for him but he didn't leave a crumb of a clue!"

" well our job is done now! Let's go back." One of them said and we headed back to the mansion.

Mikey then called us to his office. "How was the mission?" He asked and we told him what had happend.

"I heard about him, he should be really strong and dangerous. Don't try to start a fight with him before we know anything about him, understood?!!!" Mikey said whit a deep cold voice.

Who was he? I remember hearing him when he talked to our enemy. His voice was deep but it sounded like a woman. Could he be a woman?


Hope u like it😁

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