Chapter 9

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Mikey pov

"But she is!" I got confused after hearing that.

"How do u know it was her?!!" I asked.

Before he could say anything I heard someone saying "It was me."

It was Izana... He's always with me sins I created Bonten... It's like his and my soul is in one body!

" Izana? What was u?" I asked him.

"Y/n! I kidnapped her and that ass Rina! Sins she was important to me I did not kill her! I love her just like u do! And it's true, she is still alive!" He said and vanished.

"She... She.... is alive!" I repeated loud the whole time.

"Were is she! How is she! How does she look like! What did she do all this years!" I asked Takemichi with out knowing that I shot him right now.

"No!! No!! No!! What did I do!! Fuck!" I whisper looking at my hands.

The whisper turned in to a scream "I will kill everyone if I'm alive! I'm dangerous! What if I meet her a-and kill her!?"

Whit out looking at him I went to the roof, waited a sec and jumped.. I heard my Brother Shin, Emma, Izana, Baji...

"Mikey" I heard coming from Sanzu and then someone grabbed my hand "I-i... woun't... l-let.. u-u.. die!" Takemichi said and added "Ur my friend.. and Y/n... she loves u... I know it! She'll never forgive u if u die!" I begin to cry "Pls! Hel--" I wanted to say but my hand slipped out of his.

But before I hit the ground I felt someone under me holding me. Some warm hands were touching me. A person place me on the ground and he was gone before I opened my eyes.

I looked up to Takemichi but he looked at me in shock.

"Mikey.. That... was... Bl-black Shadow!"

Oh so she was it. She has the same name as my lil Num Num. What if she is..

I ignored Takemichu and rushed to Sanzu, we hopped into the car and head it to the mansion.

"Kakucho! Were are u!" I called him.

"Ahh. Hi boss what is it?!"

"Do u remember Num Num?"

"U mean Y/n?"

"Yeah, Num Num."

"What about her?"

"She's alive!"


"Why didn't u tell me!!"

"I promised her to never tell anyone. Isn't she in the US?"

"She was but now she's back in Japan! I want u to find out were and who she is!"


I waited about 6 hours and when he was done I called the others.

It was dinner time and we ate during that time I commanded Kaku to tell us.

"U know.. The Y/n who is a singer and a criminal is Y/n or if u understand me better Num Num!"

"So she came back from the US?!" They said. I mean of course they knew that she was alive, they were in Tenjiku.

"I want her!" I said quietly.

"Hey I want her too!"

"Me too!"

"And me!"

"Don't forget about Rin and me!"


"What is her price?!"

I heard them say but then I heard Izana again for a sec "If u have her, then I have her too! I'm in ur body so that is no problem. And I think She's not mine or yours, she's Bonten's!" He vanished again.

Then I told the other "She is all ours!"

They didn't say anything but I could see that they were happy as shit cuz of their grin.

"So how are we gonna get her?"

"We will make her join Bonten and fall in love whit us!.." Ran jumped and said.

" I'm impressed by that idea!" I told Ran.

"But how are we gonna do that?"

" The fight between Toman and their enemy gang! That one gang is not only Toman's enemy, it's also Num Num's enemy and victem! So she'll definitely fight tomorrow!" I said and gave Kaku a sign to end my speech.

" Fight with her and ask her if she wants to join us!"

"What if she does not accept?"

"Then we'll threaten her that we tell everyone that the famous singer is the famous Black Shadow!"

"K. I'm gonna go sleep! Gn bitches!"

"Gn dumb ass!

"I'm going too, Gn!"

"Me too"

"And me!"

"Gn u mf's!"

I didn't say anything I just went to my room.

"Hahh. How she's doing right now?..." I told myself before falling asleep.

Y/n pov

I was at my apartment.

"Uhg! Tf does he think!"

"~~Yeah, yeah, Takemichi I forgive u!~~"

" If he think that he can go f his self!" I screamed all angry.

Should I show him tomorrow who I am? Maybe then he fear me and let me alone! I'm gonna take off my mask after I killed my victims, then he'll see! They will see!

I want to sleep and woke up the next day "Uhg! I'm still tired"

I hopped out of my bed, went to the bathroom, brush my teeth, went back to my room and made myself ready for the fight.

I took my Katana and jumped out of the window.

I left and saw Toman and the other gang standing in front of each other.

They then began to fight and I sneaked into the fight.

All of the sudden someone attacked me and I took my katana out as fast as I could and slashed his hand off.

Now I was the center of the attention! Everyone looked at me. I didn't wait, I just swing my katana back and forwards and killed many many of the victims.

All of the sudden I saw Barbie fighting too, tf is he doing here!?


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