Chappter 6

365 10 2

Y/n pov

"Go were? And do...?" I heard someone saying behind me.

I turned around and said " If u have ears then u know were I go and that I'm celebrating my friends birthday!"

"Who is that friend of ur's?!" Barbie asked.

"If u wanna kill him sry but he's already........ dead!" I said while tears came out and I sobbed.

"Is everything OK? U crying" Jellyfish asked.

"Ofc I don't bitsh, shut up and ur voice is making me sick. Mf!

"Hey! Watch ur mouth or.." I cut ran🏃 off " Or what?!"

"Or..., fuck, just come with us!" He answered. "Make me!" I was smiling.

Barbie then just grabbed my fist without saying anything trying to take me up but I pulled my hand back and screamed "Hey!"

"What?" Came out of him.

"What do you think ur doing?! And why should I come with u?!" I asked.

" U need to come with us because u may have some information about us!" He said.

"Go cry about it! I'm not coming u little pease of shit!" I rolled my eyes.

Barbie grabbed my arm a bit too hard and it hurt so badly so I gave him a hard kick with my foot on his face and he flew!


Poor thing, I think I broke his nose. Damn that definitely hurts wery bad! Shit, I don't want to be their enemy! But why don't I, I mean I'm definitely strong than them! Or am I wrong? Shut it Y/n I'm not scared of them!

"Hahaha!" Jellyfish laughed and added" That was a pretty good kick, Hahahaha!"

"Stop laughing u son of a bitsh!" Barbie warned him.

"If u touch me again I'll break ur balls! And I didn't know about ur job at first but now I do! Don't worry I won't tell the cops cuz I'm trying to stay away from them myself!"

"Why are u staying away from them?" A familiar voice asked behind me.

I turned around to see coconut and said "Damn it, u scared the living shit out of me!"

He laughed and asked again but a bit more serious " Why are you staying away from them?!"

"Nana u business!"

"I said why!" This time he screamed angrily and a bit scary.

" I said it's nana u business!" I screamed louder and looked him dead in the eyes. Hehe! I won, I was louder!

I took a feel steps back cuz I had a bad feeling when he took out a gun and pointed it at me before saying " Tell my why!"

" And I said.." I couldn't Finish before he pulled the trigger but I caught the bullet with my index & middle finger and they opened their eyes wide in shock.

" Next time don't use the gun! Okay?!" I said while trying not to laugh and drop the bullet.

I trained for situation like this and I'm wery good at using a gun but I prefer using the katana. That's because I'm obsessed with 'ANIME' & 'MANGA' and they often use a katana like Sasuke Uchiha or the Demon Slayers or Zoro.

" How did you do that!?" Barby asked still in shock.

"And that is........ another topic of....... Nana u business!" Hey I'm really good at pissing people off cuz they all look like their gonna explode.

" Now say sorry!" I command.

"For what?" They asked.

"For shooting at me!"

He really looked pissed so I run of while saying " Bye bye! See ya. NOOOT! Hahaha!"

Ran pov

" How can a hot, beautiful, cute girl be so crazy, strong and childish!" I said while dreaming.

"Don't ask us!" My little brother told me.

"Is she a virgin?" Sanzu asked.

Rin rolled his eyes and said"What a pervert!"

" I'm just asking!"

" Yeah but no one cares"

" And why am I the Pervert? I know what you did yesterday night in the bathroom!"

"Shut up! If you mention it again I'll kill u!"

" Are you guys kidding me you are arguing here and just let her go?!" Koko said angrily.

"Shit!" My brother me and Sanzu said at the same time.

" I can't believe because of u she escaped!" Sanzu argued with me!

" Me?!?! It's because of u, u little piece of shit!" I argued back.

We started fighting, my brother and Koko had to get between us, to stop us.

Sanzu manage to escape from Koko and took out his katana. "Fuck I'm gonna kill u, u little...!" He said but got cut off by someone appearing behind him.

" What did I say about fighting each other!?" He said.

"Sry boss." I said but Sanzu got on his knees and said "I'm sry boss, it won't happen again Mikey!"

"Stand up!" Mikey said looking at him and like always having a cold facial expression.

"Did u get her?" He asked.

Shit! He's gonna kill us!

"No sry, she kicked Sanzu down and as we were trying to help him she ran off." My brother came up whit an excuse.

"Oh really!?"

"Yeah" Sanzu and me said.

"Then go find her!"

"Yes boss" We said.

" U have a week time!"

"Yes boss" We said again.

Koko then started to speak " She said, she is staying away from the cops that got my attention cuz that means she did something.

Then Sanzu was looking down and began to speak very quite for his self but so that I could hear it."What if.. no she can't be.....or..... no she's not.. but..." He then stopped talking and we went back to our mansion.

Sanzu immediately went to his room and I followed him.

"Dude what's wrong and what did u mean by (What if she..... is she?)?" I asked and he respond saying " That night in the club when I saw BLACK SHADOW. I heard his voice. It was the voice of an woman. No! Angel but it was wery deep. He or she looked at me and jumped out of the winow. She was strong!"

Happy Birthday to

★Bonten x Y/n★حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن