Chapter 18

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Next day

Y/n pov

"Hey wake up!" Someone said.

"5 more min mom!" I yawned.

I slowly opened my eyes swing some dude abow me.

"The hell are u!" I screamed.

"Shush! They'll hear us." He put his hand om n my mouth.

"Who the hell are u?!"

"Oh sorry, let me introduce myself." He said getting of off me.

"I'm Akio a Yakuza. My father and Bonten are having some business stuff to do together and I thought I could come too. Tell me did they kidnap u or are u working as a slut? Cuz u look fucking hot."

"Tf no I'm working with them and who the hell told u u can just come into my room?!"

"So u are single?" Damn his grin is scaring me.

"Yeah, why?"

"How old are u?"

"Is this some of ur buisnes?"

"Just answer me!"

"25 and?"

"Aren't u a bit too short for 25? U look like 20 but OK I'm 26."


"Me, I am 26."

"No! Who asked!?"

"U're making me horrny u know?"

"Get the fuck out of my room bit$h!"

I argued with him but he saw it as a game when suddenly someone came in.

"Y/n are u OK!" It was Kakuki-chan the rushed to me and then turned to him "What tf are u doing here? U wanted to go to the restroom!"

"Oh sorry, I just lost my attention by this sleeping beauty." He was talking to Kakuki-chan but grinned at me.

"And who gives u permission to just walk in a room? That's it!" He grabbed him out of my room and 2min later I heard Dorajaki scream " I'm quitting the cooperation get out of here, before I kill u!"

BTW I have many nicknames for Mikey!

Akio pov

That Kakucho guy dragged me out and we went back to the rest of Bonten my father and two others of the Yakuza.

He went to their leader and spoke into his ear and he went crazy " I'm quitting the cooperation get out of here, before I kill u!"

He and a pinky try to kill us but the others stopped them and kicked us out. We drowe back to our mansion and my father asked what happened in a serious way.

"Well there was that cute girl and I went to her room after pissing." I said and my dick got hard and my panths wet.

"Looks like u want her do u?" He said looking at my panths.

"Maby, well she's single!"

"Then go kidnap her! Ur one of the Yakuza it's gonna be easy for u!"

"Yes sir!" Damn, sins when is my father kind to me? He's aktualy strictly, and the fact that they broke the cooperation because of me...

(4 days later)

Mikey pov

I was sitting in my room on my bed when i heard Izana, he is now appearing very often.

"Are you also impatient?" He asked.

"What for?"


"What about her?"

" Don't play dumb! I know you want to do it to, u want to fell her, be inside her, fuck her, take away her virginity. We bothes are Virgin too, I wanna know how it is to fuck, don't u?"


"I c-c.."

"U what?"

"I can't force her!"

"How about a drunk or drugg€d Y/n? Go get some sex drug$ from Sanzu and put it in her food."

"O-o-o.. Ok." He when is the stood up to go to Sanzu.

He was in his room making his self ready for a mission.


"Yes boss?"

"Do u have some....... some condoms and s-sex drug$?"

"Yeah, take them. They are in the drawer of my bedside table." No curiosity?

I took them and was about to leave the room when he asked "Wait for what aktualy?"

"Non of ur buisnes!"

"OK, well I'm going now." He said and left.

Now it was only me and Num Num. The others were eighter at the club or having a mission.

I went to the kitchen and took some dorajaki and milk and put in bothes some of the d#ug then I went to her room.




"Yes?" Came out of the room.

"It's me Mikey!"

"Come in! Door is open."

I opened the door and saw her busy on the phone.

"Are u OK? Is ur period gone? Does it hurt?"

"Im fine! My period is gone sins yesterday."

"Ahhh... Good... Here breakfast."

"Oh thank u!"

I gave it to her and she began eating.

"U want some too!"

"N-no I'm fine they're for u!"

"Oh come one, take one!" She gave me one and I had to eat it cuz it'd be suspicious if I didn't.


I hope u like the story!
I'll go to hell after next chaper!😭🦟

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