Chapter 21

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Third person pov

"Hahahahah! Did u see that did u see that?!" Y/n crying and laughing at the same time while Sanzu and Rindou were shaking.

"Why are u crying?" Kaku asked her but instead of her answering Nina did "She's crying cuz she's laughing to hard that causes her to have stomach pain."


"How can't u be scared Y/n?" Takemio looked at her.

"Do-n't t-tell m-m-me u gu-guys are scared.!" Y/n stuttered breathing heavily.

"U fuing~ kill people and ur.. Haaaa huuu.. scared of a horror movie? What a shame!" She then said.

After the movie finished everyone noticed Y/n already fell asleep with her spoon in her mouth.

"Cute" Mikey whispered.

"Hmm? Did u say anything?" Koko asked him but before he could answer they heard someone talk. I was Y/n talking in her dream.

"Oh I'm g-------------KILL youou! .................
Danzo......... Aaaaaaaaa............................... Yay .... he's dead....... I did it..... I meaaaaan we ----------------did..... it.... Sasuke......... actually u did it but....... without  me................ u wouldn't manage to .......kiiill hiemn."

"What the fuck?" Sanzu looked at her weirdly.

" Don't interrupt while she's sleeping! It's weird but let her. Y/n is having her anime dreams, kinda funny to watch her talk while she's sleeping." Nino told him.

Then Koko spoke "How many anime's did she watch already?"

"Wait.. 1..2.3.4......5.6.7...8.9.....10....11...1-"
He tried to answer when Nina interrupted him while putting a blanket over Y/n "39 and she has a checklist of anime's she's gonna watch."

"That's a lot!"

"I know!.... Hey how about I tell u a secret about her??!" Nino asked while yawning and puting his hands over bis mouth.

"Spit it out!" Everyone said.

"OK. So for the next time u maybe buy her a present.. U could buy something that's about Hello Kitty. She loves Hello Kitty especially Melody but doesn't want to admit it.!"

"WOW! U're lying, I can't believe Y/n is in to cute stuff like that, she's more like a psycho! I mean how isn't she scared of anything and she's fucking crazy!" Sanzu said kinda pissed, his brother took his pills away cuz he took too many.

Ran rolled his eyes at what Sanzu said
" Don't forget that she's childish maybe that's the reason!.?"

Then it was his brothers turn to speak "I thought u were ~~in loveeee~~ with her so why are u such a bitch when we're talking about her?"

The way he spoke made Sanzu more pissed so he said " Why would I be in lo-love with someone crazy like her?"

"Oh come one! I saw how u talked about her in ur dream, u were like '~~Ahh~~ 
~~Y/n ~~ Ur so cute, so fuching damn cute~~ Give daddy more'. Was kind funny"

"U stalk me again and I'll kill u!"

"See ur admitting it yourself!"

"Shut the fuck up or u want me to shoot ur fucking balls!" He was getting more and more pissed but Ran teased  him more and more while sitting down next to ur head and stroking ur hair"Oh.. So u wanna see my balls, be gay I don't care but pleas not with me, scarface! Haha!"

Everyone giggled or laughed so Sanzu went to his room and slammed the door shut hard and loudly what made u wake up.

"Oh.. Hi Nezuko,... how are u Gojo? Huh wait were is Gojo and Nezuko?!" U said slowly opening ur eyes.

After a long time Mikey threw something  out of his mouth in a cold tone like always "Fucking see what du did, she was sleeping so peacefully and u guys woke her up"

"Woke who up!?" Y/n asked



"Were is Sanzu?"

"Oh he had a breakdown cuz I took him apart."

"Ohh maa gaashh, was it that bad that he cried. If yes than I tell u 'that's not a good thing to do. Um the only one allowed."
Y/n tried to get up but had to use her hands cuz she still couldn't walk.

Y/n was in front of Sanzus door.

Knock!! Knock!! Knock!!

"Who's there? And just come in!"

"OK" U said yawning.




"Hmm hm (OK)!"

"....  I have a question."

"What is it."

"Are my scars ugly?...."

"Are u kidding me? They're more than beautiful, they make u look hot! And ur stupid lashes and eye colour! Dann that blue-green and these lashes! Ufff.. What I just would do if I had them?!"


"NP. But sins when can u say Thanks-" U said giggling cute but but it'll get crepy. U tryed to say more but then all of the suddenly he hugged you really tight and thought in his head "I love u Y/n!"


Sanzu loves Y/n really much just like the others, too but can't admit it!..

Bye see u in the next chap.

★Bonten x Y/n★Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang