Chapter 2

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Y/n pov:

He looked at me shocked.
"You pervert, touch me again and I force you to watch Peppa Pig, (ur real family) for 24 hours!" I screamed while giggling.

"How did yo-" he tried to ask but I cut him off saying "I always have an antidote, Sazun... Samzu... no...
What do you want me to call you, bamboo, Barbie, cotton candy or S-s... Sanzu PIG?

The others began to laugh " Haha, I think you should call him Barbie!" The male whit long purple/black hair said.
" Well at least my name isn't jellyfish!" Barbie said angrily.

" Yeah. What's ur name?!" I asked the other purple hair male and white hair male.

"Im Kokonoi but u can call ma Koko" "Im ran" They said." Nice to meet you Coconut and ran" I respond.

" Looks like I'm the only one who doesn't have a crazy nickname" ran laughed. I raised my eyebrow "U sure?... Iiiiii.. ran.... away" I burst out laughing again just like the others.

"Uhhh....(-_-)... Bye..." I said and run out of the building, going to my apartment, taking a bad and go sleep.

(Next morning)

I opened my eyes facing a spider in front of my face. It took me 1min to realize it and jump out of my bed to get a cup and kick it's ass out.

I went to the kitchen to get the cup and when I return it was gone so I packed my stuff, ran out and decided to stay in a hotel for a couple of nights.

I'm not scared of insects except spiders cause I once landed in a hospital because of them.

When I arrived I booked a penthouse
(yes I am rich) and brought my things there. It got a bit boring so I decided to go shopping.

It was already 8:00pm and I got back to the penthouse. I was tired and exhausted from shopping so I took a hot bath and went to sleep.

Mikey pov

We finished our mission and it was already 2am. So we decided to book a penthouse with 6  bedrooms.

I went to my room and immediately went to sleep.The room was dark so I couldn't see very well.

I lay down and felt something warm, it made me feel good and it's smell was good.  I thought it was a pillow or something so I just close my eyes and slept.

Something was weird, I actually can't sleep well but this night... I just slept to good.

Y/n pov

I woke up and looked at the time, it was 8 in the morning. I got up and went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. I opened the door to walk out of the bathroom when I saw someone in front of me.

"AaaaaaaaaaaAaa, a ghost!! A ghost!! A ghost is haunting me" I screamed. I jumped on the bed took a pillow and threw it at him while i said "Who are you?!!"

"I should be the one asking, who are you?!"
"Wait aren't you one of the guys from the club?" I asked and the door sprang open. "Boss.. are you OK?!" Someone screamed.

I looked at him and remembered, it was Barbie! I took more pillows and threw it at both of them then the others came and I threw more pillows.

Then something hit me and it went black. I woke up on my bed. "Puhhh!!! It was just a dream!" I told myself.

I stand up, dressed myself and went to the kitchen, made myself some tea, drank it and went outside. But instead of using the door, I used the window and jump out of it. I mean it's more fun.

Sanzu pov

I herd a loud Scream coming out of Mikey's room. I rushed to see what's happening and saw a familiar girl. "Boss.. are you OK?!" I asked and she through pillows at us.

I hit her unconscious and she fell on the ground. Ran picked her up and laid her on the bed while saying "Whaaa... didn't know we were so lucky seeing her again!.."

After that we went to the living room while we discussed what we do with her.

Half an hour later the door of Mikey's room opened and she came out rubbing her eyes while going to the kitchen. She made herself some tea.

After that she put on her shoes and jumped out of the window screaming "UWaaaaaaaaaaaa!!" We rushed to the window and saw her walking on the sidewalk. Was she crazy or something??! 

We put cameras all over the house and went to a club. 2 hours later I check my phone to see if she was back at the penthouse.

She was in the kitchen cooking or backing whatever. I showed it the others and we went back to the penthouse.

We walked in and the house was filled with delicious aroma, it smelled like tayaki. We went to the living room seeing her sitting on the couch watching TV and eating.. Tayakis...

Mikey just looked at her and the Tayaki.
When she saw us she jumped up and again she through pillows at us.

After we calm her down we sat on the couch talking to her.


I was just eating my homemade tayakis when I turned my head to the side and saw them again, I thought it was just a dream, but now I see it isn't. I jumped out of my seat throwing pillows at them.

After I calm down they sat on the couch looking at me one of them began to talk "Who are you and what are you doing here!" Jellyfish said.

"NO! who are you and what are YOU doing here!?" I asked seeing the short white hair male looking at my taiyaki.

"You guys want some?" "Sure, thanks" they said and took one. Now I regret asking I have only one left.  (ಥ‿ಥ)

"Waaaah! They are so good" ran said.      "I agree" Barbie and Jellyfish said.
"She can already be my wife!" Coconut said. "Now who are you and what are you doing in our penthouse?!" A black hair male with a scar on his face asked.

" I should ask you cause I was here first!"
"How do we know you were here first?" He asked.

" Yesterday when I went to bed there was something in my bed like a pillow no like a body." The short white hair male said.   " So I was in bed with you?!!!" I screamed in embarrassment hiding my face cause I think it got red.

"You're looking cute when you're blushing.".........


I get inspired by other stories, so if you've read this before, don't bully me!!😭Bye😗

★Bonten x Y/n★Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz