"Did I say something wrong? Was my Spanish not good?" I worriedly asked my friends when Ona still hadn't said anything or even moved.

"Ona, voice." Aitana elbowed the younger girl. With a grunt, the girl turned around and glared at her friend but all Aitana did was sheepishly smile at her. Then Ona turned back to face me with still that shocked look on her face.

"Sorry about that. Yeah I'm Ona. It's so nice to finally meet you." The girl stuttered but introduced herself nonetheless.

"It's all good." I waved her off with a smile.

"Ooh, I see you've finally met your biggest fan. Well besides Ale of course." Patri laughed and threw her arm around my shoulder. Mapi and Leila were the last ones to join us. All three women were wearing a smirk on their faces.

The others bursted out laughing, all except for me and Ona. Me, because I was confused about who they were talking about and Ona's cheeks just turned a deep shade of red out of embarrassment.

"Who's my biggest fan?" I looked at the girl confused. This made Patri laugh even harder. "You're so oblivious sometimes." Patri chuckled at me.

"Ona is your biggest fan." Aitana said between laughter, causing the youngest member of the group to groan out in embarrassment.

"You are?" I turned to the young girl surprised.

"Why are you so surprised?" Ale chuckled at my initial shock that the young girl was a fan.

"I don't know. She's a good player, why would she be a fan of mine?" I shrugged my shoulders, causing Alexia to roll her eyes and Ona to blush at my comment.

"So smart, yet so stupid." Leila deadpanned.

I wiggled out of Patri's hold and ran up to the defender to flick her ear. Leila held her ear in her hand while the others laughed at our chaotic antics, including Ona.

"Hey, why don't you join us after the game? We're going to grab dinner and some drinks." I politely invited the girl along. My friends spoke highly of her and she genuinely seemed like a nice person, so why not invite her along.

"Uhm," Ona started, unsure of what to say but Aitana and the others soon interrupted her, liking my idea, so technically the girl had no choice.

I smirked at the brunette and gave her a small wink. "Alright. It's settled then. You can go home with us to get ready." I squeezed her shoulder and smiled, causing the girl to blush which obviously made the teasing worse.

Luckily for the young brunette, Lluís called all of us back inside, effectively making an end to the teasing. "It was nice meeting you. See you out there." I gave her shoulder one last squeeze and smirked at her while I walked past her.

"Yeah, see you." Ona said, still flustered from the meeting.

As I was walking back inside, Alexia ran up right beside me. "Cute." She smiled, while walking beside me.

"Huh?" I looked at my girlfriend, not sure what she meant by the compliment.

"It's cute when you're surprised about someone being a fan." She hummed softly, making me blush a bit.

"So how much did you enjoy flustering her?" Her soft smile turned into a smirk. I laughed and gently pushed her shoulder, shaking my head.

Against all expectations the game was easier then we all thought it would be. From the first few minutes we took control of the game and created a lot of chances, but nothing ended up in the net behind the goalie and there was one girl to blame for that, the one that I invited into my home later tonight. Ona Batlle.

The Rising Star - Alexia Putellas Where stories live. Discover now