Chapter 20: The Beauty of San Juan Island

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25th May 2018

it has now been a month after my coachella set, and if i'm being honest i've just been chilling! i've been resting, and spending time with my daughter.

right now, amira and i are on holiday.
we didn't go too far, we're only in the San Juan Isalnds of Washington.
a favourite place of mine.
it's that much of a favourite that i bought a house here back in 2012.
the house is on Orcas Road, with the most perfect view of the cove leading into the ocean.

this is where killer whale's hang out regularly throughout the year.
so when i saw this house available back in 2012 i snapped it up straight away.

i use this house as a get away, to come to peace with myself and nature.

it's the most amazing moments when the killer whales will arrive here and announce their presence with clicks and calls.
it's beautiful.

and there it is.
i hear a loud call coming from my laptop which instantly makes me smile instantly.
i look at the sound waves and they're still, then they move again with the sound of the pod.

"amira" i say making her look away from her ipad.
"would you like to go see some whales??" i asked her and she gasped
"yes!!!" she cheered getting up and running towards me.
i scooped her up and we went outside.

you couldn't see them yet, which meant they haven't rose from underwater yet.

we walked down the steps and along the path, and went down the stairs that was on the hill and moved closer to the floor.
we walked along the small beach and stepped up onto the walkway towards the water.
i sat down on the edge of the walkway and just looked out into the water

"where are they mommy??" she asked me "did you grab the flute?" i asked her and she passed me it.
"let's see where they are" i say as she sits next to me comfortably.

i played a gentle sound on the flute and continued to play until they showed themselves.
then, a couple of the orca spy hopped together, they'll of been looking for where the sound came from.

suddenly, a younger whale come up beside us and blew out of its blow hole making amira laugh.

this is how i always wanted amira to witness these gracious creatures. in the wild.
i have never taken her to a captive setting to look at them. because... they aren't happy there. they're depressed and it's no life for them to live.

i strive to one day get these killer whales out of captivity and make sure they can live a soulful life, like these J pop killer whales can that visit these islands throughout the year.

that is why i am setting up a animal charity.

it's something i've always wanted to do. and ever since i bought this home out here, it's something that i've wanted to do even more.

it takes a lot of setting up to create a charity.
but i'm on my way there.

closely working with conservationists from all different fields and specialities.

i already have my name for the charity. it's called the "Salana Ayun Iasis Foundation", 'salana ayun iasis' is a saying from one of my favourite films ever, free willy, and it's what randolf and jesse say when willy is about to jump over the large rocks into the ocean and be free.

no one really knows what it means, but it's said it means to be free and live long. and that's what all of these animals should be like... free. they should be able to be free and live long in their natural homes.
that's why i named the charity after that line.
so far we're working with the Keiko Foundation, Free Willy Keiko Foundation INC, the whale sanctuary project, and born free.
and once my charity is up and running, i hope to partner with more charities worldwide.

"mommy they're so beautiful." amira gasped and i smiled "they are aren't they!" i agree with her nodding.

"i thought you'd be out here." i hear a voice.
i turn and see zayn.
yes, zayn came on the mini get away with amira and i.
"i woke up and heard the calls they were making back to the flute." he added making me smile as he came and sat behind amira wrapping his arms around her so she didn't fall in.

"it's a beautiful relationship you've built with these whales, royalty." he smiled.
he always admired the relationship i built with them.

it started with me just sitting here playing the flute, i had no idea they were even in the area. i was just playing away and then one of them came out the water slowly, and was beside me, watching me, as she called back.
she was the matriarch of the group.
a beautiful beautiful soul. you looked into her eyes and all you could see was history. what she had endured in her life, watching members of her pod being stolen for captivity. you could see how incredibly beautiful she was. how trusting she was of me, but yet weary.
she has passed away now, she passed in 2016 and was thought to be 106 years old making her known Southern Resident whale.

there is a new matriarch in this pod, she's so young, around 18 years old.

over these years, by playing the same tune on the flute whenever i am here, it built a relationship up. they know me and trust me.

"have you come any further with the charity?" zayn asks while the whales just casually swim around in front of us.

"yeah, it's progressing really well." i say honestly

"when are you announcing it to the world??" he wondered and i shrugged slightly "i'm not sure yet. i think it's ready to be announced, it's just thinking about when to announce it." i shrug my shoulder

"i'm sure it'll come to you, it always does." he smiled making me smile "yeah i hope so."

"have you thought about your birthday?" he questioned me "on your 25th birthday you could announce the charity." he smiled at me

"that's actually a pretty good idea." i smile

"so the 29th august, yours and your dad's birthday, you could announce your charity." zayn said as he looked down at amira making eye contact with one of the young whales who were spy hopping.

"it's so pretty!"

"they are aren't they." zayn agreed with her.

"how is everyone reacting to Entertainer?" i asked zayn
"the song or the video?" he asked, as i turned to look at him he was grinning at me
"both." i laughed shaking my head

"the fans are hyped, they love how you're in the Let Me music video and Entertainer video, both songs are about you. they're buzzing with it." he grinned happily "it's receiving good comments so far... minus the negative comments of course." he shrugged

"why what they saying?" i asked him

"just wondering why i have you in my videos even though we're not together, so now they're wondering if we are back together." he told me honestly

"what you thinking?? you gonna put out a statement clarifying we're both single? or you leaving it."

"i'm leaving it... better PR isn't it when they think we might be back together. get more sales and views." he grinned making me laugh

"i thought you didn't care about the sales and views?" i question him, and he stopped laughing "no i don't. i really don't. i just wanted you in my video simply because this album is about you. my love and heartbreak letter to you." he shrugged slightly

"we have a damn daughter, i think people just need to realise we will forever be connected to each other, because of our daughter that we created together." he said as he stroked amira's head while she giggled at the young whale who was breaching next to us.

he was putting on a show, he was playing with her. and she loved it nonetheless.

life is beautiful! this is the beauty of San Juan Island.

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