Chapter 12: Awake

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16th April 2018

it felt like i had weight on my eyelids that was forcing them shut. it was hard trying to open them, but when i finally did it was like i ripped a plaster off of a sore wound.

the bright white lights blinded me. it didn't feel like i was in a room, it felt like i was in heaven.

i looked around and my eyes laid onto a sleeping chris in a chair next to my bed.
a hospital bed. a hospital chair.
i was in hospital??!!!

i slowly breathed in an out to make sure i didn't panic.

what the HELL was i doing here.

i looked to the white board in my room and it said the date, and times of the day when they checked up on me and how my vitals were etc.

it was now the 16th April. 2 days after my coachella show.


and that's when it came back to me.
we celebrated after my coachella performance throughout the night into early hours of the 15th of April. and a fight broke out between chris and zayn.
and i was knocked out unconscious.
but for a whole day??? wow it must of been some hit!!!

chris fidgeted in his chair and turned his head towards me and slowly opened his eyes.
when our eyes connected, he jumped up with a gasp.
"Ro, is everything okay? are you in pain?"

"i don't think so, i haven't tried to move yet." i shook my head
"i'll be back." he squeezed my hand with a smile "just let me get the nurse." he walked out of the room and i sighed softly.

i bet this is all over the news. great!!

chris returned with a nurse soon after.

"hey, miss jackson, i'm Rebecca. is everything okay? how you feeling?" she came over and opened my eyes wider and gently shone her light near it to get a good look at my pupils

"please, call me royalty... miss jackson feels so outdated, reminds me of the song." i said making chris cackle as he sat next to me on the bed

the nurse chuckled at me too "i'm sorry, royalty," she apologised gently "how you feeling?" she asked again
"yeah i feel fine." i say

"you took a hit to the face, royalty. your lip is a swollen, it's gone down from yesterday but still swollen. and it's a little bruised." she commented and i nodded

"if you need anything, just give me a shout." she smiled at me

"thank you rebecca." i nodded at her and she left the room.

"who hit me?" i asked softly, looking at chris.

"me." he looked down in shame "i'm so fucking sorry." he shook his head "i feel so so bad, i never ever ever want to lay hands on you, and i know it was a mistake, you got in my way but fucking hell..." he breathe out "when i saw you fall to the floor it felt like my life had ended." he reached up and stroked my lip gently "i'm so sorry, Ro" he whispered "the nurses say it's probably covetable with makeup, which is a plus" he said making me giggle softly.

"it's not funny, though, Ro" he shook his head

"i'm okay. everything is okay." i shrug gently

"i knocked you out! that's not okay." he shook his head at me, scolding me slightly.
"it's zayns fucking fault." he removed his hand from my face "he didn't need to get all up in my face like that. he's lucky i didn't fucking kill him. i went easy on him because he means a lot to you, and he's amira's dad." he said to me and i nodded

"he shouldn't of been like that with you. but you also shouldn't of told him you fucked me in the suite next to his. that's what really set him off."

"he shouldn't of come over and messed with me. i was being gentle at first trying to protect his fragile ego when it comes down to you and other men." chris said "i like the dude, he was my homeboy. but ain't shit now he sucker punched me like that."

"zayn doesn't have a fragile ego." i laughed making a face "and yes, he shouldn't of done that. i will be talking to him when i get out of here. i just wanna rest up before my next coachella performance." i say as chris gets comfy next to me on my bed.

"yeah." he nodded softly

"does the world know?" i asked him

"about what?" he replied looking at me

"the fight between you two. you hitting me. me being here?" i asked him

"no. no. and yes." he replied like a child making me chuckle
"so they all know i'm in hospital but don't know why or what for?"

"no. your family wrote a statement. just said you was in a altercation and resulted in your being concussed and in hospital. and they'll update the fans if anything changes." he said then reached for his phone in his pocket.
"which means i needa go ring your mum." he said getting up "i'll he 2 minutes." he said leaving the room and calling my mum.
i sighed in bed.

i can't wait to see amira, i just wanna cuddle her! i hate being away from her, but this is even worse because i haven't been able to see her. facetime her.

just like chris said, he was back in 2 minutes.

"i'm sorry, Ro" he sighed sitting next to me again.
"i've ruined a pretty face." he caressed my face

"i ain't even seen what i look like, show me." i nod to his phone.
he brings his camera up and turns it into the selfie option then he positions his phone in front of me.

my lip was swollen and bruised.

i sighed and looked away.

"i'm sorry." he apologised again

"just because you've apologised like 5 times since i've woken up doesn't mean it's any better." i almost at snap at him.
"i know. i know. i just don't know what else to say to make it better." he frowned

"nothing." i shook my head

"just come here and give me one of those breezy hugs." i grin at him and he smiled back warmly and wrapped me in his warm embrace.
i rested my head on his chest and closed my eyes.

"also, just thought i'd show you this." he said going to his instagram and his following list and he tapped on me.
i was the only person on instagram that chris was following.

"you posted some photos after coachella, do you remember?" he asked showing me my instagram feed
"yeah i remember." i nod softly then he tapped on a photo collage of us.
"you captioned it 'and we're light skinned black'" he grinned at me "it's got 11 million likes and it keeps going up" he grinned at me "apparently it's one of the most liked posts of the year so far."

"really??" i asked smiling "yeah. insane isn't it? they love us." he laughed as i looked at what he commented on the post of him and i: 'insane show. insane performer. insane woman. one of the greats!! fuckin' love you Ro!!!❤️'

"what about the photos of bey and i?" i asked him and he went onto it

"12 million." he said "i think this is THE most liked post so far"

i looked at the post on chris' phone.
'Queen B and I, Coachella weekend ONE!!!'

then i saw chris' comment under that post: 'the greats on stage together!!!👑👑'

"what about jay and i??" i asked and he went to the post i put on of jay and i.
"10 million." he said
i captioned the post 'me and HOV we Roc-A-Fellas💎'

the post i put up for ariana grande was caption 'young ariana run pop!👑' and that post was at nearly 10 million likes.

the post i put up of justin and i was captioned 'modern day bonnie and clyde what they named us!' which is a lyric from I'm The One that references what people call justin and i, because we are a TEAM. we've collaborated quite a few times and our songs have always been hits! so we're like, THEE collaboration couple.
i mean, that references was given to us but it didn't become popular until we put it in our sing then everyone started calling us that, the media and our fans. which is funny.
that post is also on 10 million likes.

so from my first weekend at coachella i've generated like 53 million likes overall. which is mental.

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