Chapter 7: Breakfast

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14th April 2018

i woke up in chris' arms.

i woke up in CHRIS BROWN'S ARMS.

i chuckled in my head as i sung "i woke up chris breezy"

then, my brain came to a halt.
chris and i had sex last night.

jesus christ.

i closed my eyes again and breathed out slowly.

i climbed out of his arms as gently and quietly as i could and escaped into the en suite bathroom and took the quickest shower of my life.
i got changed into a shirt and leggings and then brushed my teeth.

i made a conscious decision to go to beyoncé's hotel room. i needed to speak with her.

beyoncé although being one of my greatest collaborators in music, she is also  my best friend through and through. this woman knows every bit of my life, good and bad.

i knocked on her suite door clutching my phone in hand.
the door opened revealing jay.
"hey" he smiled at me "you good?" he said noticing the look on my face. i must of look distraught.
"is bey available?" i asked her

"yeah, she's just dressing the kids. come in." he let me in and closed the door behind us
"everything cool?" he asked me as he walked with me to go find bey
"yeah.." i nodded softly, not wanting to tell him about chris and i. because he wouldn't be the happiest about it.

"bey, you've got a visitor." jay said as we walked into the lounge
she turned and smiled instantly seeing me "hey rey." she smiled at me

"you want a a drink, rey?" jay asked me "water is cool, thanks jay." i smiled up at him as he left the room
"are you okay?" she asked me, looking into my eyes. it's like she knew something was wrong from the get go.

"i don't know whether i just made the best or worst decision of my life." i chuckled as i sat down on the couch opposite her as rumi and sir slowly walked towards me to come and great me.
in return of me hailing bey and jay as amira's godparents, they made me god parent to their twins. which is so amazing.

"what have you done?" she asked me as i gave the twins a big hug

"i slept with chris." i came straight out with it

her eyes widened instantly "BROWN?!" she almost yelled which made the twins jump, as jay walked back in

"yeah.." i cleared my throat "i want to change mine and bey's matching outfit for my performance today to brown." i said, i sounded stupid

"it's a bit late isn't it?" jay made a face as he handed me my water
"thanks" i smiled at him "and yeah," i carried on replying to jay "but i can always try and get it sorted before the next performance on the 20th." i shrugged, lying "i don't know it was just a idea" i say as jay's phone rings.

"i need to take this." he said gesturing to his phone and he left the room

"you had sex with chris brown?" she confirmed and i nodded

"wow." she blinked, obviously shocked at my revelation.
"and how do you feel?" she asked me. and i smiled softly "like a new woman."
after this reply she raised her brows at me.
"he was good?" she asked me

"good??" i questioned her "maybe the best i've had."

"as long as you both enjoyed yourselves." she shrugged one shoulder
"you ain't mad that i had sex with him?"

"why would i be? you're a grown woman." she smiled softly

"because of his... past?" i cleared my throat "his past with women."

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