Chapter 19: A Breezy & RayJ Lovestory

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22nd April 2018


"this next song.." i announces to the crowd and they're all still cheering after our Take You Down performance for each other.
"we wrote last night and finished it knowing that we wanted to debut it for you here, on this very stage." i point down to the stage that we stand on.
i look beside me to royalty and she's nodding to the crowd as she moves her head microphone so now that she can have a hand held microphone.

"we wanted to show our appreciation to each other, after all these years of being best friends, it's our friendship love song." i say and glance back at her and she's nodding with a smile on her face.

"royalty." i say and turn to her, and she slowly looks at me.
and i knew by the look in her eyes that she knew i was about to do something that wasn't rehearsed.
yesterday, i had been writing a speech, i'll probably forget half of it, but i wanted to fucking hype this woman up and know how loved and adored she is by me, and the world.

"i don't think i've ever failed in life to tell you how much i fucking appreciate you." i tell her and she turns fully to me
"you're my best friend, my coach, my everything rolled into one." i pat my chest

"and i thank my lucky fucking stars that we met, i think we were always destined to be best friends. we were always destined to be in each others lives." i say passionately and i saw tears in her eyes which made me instinctively move closer to her.

"thank you for always being there when i needed it, when i wanted to push you away because i didn't wanna hurt you, when i was being a dick. you stayed, through it all." i said as the tears came to my own eyes "i've done some fucking horrible shit in my life and you've been there through it all, and i believe i wouldn't be here without you." i shook my head and she pouted her lips at me

"i made a promise to your dad that i'd always be by your side, and sometimes i feel like a shitty friend, like i haven't been there for you like you have for me. and that shit is  changing today." i nod as i speak passionately "from this day forward i'll go to hell for you." i reach out and squeeze her hand "it's me and you against the world, RoRo." i say and that's when the tears fell from her eyes.

i reached up and wiped her tears away, i ain't ever wanna make this girl cry good or bad.

"thank you for loving me unconditionally" i pinched her cheeks making her laugh and slap my hand away "i hope you'll never regret sticking by me, coz i know i ain't ever gonna regret what we have." i shook my head "i'll always remember reading the first article about our friendship, it was headlines 'what is music royalty doing with the bad guys??' and that fucking stung." i said honestly as i spoke to her and the crowd "and i thought, yeah, why is she sticking around? but now i realised because you're fucking loyal as shit, and you ain't got a bad bone in that lil body of yours." i shook my head at her and she chuckled slightly

"i still see articles like that, the media love to tear me down, they love to pick at our friendship, but we strong as fuck and they can't chip away at us," i shook my head "ha!! i bet they're having a field day at the moment writing about our performance so far. 'chris brown and royalty jackson get steamy together on the coachella stage'" i mock the media headlines that are about to roll in "they be actin like we ain't ever got all up close and personal up on stage before." i rolled my eyes tutting "'are they sleeping together, are they doing this, are they doing that' and all tha shit. but they ain't ever know what we go through together." i tut at the media. "we this close because it's 13 years of friendship behind us." i nod at her and she nodded back

"i fucking love you.. we all fucking love you." a tear fell down my cheek as i spoke "thank you for never giving up on me, on us. i owe my fucking life to you." another tear falls down my cheek as well as hers

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