Chapter 3: Shes Queen B isn't she?

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13th April 2018

both zayn and chris were now here, they'd bumped into each other and had a chat.
zayn is a big fan of chris and he always has been, even before zayn became famous himself he was a massive fan of chris.
and chris got to know zayn when one direction started getting big, and through me, of course.
i was the one who got chris to collaborate with zayn in 2016 on chris's remix of Back To Sleep who also featured usher.
that was a huge deal for zayn because his biggest inspirations are usher and zayn, so to have one of your first collaborations being with your idols is insane.
i put forward zayn's name to chris when he was looking for 2 people to be on his remix and he loved zayn's work so he agreed to have him on.
when zayn found out, you best believe he was crying like a fan girl.

but from near enough the beginning chris has always thought zayn was cool.
after zayn left one direction chris was asked about him in a interview and how zayn said all he wanted was for chris to follow him on twitter, then the woman asked if chris would ever collab with him.
and chris was like "my homeboy". so chris has always known him and always liked him. that's simply because zayn's voice is edgy, and will 100000% fit chris' music.
zayn is pop and r&b, and chris is obviously a r&b icon. so, it worked out perfectly. and that song is probably one of my favourite songs of all time.

right now i am in my own dressing room, where chris is playing with amira on the floor which i find adorable. he has his own child, a daughter, who funnily enough is also called Royalty. he said he named her after me, which i felt honoured about.

zayn is with the stage crew and just watching everything being put together.
i think he misses the touring days, as much as he hated it. it's still a massive part of his career that he will miss slightly.
i caught him earlier staring at the stage in awe.

"she's beautiful." chris chuckles as he speaks to me, but watched amira play with his shoe lace on his trainers.
"thank you." i smiled softly

"you and zayn make beautiful babies." he complimented zayn and i which made me laugh. i thanked him again.
"can you believe she's three this year?" he asked me and i shook my head "no. absolutely not." i replied instantly "it's scary how quick time goes, isn't it?" i asked him, because he could relate as royalty was born in 2014.

"yeah." he nodded, agreeing with me.

"i wish my life could've been different" he said as he stroked amira's hair.

"why?" i furrowed my brows "what do you mean?" i added and he shook his head at me "nah it doesn't matter." he said, and before i could detest.
there was a knock at the door "come in!" i called out, but kept my eyes on chris who was watching my daughter play with his shoe lace. but he looked sad.

"hey, royalty." i heard beyoncé's voice "you all ready? i'm due on soon, just wanted to see you before i go on." she said as i turned to look at her
"yeah." i smiled at her "i'm all done." i beckon down to my stage outfit. i was wearing the same exact outfit as her, or i will be wearing the exact same outfit once she changes into it during the show.
i am going to be performing Mi Gente with her on stage as we are both on that song with Willy William and J Balvin. and she also said she wanted me to perform baby boy with her. i'll be dance more than anything, but i don't care. even if i stood there on stage staring at her i'd still be completely honoured over sharing the stage with her.

this is the matching outfits we will both be wearing

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this is the matching outfits we will both be wearing.

"you look beautiful" beyoncé complimented me making me smile softly "thank you bey." i thanked her politely.

"well, i'll see you in the crowd, but if i don't see you in the crowd i'll see you on stage. i'm excited for us to be together on stage." she admitted making me smile.
no matter how close i am to this woman, i still freak out internally. like she IS my idol.
"i can't wait either. one of the biggest honours of my life."

"the pleasure is all mine" she replied gratefully "i'll see you out there, i need to go." she said as amira stood up and wobbled her way over to bey.
beyoncé picked her up quickly and gave her a kiss on the cheek "see you later baby girl." she cooed and put her back down on the floor "bye bye bey" amira waved up at beyoncé making her smile hard.
"bye bye amira" beyoncé cooed back at my daughter, and i couldn't help but smile at the interaction

"good luck out there, even though you don't need it. you're gonna kill it!" i grin over at her
"i hope so. this is a big deal for me. for us. for black women." she looked into my soul

"you don't need to worry." chris spoke up "you're goated. ain't nobody in the industry right now seein' you on stage." he shook his head tutting at beyoncé almost.
i smiled and agreed "i agree with him." i shrug which made her laugh at us
"thank you guys.. i really need to go"

"bye!" chris and i cheered after her as she began to back up and walk away

"she's too down to earth for a star her height" chris shook his head, tutting at beyoncé "i think she knows how great she is, i really do. but sometimes she falls off and doubts herself." chris said to me and i agreed "yeah. i think she puts on a bit of a front sometimes, especially to the public. but i know she's still as nervous as she was 20 years ago." i say to him and he agreed

"well, shit, she really be the queen. so she ain't need to worry." chris shook his head then he looked at me quick
"you're the queen too, but i mean..." he cleared his throat "she's queen B isn't she?" he questioned me and i laughed loudly "i know what you're saying! i'm not offended. i know she's better than me."

"nahhh now you putting words in my mouth. i never said she's better." he shook his head and i rose my brows at him "you're both fucking goated!!! both of you are the queens."

i laughed shaking my head at him "thank you.. i guess. i feel honoured."

"you've definitely followed in mj's steps" he complimented me and that made my heart feel so warm. that's the biggest compliment i could ever get, i think.
i love when they compliment me as a artist on my own, but when they say they can see my father in me, when they say i am on his path of performance and dance it really warms my heart and makes me feel good.

"thank y-you." i cleared my throat as tears came to my eyes "that really means everything to me."

he looked at me and smiled faintly "i know it does. and i don't think you got enough people around you telling you that. telling you how great you are." he said honestly and i smiled sadly.
"like.. who's here for you tonight? one of the biggest gigs of your life, performing with BEYONCÉ at COACHELLA?? are any of your family coming to your own performance tomorrow? where you're gonna be the 2nd black woman to ever headline coachella??" he ranted and i sighed

"i think my auntie janet is coming. and mum is coming today, she's just a little late, she said traffic is bad round here but she said she'll definitely make it to see me on stage with bey, and that's all i care about" i said honestly with a shrug

"and the rest?" he rose a brow at me.

"i don't know, they haven't said." i shook my head

"exactly." he almost snapped "it's gonna be me, zayn, bey and jay, and your auntie janet." he looked into my eyes
"like, where are your uncles? your other aunties?" he questioned me "your SIBLINGS?"

i shrugged softly "i hope my siblings make it, tonight and tomorrow. if not. i know where i stand." i said honestly

"shit." he shook his head "you ain't ever need them." he looked me in the eye and i gave him a light shrug.
he shook his head again and looked down at my daughter and chuckled at her drawing lines over his tattoos on his arms.

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