Chapter 5: Stay With Us

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13th April 2018

"why don't you go get some rest?" zayn nodded at me as we sit in his hotel room besides mine.
"i want to be here while she falls to sleep" i said honestly watching as amira sits on zayns bed happily drinking her water.

i smiled over at her. we really did create the most beautiful girl.

"you nervous for tomorrow?" zayn nodded at me, distracting me from our daughter "yeah! it's the biggest gig of my career." i smiled softly

"you'll kill it." he smiled at me making me smile harder "i'm still gutted you won't join me on stage to perform a song."

"you know i would..." he trailed off looking around the hotel room "i'm just.. it's just... my-"

"your anxiety." i nodded, confirming what he wanted to say
"yes." he said lowly

"it's okay zayn. i totally understand." i smiled at him "i know it takes a lot for you to get on stage." i reached over the table next to the patio that we was sat at and stroked his arm
he hasn't performed since 2016, and he only performed a couple of times.
he hasn't toured since one direction. simply because of the anxiety and almost the ptsd of what happened on the road with the boys.

"thank you" he said softly to me making me smile "no really, thank you. you've always been so amazing with me."

"you're my biggest supporter and i can't thank you for being with me every step of my life and career."

"i'll always be here zayn." i said honestly "we are connected for life, you helped create my biggest achievement, our baby girl." i smiled softly and he smiled back
"i thank my lucky stars everyday that you gave me her, too." he replied and before i could speak amira interrupted us

"mummy." she called out making my heart melt "yeah baby??" i turned to look at her "you can really dance" she smiled her big smile at me
"can i??" i chuckled softly

"she can can't she" zayn nodded getting up off of the chair and walking to his bed and crawling on it to lay next to her
"you can't daddy!" she giggled looking into his eyes and he rolled his eyes at her "yeah you're funny" he sarcastically replied to his daughter making her laugh loudly at him. she finds him the funniest person on the planet.

"but- but daddy." she laughed "do me a dance!" she said to him and i started laughing at her while her head was rolling back with her infection laughter

"is she forreal?" zayn made a face looking at me, and started laughing himself.

i smiled over at them laughing together, he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer "stop being horrible to daddy." she said to her
"but you can't dance." she giggled back

"no. but i can sing!" he reasoned with her and she stayed single
"amira... i can sing... can't i???" he questioned her, wanting her to think of her answer carefully
"yes daddy. you can sing." she smiled up at her, fluttering her beautiful lashes at him. she gets her lashes from him, although i have nice eyelashes she definitely gets the thickness and fullness of her lashes from zayn. and i ain't complaining, he has a beautiful set of lashes.

"but not as good as my grandad." she shook her and he chuckled "your grandad michael?"
"yeah, he was so cool!" she grinned massively and my heart melted.
i always made sure she knew who her grandad michael was.

i got her a shirt with him on and every time she wears it she points down at the photo of him on it and says "grandad michael." and she can instantly recognise him on tv.
she can't quite understand why he looked different throughout the years, and it's hard to explain to a 2 year old girl.
so i just told her, simply, that he got sick and that's why he looked differently.

that was the only explanation i could give to a 2 year old girl.
but she can recognise him through all eras of his life, because no matter music video comes into the tv, from rock with you to you rock my world, i always point and say 'look, that's your grandad michael, that's my daddy'.

"yeah okay, i can't disagree with that one. your grandad michael was very talented" zayn agreed with his daughter

"did you know mummy's daddy??" she turned to look up at him, and she crossed her legs taking everything in
"no. no i didn't." he shook his head

"does that make you sad?" she asked him as she reached up and played with his stubble on his chin
"yeah." he nodded and my heart tingled

"why?" she asked him

"because i would of liked to have met him, i would of liked for him to see me look after your mummy, i'd of liked him to see me love her." he said and smiled softly "i would of thanked your grandad michael for creating your mummy because she's so special to me" he said honestly and i felt a pang of sadness in my heart

"aww daddy" she pouted up at him and he reached to stroke her cheek "and i really wish he'd of been able to meet you." he smiled gently "i didn't know your grandad michael, but from what your mummy and grandma have told me, he'd of absolutely loved you. you'd be his favourite girl in the world right now."

"his favourite? more favourite than mummy?" she said and i chuckled at her english
"you mean would he like you more than mummy?" zayn questioned her, she thought about it and nodded
he shrugged at her "ask mummy?" he nodded over at me

"mummy???" she turned to me and i wiped away a falling tear quickly
"yes baby?" i asked her
"would i be grandad michael's f-" she paused talking and looked at her dad for support
"would grandad michael love amira more than you?" zayn asked me for her and i chuckled

"yeah maybe, you'd be his favourite girl in the world, he'd spoil you rotten" i said getting up and sitting beside them on zayn bed.
"so if i would be his favourite why isn't he here now?"

"because he's-" i breathed out slowly "because he wasn't very well, so he had to go to heaven" i point up at the sky "he's resting now." i added and she nodded, taking it all in.
"but i know that he'd love you more than anything in this world." i said honestly, because i really did know that for sure!

"do you miss him?" she asked as i laid between her and zayn, and he automatically wrapped his arm around me and reached over amira and she laid down and cuddled up against me
"always." i said honestly, as the tears brimmed my eyes.
"aww mummy." she cuddled me "he loves you, doesn't he daddy?"

"yeah." zayn whispered softly and kissed the back of my shoulder sending tingles through my body
"let's go to sleep thinking of granddaddy michael" she said cheerfully and closed her eyes
"y-yeah" i breathed out with a smile and closed my eyes

40 minutes later she was fast asleep, i didn't know if zayn was behind me but his arm was still wrapped around me. i kissed amira's head and then i moved out of zayn's arms and crawled away "where you going?" zayn whispered trying not to wake up our girl

"to my room" i got off the bed and he sat up slowly
"stay with me, royalty." he begged quietly "stay with us." he breathed out

"this was the deal, zayn. we can't stay in the same room." i said softly

"i'm not going to try anything with our daughter in the bed with us, damn." he chuckled

"i said to chris he can play me a demo that he's been wanting to play me for a while" i lied, but told the truth about chris coming to see me

"alright." zayn replied in the dark

"night, zee" i say softly "night, ree" he replied and i smiled softly as i left his room.

"i been calling you" i hear a voice as i walk to my door, i jump at the sound of the voice.
i look up to see chris leant up against my door

WE (Warm Embrace) (Zayn Malik) (Chris Brown)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora