chapter 21 meet the maheswarans!

Start from the beginning

"Alright I think I look like a responsible guy now!", Greg said, putting on a green jumper and long, expensive looking dress pants. "you must look young and nice too, no bad hair!", blue joked, quickly kissing Greg's forehead making his hair quickly grow and return to its famous long style from his rock star days, blue never allowed Greg to bald, she wanted him as the Mr universe she met forever.

"But my diamond, how will you be able to fit in?", pearl nervously asked blue. "I've got an idea!", blue said, winking to pearl.she quickly started shape-shifting, her skin went from light blue to a pale, more human like skin tone, her hair turned brown and longer, and she grew fingernails and shrunk a small bit. "There...", she said, very out of breath. "My diamond, are you sure this will work, this type of shape-shifting is very draining you could really hurt youself", lapis worryingly asked blue. "Yeah....I'm a good passing as a human, I gotta change my clothes and name too..", she reassured lapis through heavy Breathing, no one was really sure it would work but it really seemed like the only option.

Now the day had finally come, the universe/diamond family would be meeting the maheswarans, and it already had a bad start. "We've been waiting nearly 20 minutes", Connie's mother complained, looking at her watch while her husband tapped on the table. "Hey Connie! Hey Mr and Mrs maheswaran!", Steven said, suddenly appearing from some trees with his 2 parents, blue had changed her clothes to a random suit she had found in the storage unit, (minus the tie and top hat Greg and pearl begged her not to wear). They silently and awkwardly walked to the table and sat opposite Connie's family, blue was already regretting shape-shifting this much, her body already started to feel weird and tired.

"I'm Greg universe", Greg awkwardly introduced himself, "and this is My wife..." he gestured to blue, not knowing what to call her, she's had so many fake human names he didn't know what one to pick. "Hi.....", blue quietly mumbled, mostly out of how uncomfortable her form made her but also because of how awkward she felt.

Thankfully the food made things a bit better, well only for blue, she quickly started to do her usual routine of binging on anything with potatoes, this time fries. "I hope this place had unlimited fries", Connie's father joked as he watched blue inhale ridiculous amounts of fries, "don't be rude", Connie's mother snapped back at him, lightly kicking him under the table. To try and fix the terrible atmosphere Greg kept trying to be funny, as blue consumed endless amounts of fries, Greg laughed and said "you can tell she's irish with all the potatoes she eats", this didn't fix anything, instead it just made blue stop eating and give him a stare of such anger he'd never seen before.

"I gotta have a phone call soon....and steven might need to come with if I go somewhere and he follows after, thats why....", blue nervously said, starting to sweat, Steven didn't know what she meant but immediately agreed and said that this call Is super important and involves their family back in Korea. "So what do you two do for a living", Connie's mother asked, also trying to make this less awkward. "I work at the local car wash and my darling...very normal wife here she..." Greg didn't know what to say about blue again, Steven couldn't take this so saw this as his time to finally save this situation, he jumped up on his chair and interrupted Greg, "MY MUM WORKS ON A POTATO FARMMMMM", he exclaimed, as blue sweated more and Connie cringed. "Yeah that's why she likes potatoes so much, right darling?", Greg gestured to blue, who looked awful and quickly replied "yes!", her voice cracking a bit as she held her form together.

"I gotta have a phone call now...steven come meet me behind that big hill in 2 minutes", blue studdered, running behind the rock pretending to be getting her phone from her pocket. In reality, blue went behind this rock because it was tall enough for her to return to her true form to sit and relax, as soon as she got behind it, she returned to her giant diamond form and sat down, breathing heavily and sweating. Steven counted down the time until he went to see his mother, ignoring all the excruciatingly awkward conversations his father and connie's parents attempted, as the time came he quickly raced after his mother with no words exchanged to see how she was doing.

As he made it to behind the rock he could see blue towering over him, "my form...I gotta calm down...I won't be able to hold such a form for much longer unless I do" she panted, sweat running down her face. "That's why I thought you where here mum, I'll stay with you until you return to normal", Steven said, holding his mother's ginormous finger, it was as big as him. "Yes....we will come out together until I can comfortably be in that human form again", she said, moving down so her eyes met Steven's.

The two of them returned not long after, they didn't speak much of the phone call which was great as blue didn't want to focus on lying right now, only on maintaining this form for as long as she could. "So how's the potato farm", Connie's father asked blue, "erm....ok.....", she mumbled, Connie couldn't take the cringe anymore and slammed her head on the table. "What did we say about heads on the table?", Connie's mother lectured her, Connie got out her seat and gestured to steven and blue, "miss universe and steven, come and help me find the bathroom", she said quickly, both knowing she actually wanted to speak with them agreed and followed after her.

"So do you think we are leaving a good impression", Steven asked Connie, as they hid away inside from the chaos outside, blue didn't talk, just standing in the corner panicking on the inside about her form. "No Steven! This is so awkward and ridiculous, my parents might not even let us see eachother after this!", she yelled, "I've had to live a double life because of them, I even have to keep my glasses on and now I'm forcing your mom to literally change colour!". "It's ok....we gotta focus on your family..." Blue struggled to say, Steven looked at her with concern, "we really gotta end this quickly", he said under his breath. "Wait...what's up with her?" Connie asked, "nothing....", blue attempted to reassure her, but she started to sweat and breathe heavily again. "She's changed her entire colour, only diamonds can do that, and it's making her super tired", Steven said, looking back at blue with worry.

"I was just speaking with steven and his mom about her potato farm, I heard they're doing all sorts of cool new experimental farming there right?", Connie said, sitting back down, and doing the fakest possible voice, "yes that's very true", Steven replied, also doing a fake voice but blue couldn't talk anymore, her form was done for and Greg and steven could see it. Blue couldn't speak anymore just nervously hum and her form slowly grew back to its original size and her skin turned blue. In what seemed like seconds, blue returned to her giant form and her original clothes.

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!?" Connie's mother yelled, looking at the now giant blue diamond, sitting at the table as Greg and steven looked up in horror, "I knew I should've trusted my feeling about this friend of yours..what is that!?" She lectured connie, pointing to blue diamond, still awkwardly but slightly adorably sitting there with a goofy smile, speaking with Mr maheswaran. "Oh my god..." Greg said under his breath, Steven, still believed he could fix things so quickly tried to explain everything, "my mum is secretly a giant alien space queen I'm sorry we didn't think you'd like us so tried making her look nice, please don't punish Connie for this!", he dropped to his knees next to Mrs maheswaran and begged for connie to not be blamed. Blue was still eating fries and speaking with Connie's dad during all of this.

"So can Connie and steven still be friends?" Blue asked, Connie's mother looked up to blue, intimidated by her size but quickly calmed by her tone and face, "fine, just no more weird body changing!", she told blue. "Fine by me!", blue said, shrinking down to a more human size but keeping her original clothes and hair. "So since you and Connie are still friends we can go now and i can nap!", blue said, grabbing both Steven and Greg before they could say anything and flying off with them as the maheswarans watched in shock

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