41. Lost Friendships, Found Roots

Start from the beginning

I can't breathe anymore; I will drown in this restlessness. And after months since the last time I smoked, I reached for a cigarette and lit it. As the air around me grew smoky, I felt an unexpected wave of relief with each puff. However, the irony of it wasn't lost on me—my lungs protested with each inhalation, a reminder of my asthma. Yet, in that moment, the temporary solace it brought seemed to outweigh the consequences.

Asthma attack is still better than panic attack, and I don't care about it for now. All I want is some relief. 

This is not home.

Nothing is fine.

This is not family.


I stopped smoking when my lungs had enough of smoke. Isn't it ironic that to survive the present, I am killing my future?

Now my mind was rational enough to think. I don't even have tears, nor the time to grieve for Nidhi. These people are not going to let me grieve peacefully.

But I am certain—I don't want to marry Siddharth, never, ever. Not even in my next seven lifetimes. Even marriage is not something in my plans; I don't wanna marry.

Everything is going wrong in my life. I haven't focused that much on my business, and I can't let it go down. Thankfully, I have Robin with me, but until when will he keep handling it? I haven't visited the office for a while; the staff would have chewed Robin's ears. After all, he is so simple.

I can't let my mental state affect my professional life. I am confused about what to do and what not to do. In this state of confusion, I need my diary to open up my vulnerable side.

Bringing my diary from my room, I settled on the floor of the roof, my gaze fixed on the sky. It was a dark night, a night that engulfed me in its blanket of darkness.

With a trembling hand, I opened the worn pages of my diary, the pen poised to release the unspoken turmoil within.

Dear Mother,

Was I that bad that you abandoned me? Do you even remember you have a daughter somewhere in this world who is living and dying every day?

Will we be able to meet someday? Won't you come to meet your daughter?

Just once, for once, I want to hide in your lap again. Can't I be a child again? This world is so cruel, Ma.

Tears blurred the ink as I penned down my longing, each word a silent scream echoing in the vast emptiness of the night. The weight of unspoken pain left the lines empty, leaving behind the raw emotions I dared not show to the world.



Author's POV

"We need to do something quickly; there isn't much time left, and who knows what drama this girl will create?" Dushyant Oberoi crossed his legs, his fingers pressed to his forehead, revealing the tension that hung thick in the hall. The atmosphere became taut as he spoke, the air filled with a sense of urgency and anxiety.

"Don't worry, I will get that done. Just inform Shekhawat's to prepare for the wedding; she will marry him in the next few days. Will you be inviting Singhanias to the wedding?" Rupali spoke confidently with an evil proud smirk, placing her arm on the shoulder of her husband.

"For a while, I thought not to, but I have decided to invite them. Imagine how they will regret letting everything happen in front of them, but they failed again. I want them to remember all this when she will die. That's why I kept the folder of the proofs ready for that day." He was checking the card.

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