Warp Tour

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Steven and Obsidian were just finished from their mission to the flowery meadow. It seemed Steven had seasonal allergies as his whole face was puffy red.

"Achooooo!!" Steven sneezed everywhere as pink snot flew out of his nose.

"Steven..." Obsidian looked down at him with a stern look. "What did I tell you?"

"Uh....?" Steven wracked his head, trying to remember. Obsidian told him a lot of things.

"To sneeze in the crook of your elbow." She finished for him, seeming to understand he forgot what she had told him.


They finally got to the warp pad. It's blue-purple crystals gleaming from the sun. As they hopped on, Steven's allergies popped back up again.


"Steven in your elbow!!"

"ACHOOOOO!!" It seemed he forgot again as the sneeze propelled him sightly out of the warp stream.

He finally opened his eyes to see dozens of other warp pads, probably from other locations.

Looking at himself, he realized he was freezing. His face and hands had turned a slight blue tint. But right as he was about to go back into the stream, something caught his eye.

Another stream had started somewhere else. And in it, he could see a weird green robot.

Just then, Obsidian finally pulled him back into the stream.

"What did I tell you!" Obsidian scolded him.

"Uh... Uh! There was a weird robot in another stream?!"

"Excuse me..?" She looked down at him skeptically. "And this isn't you trying to get out of trouble?"

"No I swear!!! I saw it!"

Finally they got back to the temple, Obsidian looked again at Steven.

"Make sure to get rest. You already had bad allergies and being out of the warp stream made it worse." She picked him up. "Plus, outside of the warp stream there is no oxygen. That must have been playing with your brain."

Afterwords, he got to his bed.

"But I swear I saw it..."

As Obsidian was deeper into the temple, Steven got out of bed and loaded a water gun. He needed to know if that weird robot was going to find the temple.

"Steven..." He heard the soft tone of his mother.

He must've fallen asleep on the job!!

"Do you still believe that there is a warp robot out there?" He looked up to see her worrying tone. "I told you this before, only gems can access the warp, and we're the only gems on Earth."

He looked at the ground.

"But if you still don't believe me, we can double check all of the warp locations."

Even after checking multiple times, there was no 'warp robot'.

"I swear it was real..."

Steven sat near the temple warp, knowing there really was a 'warp robot'.

"Steven..." Came the voice of his mother again. "I think it's time to go to sleep now..."

"But I swear it was rea-"

Something broke outside. As they went to check what it was, he noticed the warp robot in the sand.

Obsidian looked surprised as it tried to get into the door.

"Let's see what it's after."

They made sure to follow the robot as it got on the warp pad. As they reached the little green robot's destination, it seemed there were far more than just one robot.

Seemingly hundreds of the same robots were going from different warps to the same destination. The ocean warp. In the middle of one of the Earth's largest oceans, the main warp with different smaller warps.

Obsidian and Steven his behind one of the large crystals jutting up from the ground. All of the 'warp robots' started near the main warp.

The splattered some strange mint goo onto its cracked surface.

As the goo healed the surface, a stream started on it. A green gem appeared with yellow triangular hair.

"Log date, this is Peridot reporting."

Suddenly the green gem, named Peridot, noticed something on the warp. A sticker.

She left and Steven looked up at Obsidian.

She seemed angry, no, way more than just angry.

Obsidian went up to the recently healed main warp and destroyed it.

"Who was that?" Steven asked.

Obsidian's only answer was. "She's not coming back."

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