Steven's Lion

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Steven trekked after his mom, in the nearly endless desert. He was crawling on the sand constantly groaning for "water".

"You know you don't have to do that, Steven." Obsidian stated.

"Yeah... but that's what they do in the movies!! Obsidian chuckled and ruffled his hair.

A roar startled the mostly silent desert. Obsidian looked back to Steven as she ran towards the source.

"Stay here where it is safe." As she blew a kiss.

"Pffttt... I wish mom could trust me enough to help fight..." He looked over to see two bright eyes staring at him.

"Hello...?" A lion appeared with the eyes. It sat down near him. "I guess you're a friendly."

Just then, his mother, Obsidian came back.

"The structures came from this desert glass." She held a pillow with a green gem in the middle.

She then turned to the lion. "He's friendly!!" Steven replied, sensing what she thought. She nodded to him, holding his hand, as they left.

They got back and Obsidian bubbled the gem, leaving for the temple. He looked over, before deciding to make a pillow fort for his stuffed animals.

"And there was this big lion!!" He was excitedly telling the toys, as though they could understand him.

A scratch could be heard from the door. Steven ran over to the see the lion again.

"I guess you like me too, huh?" He giggled. He left the house to see that the lion followed him.

"I should show you to everyone! They would be surprised that I have a pet lion!!"

He ran with the lion which he dubbed creatively "Lion" down the boardwalk to the pizza place.

"Hey Kiki!!! Guess what!!!"

"What?" She turned to him.

"I found a lion!! And he's pink!" He led her and a few other kids outside to see that lion had gone.

"I didn't know the lion was invisible too." Replied one of the kids sarcastically.

"B-but!! He was just here!?"

So he walked back to the beach, to see Lion there licking his paws.

"You are so mean!" He stuck his tongue out.

Just then Obsidian left the temple to see the lion again.

"Oh, Mom! Can I keep him?"

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