Lion 2: The Movie

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"I just hope the movie stays loyal to the book." Connie cried.

"Well other than that, I think we're packed for the movies! We've got candy, chips, and two blankets in case it gets cold in the theatre!!" Steven relayed.

Just then a glow sounded from the warp pad. Obsidian stepped out with a few bubbles gems.

"Hello, Connie." She greeted.

"Hey mom!! Me and Connie are going to see a movie today!"

"Sounds lovely." She smiled.

"The movie is Dogcopter 3!! It's based on these books about a robot dog that fights crime." Connie explained.

"And he shoots lasers!!" Steven added.

"Very cool, well i'm off to the temple so be good!" She called back.

"I wish I was magical... Everyday must be so cool for you." Connie wished.

"Yeah but everyday must be cool for you too!" Steven replied.

"All I do is go to school and tennis practice." She started swinging her arm around as if she had a tennis racket.

"Yeah but that's also cool!" Steven tried to reassure her.

"I made up a few moves." Connie pouted.

Just then Lion walked up to them. He yawned.

"There's our ride!!"

"You even have a magical lion..." Connie muttered.

They got their backpacks and hopped on Lion's back. Lion roared and a portal appeared. But as they both opened their eyes they weren't at the theatre.

It appeared to be a cave, with a glowing rose platform. As they hopped off and Steven got to the middle of the rose, a smaller platform appeared.

He screamed as when her moved it wouldn't let him go. Just then cannons appeared in one corner.

They both learned that doing a routine of movements showed various armpits and weapons.

"How weird..." Connie incurred.

Finally it let him go before the armpits and weapons disappeared and a robot skull grew from the ground.

It seemed angry though. It started shooting lasers and trying to attack them. They ran all the way to Lion who decided now was the time to actually take them to the theatre.

"What. Was. That!!" Connie looked at Steven.

"I don't know..."

Looking over Steven saw that the robot seemed to have followed them. Connie screamed out of fear.

"Look!" Steven pointed to Lion. His head was glowing, Connie went over and pulled a sword out of his mane.

"Weird!!" Luckily she remembered her tennis skills as she fought off the skull-robot.

Swing. Slash. Stab. Finally they defeated the robot.

"Well, we still have a few minutes before the movie."

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