Monster Buddies

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Blue icicles illuminated the cave. Obsidian threw a punch at an ice monster. They were on a mission to find an artifact called 'the shooting star'.


She threw the monster into the wall, at the same time the blue icicles began to fall from the ceiling. Obsidian looked back at Steven and a red bubble appeared around him.

He teleported into the temple. Specifically, the lava room. He fell down as the bubble popped, also bringing down a corrupted gem.

"What-?" He looked down to see a small centipeedle. She sat there staring at him.

"STEVEN GET AWAY FROM THAT!!" Came his mothers voice.

"Wait no!! She actually seems harmless, just scared." He convinced her.

Obsidian but her lip.

"Tch... Tch... Tch..." She looked down at the centipeedle. "Fine... you may keep her. If you train her."

"Yesss!" Steven hissed.

He got her outside and looking back, noticed Obsidian with her weapons.

"Moooom! The weapons scare her!"

She put away the weapons, but still watched. Steven took out potato chips to train her. Just then a seagull came by trying to steal the chips.

Centipeedle spit acid at the seagull before it flew away. Steven looked back at it.

"Can we bring her on missions?" He pleaded with puppy eyes.


"It might be too dangerous... But..." She looked down at him. "Sure."

They were back at the ice cave. Obsidian finally defeated and bubbled the monster and obtained the shooting star. Before Centipeedle got scared and spewed acid everywhere.

Back at the lava room, Steven had bubbled Centipeedle and the potato chips.


Perma-Fusion Obsidian AUWhere stories live. Discover now