Gem Glow

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Steven cried out. How could they do this!? Cookie Cat was the tastiest desert ever!!

"I guess they couldn't compete with Lion Lickers." a voice from behind him replied.

He turned around. The voice, Lars, was pointing to another freezer. This freezer was fully stocked with popsicles.


It was true. Most of the popsicles had uneven eyes and were already on the process of melting.

"Well, you could take the freezer." Sade said.

He looked back to the now empty freezer for Cookie Cats. Oh well, that was a compromise.

"Really? Thanks!!"

He picked up the freezer. [Which wasn't that hard considering he was half-gem] And tangled the cords like a book-bag.

As he trudged back to the beach house, he thought he heard screams. Weird, inhuman screeches. They were like nails to a chalkboard.

He opened to door to his mom wrangling a few... worms? Centipedes? Monsters?


"Oh it's nothing too crazy sweetie!" She replied cheerfully, almost predicting what he was going to ask next.

"But-! I can help!!" He tried pouncing on a straw centipede, but it dodged.

"Oh Steven, I know you wish to help but you haven't even discovered your weapon! We don't even know if you can project a weapon!"

After that, she dissipated the last centipede. She seemed confused at something.

"Uh... None of these have gems..?" She said to herself.

"Means there is a mother nearby..." Again, to herself.

"Well, what do you have there?" All four of her eyes trained to Steven.

"Oh... well they cancelled Cookie Cats so... they let me take the freezer."

"Hmmm..." She replied thoughtfully.

He turned over and trudged to the fridge. As he opened the freezer he couldn't believe his eyes at what he saw.


"When we heard they were going to cancel them, we went to the nearest place that had them and st-bought every cookie cat they had."

"THANK YOU SO MUCH!!" He ran to hug her.

She smiled back at him. Then she noticed something. A small glow...


He looked down to see his gem glowing. Maybe he could join the mission soon!

"Quick, summon your weapon!"

"I- I-" He stuttered. He didn't know what to do. How did she summon her weapon?

And at that, his gem stopped glowing. He looked down disappointed. But, at least his gem glowed!!


"Hmmm... I highly doubt it is just from eating cookie cats."

He tried eating the cookie again, but to no avail did he glow again.

"Oh Steven, even if you can't summon your weapon, you are still a Crystal Gem."

He giggled. Then another, brighter glow. He thought dash and tried to summon his weapon. Luckily, a shield with roses appeared!

Than as he flung it, it disappeared again. Then, he heard a rumble from outside.

The ground seemed to shake now. And it seemed maybe the mother centipede was back for revenge.

His mom also noticed, and went outside. Just before the door she turned to him.

"You should be safe inside."

WHAT!? But- but- he can make his weapon appear now!! So he slowly followed her, with the freezer.

He put the freezer down when the centipede crashed the freezer. NOOOOO!!

He realized something as he stared at the freezer. Maybe it could electrocute the centipede! So he grabbed the cords and threw it at it.

And it worked! The centipede dissipated into nothing. His mother turned to him.

She smiled and went over to hug him. Maybe he could be apart of the team.

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