Laser Light Cannon

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"Uhhh... Steven? Do you know what that bright light is?"

Steven was at the fry stand with Peedee. Peedee was pointing up looking concerned. Steven looked over from the boardwalk to see what it was.

"I don't know... I'll have to ask mom!"

And with that Steven raced down the boardwalk to the beach house/temple. He ran past multiple people looking up in confusion at what it was.

And sure enough, his mom was there. She seemed to be concentrating on something.


She turned around to look at him. She seemed surprised for a moment. Then she looked worried, and then another look, as though she was contemplating what to do.

"Hello Steven... hmmm... Can you ask your father where he put the laser light cannon?" She relayed to him.

"TO TAKE DOWN THE WEIRD LIGHT?!" He was excited at the thought of an adventure.

"Yes, it's called a red eye..." She seemed like she didn't want to tell him deep down.

Just as she finished her talk, Steven already ran down the beach to his dad. He ran looking for where his dad was if he wasn't still at the house.

He found the van, with "Mr. Universe" plastered on it. He tried knocking on the door. Silence.

"DADDDD!!!! ARE YOU THERE!!???" He yelled.

Then the door opened to his dad. He always looked like a homeless man even when he lived at the house.

"What is it?"

"Uhhh... Mom asked where you put the laser cannons?" He looked in his eyes for any recognition of what he said.

At some point his eyes did light up.

"Oh yeah... I probably still have it somewhere in my storage unit."

He grabbed the keys. And got in the van, looking back at Steven if he wanted to go too. Obviously Steven also climbed to the front of the van.

"Do be warned, I still haven't cleaned it up yet. So you will have to surf through stuff." His dad mentioned.

"Okay!" Steven replied, still happy for an adventure.

As they got the door to the storage unit open, Steven could now understand how gross it was. Trash immediately piled out as the door opened.


He then went into the unit, going through lots of trash and other things. There were some comics, movies, even a couch. But one thing caught his eye.

A picture of his dad with another woman smiling. She had rosy pink eyes that looked fluffy, with a white dress on.

"Hey dad? Who's this lady in this picture with you?" He asked.

"Uh... I'm sure your mom can tell you?"

This caused Steven more confusion. Was she someone they both knew? Huh...

Anyways, Steven got back to looking for the cannon. He looked around more, noticing more pictures of the rosy lady, as well as another girl with purple hair.

Still no cannon. Steven was on the verge of giving up. What even was the "red eye" anyway?

He was about to leave when his dad looked at him. Steven knew the second he left that he would turn this into a lesson.

"Come on... You know what I if every pork chop were perfect, we wouldn't have hotdogs. So you are not some failure just from not finding the cannons."

Just as he said that Steven noticed a glow. And there it actually was, the laser light cannons. So it was activated by a catchphrase?

They hauled the cannons in to the van and tried to hurry to the temple. Finally they got there to see how close the red eye was.

"Finally!!" His mom said as they got there. "So where was it?"

"In a storage unit!" Steven replied cheerfully.

"If every porkchop were perfect, We wouldn't have hotdogs." His mother relayed, almost trying to stop herself from laughing.

"You used my saying as a catchphrase?" His dad asked.

His mom turned back with a wink.

Finally they were back home after everything. Wait... HE FORGOT TO ASK HIS MOM WHO THE LADY WAS!!

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