The Truth; Or Part Of It

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"Hey, Mom? Who's Rose?"


Obsidian stared at him. Biting her lip, she seemed unsure of what to tell him. Or, what to start with.

"Well... you know about fusion," She looked down at him, trying to find a place to tell him fully.

"Yeah?" He responded, unsure of what she would tell him.

"Well, I am a fusion." She looked down to him. "Of five gems, Pearl, Amethyst, Ruby, Sapphire, and Rose."


"But why didn't you tell me?" Steven looked up at her.

"When you were younger, whenever we unfused, you would cry. Considering we were a permanent fusion, it wouldn't be hard to keep as, well, us. Or me, Obsidian."


"I was planning on telling you on your birthday, but, well, i'm okay with telling you now."

Obsidian crouched down to Steven's height and kissed his forehead. Before getting back up, she ruffled his hair.

"And you should be getting to bed, young man."

[Authors Note: I originally intended Steven to find out Obsidian was a fusion when Peridot and Jasper show up but at the time of writing this chapter, (October 2023) I just started mindlessly writing. Then again I feel like Obsidian telling Steven and showing him what fusion was would be better than him being very confused when they get destabilized.]

Perma-Fusion Obsidian AUWhere stories live. Discover now