Bubble Buddies

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Just as Steven got on the beach he noticed someone else there. She had black hair cascading down her shoulders with big glasses. She was also reading.

Steven recognized her. She was at the parade last year and had lost her bracelet, it was still in the freezer after he found it.

Steven ran back up the stairs to the beach house, grabbed the bracelet, and ran back out. He stopped close by.

"Hey.... uh..." He looked up to see she didn't hear him.

"Hello...?" Again didn't hear him.

She must've been lost in her book. Suddenly, he looked up to see a rock about to fall.

Without thinking, he leapt into action. Luckily a bubble formed over them both.


"What the..?" Came from the girl.

"Uh... there was this big rock that was about to fall on you... uhm... Hi? I'm Steven." He extended his hand.

"I'm... Connie?" She accepted. "But how did this bubble get here?"

"Oh! Uh... I think I summoned it." Steven scratched his neck. He kicked at the bubble to see if it could dissolve.

It didn't.

"So your magic? That's super cool! But do you know how to even make the bubble disappear?"


"Can we at least try different ways to break it?"

And so they did. They rolled it up to the doughnut place but all the times Sadie and Lars tried to break the bubble wouldn't work.

"Hmmm... Oh I got an idea!" Steven looked up. "We could roll it up to the rollercoaster in FunLand!"

"Are you crazy!? We could die!!!" Connie screeched.

Either way, they could try. But even the roller coaster wouldn't break. They screamed as the bubble rolled into the ocean.

"I can't believe I'll die without even making any friends." Connie cried.

"I'll be your friend." Steven looked at her.

"Okay..." They shook index fingers. "Friends!"

Just then the bubble broke. Steven held her hand as they swam all the way up to the surface.

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