I bet it was Rosa, shaking my head at the thought of my friend. I sink my teeth into the toast, swiping the call without checking the caller ID.

"Chica, I already told you that I'm fucking fine!" I rolled my eyes knowing she would start with the questioning. I appreciated her concern but come on, it was getting annoying hearing the same shit over and over again.

A deep chuckled seeped through the speaker and I paused which allowed the bread I was chewing on to fall out of my mouth, a gateway for my dearest Salt to pick up from the floor.

"Officer Ruiz didn't know you had a mouth on you."

I bulge my eyes out at the voice of Chief Nava, oh my God what a great impression suck face..

"Ahh-uhm sir, I'm sorry forgive me.."

Oh my God I'm so gonna get my ass fired.

You think!

My subconscious snickered like the little bitch that she is.

"I- I didn't saw the caller ID so I though-"

He chuckled which cut me off. "No need to apologize Red, it's okay to curse trust me sometimes you just have to say fuck you to the world."

I hummed as I chuckled softly, Nava cleared his throat and then said.

"I know this is your day off which shouldn't be fair right? but I need you to come to the office in an hour, this one right here might spark your interest."

Anything to take my mind off things would be great right now, honestly. "Count me in boss."

He hummed and then hang up, I breathed a sigh and finish off the rest of my French toast and coffee. Salt jumped up on the couch beside me, head resting on my thigh as he proceeded to closed his eyes.

I run my palm over his smooth hair and tilt my head back on the seat. "You know Salt, I'm happy that you're here."

As he heard his name I felt him perk up, I narrow my eyes to him as he tilt his head to the side. "I swear you remind me so much of River, he would have loved you."

I said as I thought back to the morning I found Salt. It was three months ago. I was attending to the garden at the back of my house when I heard a whimper coming from my garbage bin which was tumbled over with the garbage scattered all over my concrete.

Frowning at the fact that I was definitely not in the mood for cleaning, I went down to check and found a black short tail wiggling as the puppy continued to munch on whatever it is that he founded.

I sighed and then called him by a whistle, he stopped his movements and with the most warming brown eyes that I've ever seen on a dog, I instantly fell in love with him.

I have tried to send him back to wherever he came from countless of times but some how he always found his way to come back into my back yard.

More like my garbage bin.

Salt swiped his tongue on my neck and I grunted at the fact that I would have to bathe once again. Scoffing at him in disapproval, I got up and was about to head toward the bathroom to get ready for another shower when my phone rang once again.

Checking the caller ID this time, I shook my head at Rosa's name. "Hey gorl! before you curse me out. This isn't about a how are you, I'm asking if you wanna hang out tonight. I know it's your day off and you can admit that it's been a long time since we've had a girls night out so if you are up to it let me know."

"We don't have to go to a club, we can just eat out at our favorite restaurant."

It's been a long while for real, nodding I agreed and I removed the phone from my ear as she squealed.

I snickered. "You're so fucking extra it's crazy."

"I know right, gooorrl we are sooo gonna get our game on tonight! I want you to come out you hear me bitch."

"Aiite, I'll talk to you later. Chief called so I gotta step in."

"Girl that suck as shit even thou he is such a zaddy, but in spite of that I mean it's your day off he could have called somebody else to fill in."

"Specifically me..." She murmured and I giggled at her clear attraction towards my boss. This girl have been crushing on him for months now and has yet to speak to him.

I can see why she liked him though he was very attractive and it was clear as day....I just didn't see what the hype was about.

After our call, I decided to get another shower and then proceeded to get dressed. Donning in a white turtle neck short sleeve dress which ended on my knees, I slip into some oversized black and white jacket and black boots.

I let out my curly natural hair and left the house after making sure that I refilled Salt's food container. Settling behind the driver's seat, I eased out of park and navigate the car toward the police station.

On my way I passed by the cemetery and my heart squeezed as I saw some men cutting the lawn and sweeping up the leaf's that had fallen from the trees considering the fact that we were welcoming the season of autumn.

Guilt made it's way into my mind and had me gripping my chest as my heart clenched. It was forcing me to press on break and high tail my ass over to his grave.

I resisted the need and pressed down on the gas making perfectly sure that I made it toward the station. Finding a park into the worker's parking lot, I exited the vehicle with the completed documents and began to breathe in and out to control myself.

Using my shoulder to open the door, I entered the open space of the police station that led out to the reception area.

I hailed the receptionist and then entered through the automatic sliding door and quickly shift out of the clearly busy cops who were passing around files and typing on their computers.

"Red how are you, thought you had an off day?" Rafael one of the station's top CSI frowned as he left Nava's office with some device in hand.

I nodded, taking in his messy curly hair. His hazel eyes scanning my outfit. "I do but boss man rang me in and ya know I can't say no to him."

Rafael lick his full pink lips nodding. "Well I hope you are doing fine, I'll catch up with you later, have to investigate a crime robbery downtown."

Nodding in understanding I place my hands into the jacket pockets and waved him a good-bye. I raised my fist after a few seconds and with that I knock on Nava's door waiting for him to let me in.

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