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Y/N is blinding me with her raw sexuality. Owning every bit I’ve ever attempted to embody her with as she slides across that stage, gripping that pole while her tight little body drops to a split. Her hips roll, an intoxicating swirl of pure sex, before her cat-like prowl focuses on me.

Her body is liquid desire as she moves. Waves of delicious art penetrating the confines of the room, stunning them into her trance. There’s nothing refined about it. Her sexuality is primal and overtly obvious. Nothing subdued by the confines of social norms. Here, in this club, she can be exactly who she needs to be, with no inhibitions.

She marches confidently down the stage to the thumping bass of the erotic notes that reverberate within my chest. As she gains ground on me, my gaze quickly falls over to the men. Pools of saliva might as well be beneath their positions. They’re fixated on her. Her sexual aura captivating every set of eyes.

All but one...

Cal takes a step back, his hand reaching into his pocket when his phone lights up in his dress pants. His slicked back hair falls onto his forehead like angry daggers as the wrinkles there form hard, harsh lines. His eyes narrow in on his screen as a grin grows wild on my face. The crusted blood coated with fresh rolls of oozing red, painting me as the madman I truly am at the delightful realization.

It’s out.

Y/N finally closes the distance between us, and I gaze up at her admirably beneath my bruised and beaten face. In a room full of the worst men, I’ve somehow summoned the only God left to save me.

My beautiful dirtied doll. My savage saving grace. My sweet, destructive Y/N.

I’d worried the sight of me would have her buckling in sadness, in misery, for a man who’s shared his life’s traumatic story. But she’s grown a backbone in our time together. I see it in the way those brown eyes light with flames of sweet, ruthless revenge. Her grief has shifted into endless rage, and the confidence she exudes has my cock threatening to swell beneath the pools of blood they have subjected me to, despite the circumstances.

She bends forward, popping her ass out to the men nearby, her tongue dipping out from between her lips. She laps up the blood on my neck, and I fight back my groan by grinding my back teeth together. Her sweet lips find my ear, licking the shell before whispering, “You’re a goddamn genius.”She finally understands my sacrifice, my need to surrender. My reasons for willingly putting myself through the torment and pain.

“Nah,” I whisper back, keeping my gaze down. “I just get hard for a dramatic ending.”

She smirks before she turns her back to me, straddling me by tossing a leg over the chair. Pressing her back against my bare and bloodied chest, she avoids my lap by squatting above my thighs.

“You brought me all my favorites,” she whispers back at me, her hand reaching to cup the back of my neck as her body rolls in those intoxicating waves. “Deliciously sick revenge.”

“Fish in a bucket, baby.” I hiss in pain as she rubs against the raw flesh from the oil burns. “You ready to hunt?”

“I didn’t come here to hunt.” She stands again, turning to face me. Her leg kicks up and rests on my shoulder, dangling seductively as she grips the hair at the top of my head. Tipping my neck to the side, I wince in delightful pain as she whispers, “I came here to torture.”

“Alright, alright,” Alastor interrupts in his boisterous tone, cutting through the music and standing from the couch. He pulls Sain up by the elbow, forcing him to stand. “Can’t let his brother have all the fun now. Let this young man have his turn.”

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