sick, selfish fucks 🌶️

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The look on Taehyung 's face should terrify me. The way those piercing eyes darken while staring through me, and how those pupils enlarge into saucers, should have me running for the door, seeking escape. He's a madman that I've willingly submitted my reins to, and I'm naïve enough to think I can handle the beast he is.

His eyes narrow to slits as he glares up at me from his seat on the couch. The way his lip curls under the black paint as I straddle his lap has my pulse pounding through my overly exposed neck.

"Stand," he demands.

I think he can sense the nervousness in my posture. I take a quick breath, then slowly find my footing on the floor again, helping myself off of him.
His gaze stays trained on mine as he sits back comfortably on the couch, resting an arm along the back. His entire aura demands attention. From the confidence that electrifies the air between us, and the relaxed posture of his daunting size, to the directness of his haunting eyes through the black and white paint.

"Slip out of that dress." I blink slowly, biting the corner of my lip. Jungkook is still cuffed behind me on the floor where I left him, watching everything intently. Taehyung is about to have his fun with me before his friend, flaunting his little doll for his own sick satisfaction. The idea of something so crude and degrading has my clit throbbing in anticipation.
We suffer the same disease, one I hadn't realized resided in my bones until he summoned it from my core.

Pulling the strap of the dress down my shoulder, I pause, feeling nervous as I find his direct gaze again. His brow cocks beneath the paint in apparent boredom, his dark hair draped over his forehead looking every bit the dangerous man I forget he is.

He stands from the couch and brushes past me, walking towards the small bar near the back of the room. I'm on edge, playing with fire. My thighs tremble at the unknown. Grabbing a bottle by the neck, he lurks silently back to me, eyes trailing my body as I hear a dark, throaty laugh from the floor behind us, sending chills down my spine. My fear is awakened.

Taehyung approaches me, twisting open the bottle of liquor, and taking a drink.

I watch as his throat rolls, swallowing down the toxic substance without even flinching. With his other hand, he grabs the front of my throat, spinning me until my back is against his chest, holding me in place. Leaning over the top of me the way he does, even in my heels, he tips my head back, and I understand what he wants of me.

My lips part as my tongue dips out of my mouth. He spits the liquid down into my mouth, pouring a mouthful of alcohol onto my tongue. A fiery peppermint-tasting substance. His hand holds my throat, ensuring I swallow it down, some of the burning liquid dripping over my lips, down my chin,
and onto my chest.

Jungkook watches with his mouth open, excitement dancing behind his dark eyes.

Taehyung's hand slides further up my throat, cupping my chin as his throaty whisper reaches my ear. "Let's show him how we play, little doll. Let's smear him with our sickness." My pussy clenches and my insides are already yearning to be filled in the dim private room as hauntingly dark rock music plays in the background, setting the mood for destruction.

He drops his hand, circling around until he's before me again. With a simple glance and a nod, he commands me without words to remove the dress again. With my chin raised and my eyes on him alone, I peel the straps down my shoulders, pulling it down, and allowing the dress to fall to the floor beneath us, leaving me in nothing but my black lace thong and the stilettos he gave me to wear tonight.
My bare breasts rise and fall as I try to regulate my breathing, my nipples in tight, hard little buds, sensing every bit of the cool air in this room. Two sets of eyes trail my body and I feel the heat of their stares like a physical touch burning my exposed flesh.

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