40. Shattered Wings : The Unwanted Union

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His boots tapped rhythmically on the floor, a macabre beat accompanying his sadistic intentions. Defiance surged within me, and I retorted, "You've caught the wrong person. My family will never even care for your twisted gift."

My tone betrayed me while I spoke, speaking like this about your family hurts. It hurts knowing that you have no family.

Ajeet leaned in, his sinister smile inches from my face. "Oh, it is because you don't know but they will. I know exactly how to make them curious."

Ajeet's eyes gleamed with a sadistic delight as he whispered, "Your family will not only hear your screams, but they'll also feel them in their souls. A melody of suffering, a gift they won't be able to resist.

"No chance!" A triumphant smirk graced my face, well aware that all his plans were going in vain.

"Poor girl, underestimating her family," he sneered with a condescending tone.

I scoffed, undaunted. "Seriously, you don't have any other legitimate reason to keep me here?"

Ajeet leaned in, a wicked glint in his eyes. "Do I need any other reason apart from catching you entering my factory illegally?"

His words hung in the air, a chilling reminder of the dangerous game I had stumbled into, my feigned confidence concealing the palpable fear beneath the surface.

He gestured to one of his men, who approached and whispered in his ear. The man left the room with a sinister smirk.

"You know, Rana, your Prince is quite fond of this girl. Do you recall what happened when he demanded a bird in his childhood?" He man rocked his chair leisurely.

"Yes, Hukum. The Prince played with the bird, cut its wings, and eventually killed it after growing bored." His gaze was fixed on me, and I could only avert my eyes, feeling a growing sense of helplessness.

The man entered the room and exchanged a nod with Ajeet before advancing toward me, holding a syringe. Panic set in, and I instinctively tried to recoil from the impending injection. My attempts to escape were futile as he firmly grasped my arm, exposing the delicate skin. The needle gleamed ominously in the dim light as it descended towards me.

"What is this?"

"A present from me, dear. After all the hard work you've done, coming all the way here, I couldn't let you leave empty-handed. So, a present it is—the product you reviewed just a few hours ago."

Drugs? No!

"N-Nooo... Stay away..." I whimpered, my voice trembling with fear, struggling to free myself as the man approached with a sinister smile.

"NOOOO..." My desperate cries echoed, bouncing off the walls, but he callously injected the substance into my veins.

As the drug coursed through my veins, an immediate wave of dizziness and disorientation engulfed me. The room seemed to sway, and the dim light distorted into surreal shapes. My limbs grew heavy, and an unsettling numbness crept over me. Panic intensified, but my ability to resist waned. It was as if reality itself was unraveling, slipping away into a disconcerting abyss.

Ajeet's menacing smirk blurred, and the shadows in the room danced with an eerie malevolence. Every heartbeat echoed louder in my ears, creating a dissonant symphony of fear. I tried to summon strength, but the drug held me captive in its numbing embrace. The boundaries between consciousness and delirium blurred, and a profound sense of vulnerability settled in—an ominous prelude to the unknown ordeal that awaited me.

"Now your entertainment first," He declared, his voice tinged with sadistic glee. Hearing this, one of his men swiftly switched on the device, and the large screen abruptly flashed before my eyes. I instinctively closed them, refusing to let the harsh light invade my senses. The darkness behind my closed lids felt like a fragile sanctuary, a feeble attempt to shield myself from the impending torment that awaited me on the blinding screen.

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