Chapter 65

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Chapter 65

I hate the fact that I get this much tired but I understand what had made me this tired the most and that is all the crying I did at night. Nkosana tried to comfort me and it was working a bit but then I would remember that I am having many babies that even my mother doesn't have or anyone else that I know has this much.  
I never thought this would happen to me but it is happening and there is really nothing I can do at the moment. 
I woke up in the morning and I found Nkosana hovering over me.  He gives me a kiss on my cheek and I look at him that moment.
I stretch my body and yawn before I focus on him.
“Hey”,I say. 
“How did you sleep?”
“I don't know”,He nods his head. 
“I have been thinking”,I keep my silence before he gets in bed with me and pulls me to him.
“I think that we should move here,it's in the middle for everyone and we can get a great house for all of us that is at a great range, we have so much here",I look at him. 
“I hear you”
“What do you think?”
“I am scared Nkosana. People die giving birth and what of it happens to...”,He stops me and kisses my forehead. 
“That will never happen baby, you will be okay and don't be that scared. I will be here every step of the way.”,I sigh and nod my head.  
“I think we should go to court and sign for now and after the kids we have the wedding”,He says and I look at him. 
“You want me to be Mrs Mthimkhulu already?
“Yes, I mean it makes so much sense”,He says and I nod my head.
“Okay, I am hungry”
“What do you want?”
“Cereals in a big bowel please”,he gives me a perk on the lips.
“Okay, I love you”
“I love you more”,He gets off the bed and goes away. 
Atleast Nkosana is here to make me feel better and that he doesn't blame me for what is happening right now. He is really a great partner and I know that he will be a great dad as well despite him having a busy work life but he will be.  
I go and freshen up first and come back into the room and clean up before he comes back with a trey and there is my cereal bowl and also some water and some sandwich on the side. 
He hands the trey to me and I sit on the bed. 
“You didn't have to make so much food”
“You are eating for 6 people now",He says.
“I don't want to be too fat though.”,I take take the bowel of cereal and hand the trey to him and start eating. 
“I want us to plan a trip for next month and just take a break from everything”
“And the boys?”
“Their grannies will stay with them”,He says and I nod my head. 
“That would be fun. It has been some time since we did something fun together”
He watches me as I eat and I get done with the cereal and get on the sanwhich until I am done then I drink the water. 
“I knew you would finish everything”,He takes away everything and goes away. 
I get dressed and walk out of the bedroom.
I am glad that Mrs Mthimkhulu and Mrs Vilakazi didn't stay for long and went to book themselves in a hotel. I really would like for Nkosana and I to take that trip, I do need some fresh air. 
My phone pings and I go and take it and look through it. I really need to charge it pretty soon. 
I look at it and it is an email notification from my school. I click on it and it tells me that I can check my exam results. 
Well that is quick, I expected it to be prolonged or something.
I quickly rush out of the bedroom. I am sure the nanny and the boys are asleep. She asked to have them with her yesterday because they slept late as they were still watching TV. 
I am grateful for her honestly.
I get inside the kitchen and Nkosana is cleaning up.
“My marks are out”,I say and he turns to me.
“Have you opened them?”,He asks.
“I am scared. You open them”,I say and give him my phone.
He takes it and I stand there nervous, what if I failed dismally? It wouldn't be the first time failing but failing this would be crushing because I love cooking. My little dreams would be crushed and I will see that I am not really gifted mentally. 
“Oh baby”,He says as he looks at the phone.
“I failed didn't I?”,I feel sadness rush through my body. 
“You passed your exams”
“You are lying Nkosana”,I say as I rush to his side and he shows me my results on the phone and I did really well for my practical and for Theory? I really tried shame,60% isn't bad right?
“I passed!”,I jump into his arms screaming and he catches me quickly. 
“I really passed!”
“I knew you could do it”
I quickly get off him and take my phone just to double check and I can't believe this is me, Zanokuhle Ngubo passing something this well.  I don't know how to describe this feeling honestly. 
“You deserve that corner store at the mall”,I turn to Nkosana as he mentions that.
“Yes or maybe a car”
“I can't drive yet so corner store it is”,I quickly hug him and he gives me a few kisses on my neck.
“I am so proud of you baby”, I close my eyes tightly as I hug him.
“Thank you...for everything”
I am really grateful for him.  I wouldn't have done all this if he wasn't here. 
I met up with my friends, after the crying I did yesterday I am glad that something nice has happened and put a smile on my face.  My aunt came to see her grandchildren with her man so they are left with the nanny and Nkosana ofcause.  I need to be away from all the little drama that comes with my aunt and in case her new best friends come and make me cry again when I am this happy. 
We are at Nomvula's house, Happy's stomach is really showing now and I am happy for her. She has been wanting another child, that is what she told us when she told us that she is pregnant again.
“I haven't seen you guys in some time. Last time we were like this was on Aunty's birthday. How is she anyway?”,Nomvelo asks.
“Shs is okay and enjoying her engagement. She looks well fed too”,I say and everyone laughs.
“That man must be tying her down"
“He is trying but not really”,I take a sip of my juice. 
“Hw will get there. Trust me, I believe in his pipe game”
“Haibo Nomvula!”,Nomvelo says and she sips on her drink.
“Ewu”,I say.
I can't imagine my aunt doing that with someone. 
“Let's not talk about old people and their bedroom business. How is the pregnancy going Happy?”
“Great so far, Jabu is overprotective he doesn't let me breathe but I am glad that he is excited about the baby as I am”,She says.
“Yazi we can say all we want but our husbands are rare breeds. They put up with us and love us through everything”,Nomvula says and we agree.
“Yeah but Lange puts up alot more with you”,Nomvelo teases and we laugh.
“I keep him entertained”
We share a laugh that moment. Happy turns to me. 
“How are things going your side Zano? How are the boys?”,Happy asks.
“I passed my exams and I am pregnant”,I say.
“What?! Congratulations! Is Nkosana happy?”,Nomvelo asks.
“He is but I am still trying to process everything. I am having 5 twins this time”,They all give me a look.
“Yoh, I commend you for being so strong. I would be in ICU”,Nomvula says.
“I am happy for you Zano, take it as a positive thing and having kids now may seem like a huge hill but as years pass by you will be happy that you got done now. I can't imagine having kids at my age.”,Nomvelo says.
“I am just scared and the grannies are not happy”
“Argh don't take them into consideration. They chose their own number of kids and control of their relationships so should you”,Nomvula says.
“Nkosana is thinking we should settle down here”,I say and Happy squeels.
“Us too!”,We get excited now more than ever.
“The boys will have to come and school this side”,Happy says.
“Yes, I miss them being around”,Nomvelo says. 
We keep on chatting on other things and pretty much catching up. 
Time runs out for us and we realise that it is time to go when the husband's came to take what is their’s. We said our goodbyes and promised to catch up some other time before we went our seperate ways from each other.
I really needed to sit with the girls and just talk about other things.
I get inside the car and the twins are in their car seats. For the first time in a long time they are outside.
“What are they doing here?”,I ask as I look at them.
Nkosana was right, they mostly took most of my features. 
“They need fresh air”,Nkosana says and I start playing with them a bit before I get to settle on my seat. 
“I got you something for your achievement”,Nkosana says.
“A gift?”,I ask and he chuckles. 
“Yes”,I love gifts. 
He gets out of the car and goes to the boot and gets something there before he comes back and gets inside the car.
He has some flowers and a gift bag.
I gasp at the sight of the pretty flowers. 
“Oh these are cute, thank you”,I say and he hands the gift bag to me and I quickly take it and I pause a bit.
“I will open it properly when I am home. Thank you”,I lean in and give him a little kiss on the cheek and he accepts it.
“I have another surprise for you soon”
“I love surpises”
“I know”,I can't wait. I am so excited. 

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