Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Sleep is  not coming in at any time right now for me and also Bhungane is still awake as well. He has been taking calls from his friends who have been calling him for almost an hour now and I have been sitting here waiting for him to finish up. He said the driver will bring food for the both of us and I am not really hungry but I will take it.
I watch where he is standing, near the glass wall and the outside looks beautiful. I love the view of this place, the lights just make everything look perfect.
I get up from the couch going to where he is by and I stand by the glass wall and watch the city lights shine bright over this place.
“Fine, I will come right now”, I hear him say and I turn as he hangs up on the call.
He looks at me and comes to stand just behind me.
“You like it?”
“Yes I do, can people see us outside?”
“No”, he mentions and I nod my head.
“My friends need me right now and we have something we need to sort out”
I turn around and look at him as he stares down on me.
“You have to leave?”
“Yes, do you want to come with me?”, he asks and I smile. I have never really been out to places late at night, this is out to be fun.
“Yes, let me wear my dress quickly”, I say and rush off leaving him there.
I get in the bedroom and I open my suitcase and take out my dress and I wear it. It’s lovely too, I like it so much. I get dressed and wear my shoes too. I undo my pigtails and I take a comb and I brush my hair so I can redo them as they are a bit fuzzy now.
“You should leave your hair out, you look beautiful”, I turn to the door and look at this man who has just complimented me.
“Yes”, I will trust his judgement.
He goes to the bed and he gets his pants and his top and wear his things then his shoes.
I finish up what I am doing and he tells me to bring my jacket just in case I get cold and I take it.
Soon we leave, the driver will be happy that I am not here and I will not bother him if Bhungane is here and less muffins for me to bake and give to him too.
We get inside the elevator and soon it goes down. He let’s out his hand and I do not hesitate to hold it this time and I smile as we walk out of this place. We go to the parking area and the lights of a car flicker.
“You have another car?”
“Yes”, he says and helps me inside his car.
He closes the door when I am settled and then he goes around the car and he gets in and starts the car before driving off.
I look outside the window. My insides rumble as I feel the excitement slowly brewing.
“Are your friends nice people?”, I ask.
“You will be the judge of that”, he says and I turn to look at him. he steals a glance from me and smiles.
“Okay”, I just say.
“Don’t worry okay?”, I nod my head.
The drive is not that long, it was really short actually and we got to another area and came up to this house. The gate opens and there are just two men who are security by the gate and two more patrolling the place and there are 3 more cars parked on the drive way.
He parks the car and he comes and helps me out of the car and I thank him when he closes the door behind me  and he takes my hand into his and we walk together. I hope that they are nice people. I even let my hair down. I am afraid to touch and quickly fix it. I breathe in and out and he knocks on the door before he presses a button on the door and he waits before we know it, the door opens and a lady stands there, she smiles as soon as she sees us.
“Bhuti how are you?”,she says and moves out of the way.
He pulls me inside with him and the lady closes the door behind. This house is beautiful.
“I am well, how are you sisi?”
“I am good, hello sisi”, she says to me and I look at her before I utter a low “Hello”
She smiles.
“They are in Thulani’s office”, she says.
“I will be back okay?”, he mentions and I nod my head.
He lets me go and I watch him before this lady leads the way and I follow her. I turn back and watch him looking at us as we walk away and I give him a smile and he returns it before I turn away from him.
“Hi, my name is Nomvelo Mzimela.”, she says.
“Nice”, I give her a smile as she has given me a smile.
“You are? If you don’t mind me asking”, we are still walking and we get to two wooden doors.
“Zanokuhle Ngubo”, I say.
“You are very pretty”, my heart yelps and I remember to say thank you.
“There are other ladies here. I hope we don’t overwhelm you, it’s just the 4 of us.”
“Okay”, I just say and she opens the wooden doors and there is like a lounge that has a fire place and a piano at the corner. There are two ladies seated on the couches drinking through wine glasses. One looks like the one next to me.
The woman next to me closes the wooden doors and she leads me in.
“Guys, this is Zanokuhle. She just came in.”, Miss here mentions.
“Hello”, I say.
“This is my twin sister Nomvula Mvelase, she is married and also Happy Hadebe”, she says and I get a bit anxious.
Twins don’t get me excited anymore instead they get me anxious.
“Do you talk at the same time?”, I ask.
“No we don’t”, she says and I nod my head.
She smiles, I get seated with these ladies and they have snacks and some drink. They ask if I need a drink and I nod my head. I get the wine handed to me, that is what they are having anyway. They are talking and here and there I learn that they have kids. More than one rascal well except for Nomvula. These ones I can tell a difference in them. They may look alike but not like Luu’s twins. Those ones confuse me a lot just like how they talk a lot.
They ask me questions and I answer where I can, I get that they are stay at home wives. All of them well except Nomvelo who mentions that she does have her own store where she sells her designs. Must be nice being smart.
“I am not smart at school but I love cooking”, I find myself blabbering that.
Being vulnerable.
“Me too, Nomvula was the smart twin and I was the dumb one when it came to school but I loved sewing”, Nomvelo mentions.
She talks a lot just like her sister but I like the way they talk a lot.
“Yeah and she is really good. That’s why she is very successful in it”
“Nkosana said I will go to cooking school next year”, I say and they say ncooh.
I don’t know why, it is not sweet.
“Wow that’s nice, being supported by your partner is something wonderful”, Happy mentions and the other two nod.
“He is not my boyfriend. We are friends, Refilwe is his girlfriend”, they look at each other then me.
“How did you guys become friends?”, Nomvelo asks.
“Refilwe is happy with that?”, I just nod my head.
I don’t know and I don’t see her so I don’t really care.
“He has been teaching me how to be normal. I don’t sit with people a lot”
The knock comes again and Nomvula stands up to open the doors and we look there.
“Ladies”, it is Bhungane’s friend.
He goes to happy and they share a perk on the lips and I close my eyes quickly.
“I am here to check on you and Nkosana is worried about Zano, are you okay Zano?”, I open my eyes and everyone is looking at me.
“Yes I am okay, the twins don’t freak me out and they are nice”
“She is in good hands. We are not mean Jabu”, Nomvula mentions.
“He was more worried about you than everyone”, she rolls her eyes and I take a sip of my drink.
“Okay, let me leave then”, he says and he gives Happy another kiss before he leaves.
We are left once more and I feel better. I look at Nomvelo and she seems happy and she is normal? Does that mean I am normal too since she struggled in school like I did but she is great. Should I also not be scared to go to cooking school next year? She is interesting.
Time went by with us sitting and Nomvelo left saying that the food order has arrived and we cleaned up where we were seated before we all tagged along to go to the kitchen to help out. Took out the plates and went to set everything up and she said she is going to call the men out. I wonder what they were doing. Also talking like us about life of being parents. Well except Nkosana. Now I see why Refilwe is going to get married to him. his friends are also married too. That’s nice for them. I hope they do get married one day and then I can attend a wedding.
The wine has gotten into my head. I do feel a bit nauseated but I had just a glass of water a bit and now I am a bit okay.
“Are you okay?”,is the first thing I hear from him as he stands next to me and I nod my head.
“Yes, you?”
“I am good”
“Are you hungry?”, I shake my head.
“Me neither”, he says and I giggle.
“You are copying me”
“I am not”, he says.
I see two other men that I do not know and they greet and I greet back. Manners you know.
“I think we are going to leave”Bhungane says.
I am tired of being here and I want to leave.
“You guys haven’t eaten”
“We are not hungry, thank you”, I say and they nod.
“We will talk tomorrow”, he says and I wave at everyone and we walk out.
Well they are nice,I liked them. Maybe they can be my first set of friends beside this man over here.
We walk outside and I stumble as the fresh air hits me. He catches me before I can even fall and I laugh.
“That was close”
“Did you drink something?”
“A bit of wine without you”, I say and she shakes his head and carries me to the car.
“I almost tripped”
He closes the door and he gets inside the car and starts it before he drives off going to wherever the road leads us.
Well it leads us back where we were and he gets to park his car in the parking and he carries me out of the car.
“I can walk Nkosana, I had just a little.”
“Are you sure?”, he asks and I nod my head.
He puts me down and holds my hand as we move away from the car. We get inside this place and go to the elevator and he presses the pent house floor and I lean my head against his arm as we wait for the elevator to open and it does.
The penthouse view comes face to face with us and it’s beauty.
We walk in and we go to the room I was assigned to use and I turn to him as he takes out his phone and places it on the drawer.
“please close your eyes, I want to take off my dress”, I say and he does that.
I turn away from him and take off my dress and fold it. I put it in my suitcase and look for my pyjamas and I remember I left them under the pillow I will sleep on.
I move away from the bag going to the bed and I trip.
“Ouch”, that one hurt a bit.
“Are you okay?”, he opens his eyes and he comes and helps me up and puts me on the bed.
“My elbow got hit a bit”, I say.
He takes my arm and rubs my elbows.
“I am sorry Zano”, he says and I nod my head.
He asks me if I am fine now and I tell him that I am okay now after some time.
“Where are your pyjamas?”, he ask and I tell him.
He goes to take them and he comes and sits next to me and hands them to me.
“Should I close my eyes again?”, before he slowly closes his eyes.
“Nkosana”, I say and he opens and looks at me.
“You are pretty”, I smile and take my top and wear it.
He stares at me  and I wear my pyjama pants before I get into bed and he gets off the bed and he takes off his pants and top so as his shoes and he turns the lights off and the side lamps are on. He gets into bed next to me and we both look up to the ceiling.
“It’s soon to be past midnight now”, he mentions.
“I sleep at 8”, I say and he chuckles.
“I know you always wake up early too”, he says and I look at him.
He pulls me closer to him to lay on his chest and I like it. I lift my head and crawl closer to kiss his cheek.
“Good night”, I say and he cups my face.
“I am sorry”, he says softly and I frown. What does he mean?Before I could even ask him why he is being sorry his lips are on mine and my heart is racing, my insides turning and the immediate kick to close my eyes came in.
He kisses me slowly and I follow his lead and it feels good! It feels so very good that I don’t want to open my eyes yet. His lips are slowly navigating on mine to keep whatever rhythm he had started. There is a bitter taste on his lips that is minty too. His hands cupping my chubby cheeks and my hands now holding onto his.
“I can taste the wine off your lips”, he says with a small smile.
“Did you drink too?”
“Yes I had some whiskey.
I pull him close to me and I give him a kiss and he returns it too. 
He lays me on the bed and he is ontop of me while I am under him. I can feel his thing poking me and I know how he is feeling and I am also feeling that way though I can’t show it. He breaks off the kiss slowly and I catch my breath.
“I loved that”, I say as I try to catch my breath.
“We should stop, I am sorry for kissing you Zano. I will sleep on the couch”, he says.
“I want to know how it feels…”, I say as he gets off me and he looks at me.
“Having sex with you”, I say.
“I am trying here, to resist you mama”, he says softly as I sit up and go to him and place my hands around his neck.
I kiss him and he returns it. He flips me back down and whispers an “Are you sure?”,before I respond with a nod.
I know what I am doing and what would happen to and I am ready too. He helps me out of my shorts and my underwear and he pulls my top off and he goes and kiss between my breasts and kisses my neck and I let out a little moan. He goes slowly to such one of my nipples and I like how it feels. I like it. He sucks on it and goes on to the other one while he plays with the one he had just sucked and lets it go after some time. He kisses my stomach and I feel like some air is being taken out of me bit by bit.
He gets to my privates and he says “Open your legs a bit for me”, I open them for him and he kisses my valve before he goes down to my folds and his tongue slides against my bean and it is tingly and feels good. He sucks on it and I put my hands just at his head as he keeps on sucking on me. It feels like he is eating me. He slips his tongue in my hole and I squirm a bit and he thrusts it in and out of there.
I close my eyes trying to catch my breath as I let out a breathless “Nkosana”, that followed by a light moan.
He is grazing me, sucking and tongue sexing me all at once and I cannot keep up. My organs within are too excited with this feeling.
I feel like I am going to pee so I warn him and he still goes all for it. I try to remove him but he stretches his hands out and locks my hands down just so that I don’t disturb him and my legs shake as I let out a screeching moan from there and he lets go of me and lifts his head and looks ay me with his lazy eyes and his disnormal dimple appears.
He leans in and kisses my neck as I wrap my around his.
Within time, all things are forgotten and I keep on looking at him as we share this intimate moment.
His tip almost within me as has my one hand in his. He looks at me and I look at him before he pushes himself in slowly and I gasp, I cannot get used to this thing getting inside of me
“Are you okay?”, he asks and I nod my head.
I am more than okay. He kisses my forehead and I hold onto him. He is slow with his thrusts and I love it. He keeps on kissing my forehead and my heart is racing at the moment. I look at him before we share a kiss that I didn’t know would leave a crippling feeling then. “I love you”,he softly whispers into my ears and I feel it and it feels good. 
The sun penetrating through sharply has woken me up when I didn’t want to wake up as yet. I open my eyes and the bed is empty. I sit up and look around the room and there is no one. I get off the bed.
“Nkosana”, I make my way out of the bedroom and I see something on the fridge and I go to it.
He is not here. where did he go and he didn’t even say goodbye.
I look at the note on the fridge and I take it off the fridge and go to the bedroom and I get inside.
‘ I had to rush somewhere and I know you would want to ask why I left without saying goodbye. I just didn’t want to wake you up from your peaceful sleep. I wanted us to talk about this when you had woken up but I had to leave quiet quickly.
Last night…last night was amazing Zano. It evoked things I didn’t know I felt within me about you and I knew then that we have crossed the friendship line. I don’t know if we ruined it but I didn’t want to ruin it but it happened that we couldn’t resist each other. I think we should take time to evaluate our life’s decision right now. I cheated on Refilwe and I don’t want to make your life any complicated or put you in a position where you don’t feel valued enough.
I want to fix things on my side and I want you to do the same too. My life being my relationship and with you, your career and life forward as a whole meaning I cant see you for a while.
I want you to know what I said ,I meant it and I hope that I will see you soon when I have my priorities straight.
This isn’t goodbye but I will see you later.

My heart fell to my stomach, I understood what he meant here. I really did and it hurts. I should have known. He has Refilwe and they are going to get married. We are not friends anymore too. What was a great night became my worst morning. I don’t want to be here anymore. ‘
I rush to the door and I lock it before I start crying and dump myself on the bed. My heart is sore and I don’t like it.


I have been sitting here all morning looking at this ring I ordered just a few months ago that just came in yesterday while I was gone. I am sure she saw it and that is why Refilwe has been extra sweet this morning and even made breakfast for me but I am still wallowed at the thoughts of last night. The last thing I want to do is hurt Zano, she is fragile and I feel guilty, I feel like I am a distraction in her life now and I don’t want that for her. I want the best for her too.
A knock surfaces on the door and it opens. Jabu walks in and he frowns.
“What is wrong? You look like you have been dumped”, he mentions and I keep quiet.
I look at the ring and I put it back in it’s box.
“What happened?”, his face becomes serious.
“We had sex, it was great”, I say with a straight face and he looks at me. I am pained deep inside.
I am conflicted too. I know what I want but I know how Zano is still learning things and she would be overwhelmed by everything. I should’ve fought to resist her but I couldn’t. I loved having my face sleep on those little rolls on her stomach while after the deed like I am child while she asks me questions that I don’t mind answering. Like why do I always cut off all my hair.
I loved kissing her face while she is asleep and telling her that I love her even though I know she didn’t hear me. It was just a short space of time but it felt good.
“Why are you sad? You like her”
“I don’t want to hurt her and I don’t want to have two women in my life”
“Dump barbie in the kitchen.”,he says and I stand up.
“I know. I want to do it”
“Then do it”, he says and looks at me. I sigh and go around the table and leave the room.
I indeed find Refilwe in  the kitchen burining food.
“Baby, I think we should order and I also should take cooking classes soon”
“We need to talk”, she smiles and turns to me.
“What is it?”
“We should break up, I  cant do this anymore”, her smile fades away.
“What? I thought you were going to propose”, she says.
“I am sorry, your flight will be booked for going back home”, I turn around and walk away from her.
“Baby, you cant say that. Please let’s talk this out. I will be home more and change”,she says following after me.
“Refilwe I don’t want to fight about this”, I say looking at her and she starts her fake tears.
“You didn’t love me all this time”
“Yes”, she doesn’t believe I just said that.
I turn away from her and walk off.

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