Chapter 17

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Chapter 17


The time we left where we were with those people and they insisted on taking us home only for if only we let them or they would’ve reported us at the police for stealing their phone.We really did not have much of a choice,this day is weird and also unlucky for us because we lost our money for the time being and also the fact that someone has a strong resemblance to us is just very scary at this point .
We are silent in this car mainly because we don’t really have anything to say, more especially I have some questions that need some answers from our mother at this point.
“Can you drop us off here?”,Tumelo mentions and I look at her.
Yes she is right, it would be very weird if we just show stranger where we live.
“Yes we want to be dropped off here.”, I say.
They ignore us, the man and this woman in this car.
“Didn’t you hear us?”, I say.
“If you could shut up then that would be good.”,The man says and we look at each other with Tumelo.
“We will report you for kidnapping”,Tumelo says and it is like they do not care.
“Direct us to your home and  we will drop you off there”
“ We don’t trust you”
“Yet  you are in the car with strangers and we are going to go around in circles”
I look at Tumelo and she tries to open the door but it doesn’t open. I look through the review mirror and the man looks at me.
“Your call guys, you make your choice”, I look at Tumelo who is getting very anxious at the moment.
“Okay,carry on driving straight then take your first left”,Tumelo mentions and I keep my silence. They follow her instructions until we get home and they park the car.
“Is this your home?”,the woman has been much silent.
“Yes, it is”, Tumelo mentions.
“Soon the door gets unlocked and we both rush out of the car and my heart is beating very fast at this moment.
“Come”,I pull Tumelo making sure that I don’t by any chance leave her behind.
We get inside the yard and make a run for it to the car and we get inside of the house closing the door behind us making sure we lopck it. We come face to face with our father seated in the living room and he looks at us.
“What is wrong?”, he asks.
“Nothing papa”,I say and look at Tumelo.
“Papa, did you and mama have another child beside us?”, I give Tumelo a look and she ignores me.
“No, you are our only children, why?”
“Nothing”, I quickly say and pull Tumelo away from the living room. We get to our room and I close the door and give her a look.
“What are you doing?”
“I am trying to know the truth. That girl looks likes us”
“People look like each other in this world and it doesn’t mean a thing”
“You heard it, they share a maiden surname with mom”, she says.
The door opens and we jump.
“Yah, nganibamba zigebengu!(I caught you)”, it is my mother.
“Mah”, Tumelo says.
“Don’t mah me, where do you come from Boitumelo?
“We went to study”
“I was not born yesterday like your father”, She says.
Tumelo is more scared of our mother than I am.
“We are sorry”
“You will know me you two, this is my house.”, she says and turns while clicking her tongue.
She walks out and Tumelo breathes out.
“She scares me sometimes”,yes our mother is more strict that our father but we are grown us for goodness sake!


With her blood still boiling, MaNgubo walks into the living room to address the calmness her husband has over their unruly daughters. She has tried with them but it seems likes everything falls into deaf ears at all times with them.
She doesn’t want to do her usual shouting and beatings but instead find a new solution to this with her husband. She has been married for years with her husband for over 2 decades at that.
“Love we need to discuss the calmness you have with regarding to the girls”,she says as she enters the living room.
“I will talk to them”, she has hope,so she nods her head.
“The girls asked if we have other children beside them”,she swallows as she hears that.
“Why would they ask that?”
“It’s a small world moratiwa,they could’ve seen your eldest”, he says.
“She is in kzn, I left her with her father there when he didn’t want me to leave with her”,lies.
She knew that she left her eldest in the hands of her family, she didn’t want anything to remind her of Thomas even when he died she didn’t want anything to remind her of the vileness she experienced from his family in secrete. She disliked her daughter from the day she was born and having to be stuck with her wasn’t ideal to her. When she met Motaung a few months after her first child was born she was happy, happier when she was proposed marriage and saw it as an opportunity to leave her family and never look back and she does not regret it. She had Khanyisile 2 years after and a year after that she got Boitumelo and she felt complete then.
“We should maybe tell the girls about their older sister, they are old now”,he mentions.
“Please can we visit this topic some other time”, She mentions.
“Okay, but the girls need to know. Maybe we  can reach out to your ex and his family about them meeting each other”,This topic irritates her. She doesn’t want to go back to her family and she doesn’t want to bother bringing her first born here after leaving her. She doesn’t want to even see her sister and mother that she hasn’t seen for so long, she feels like she is okay the way that she is and she shouldn’t bother herself looking back in her terms.
On the other side of the passage, Khanyisile is still, eavesdropping on these news. Much to her shocking discovery that her mother may possibly have a child that they never knew off and in fact she is not the first born daughter from her mother’s womb. She turns from her trip to the kitchen and goes to the bedroom trying to digest what she had just heard from her parents talking.

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