Chapter 55

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Chapter 55

“Zano!”,I turn around as I hold onto my bag as I am about to enter the car as the driver has opened the door for me and I turn my head and see Sena pulling a girl by the hand just behind me. 
I haven't seen her since the time I left home, it has been a very long while and I didn't even think I would bump into her somewhere. 
“Hi”,I say as she approaches me.
I am back in Cape town, as heavy heartened as I am about being here but I had no choice but to be here. 
It has been only 3 days since I came here and I miss my children so much. I find myself watching cartoons and waking up so early for them. My sleeping routine is not great anymore and I can't seem to change it to accomodate myself here. 
School is so draining but I want to finish it. 
I saw Mam Vee the first time I came back and she asked to see me today and I did. Now I just did some little mall strolling and get something from there. 
I am getting there with improving myself. 
“How are you? I heard you are this side and engaged too, congratulations! I am so happy for you and that you found someone ”,She says and I smile.
“Thank you”,I say. 
“So, how have you been lately?”,She asks.
“I have been okay, how have you been?”,I ask just to be polite but I just want to go home and call the Nkosana and see the boys.  I wish I could fly them over here and have them in my arms and go and watch their favourite cartoons with them.
“I have been good, you look good. So you live here now?”
“Temporarily,I have children now so I have to travel between here and Joburg because they live with their father”,I say and pull out my phone and show her my screen saver.
“Oh my word! They look so cute!”,She says and I smile. 
I am a mother. It makes me feel happy that I am trusted with them as someone to take care of them forever. 
“They are”,I smile and she steps back.
“I am so happy to see you outside. Last year you were hardly seen and now you are here outside and talking to me well”,She says and I just smile.
“I have to go, I want to call someone.”,I say.
“Can I have your number?”,she asks and I sigh.
“I do have Instagram. I will have to ask my fiancé about sharing my number.  He is not comfortable with your brother and so as I”,I say.
“Oh,that's fine. I will hit you up there",She says and I nod my head and wave before I move away from her and get inside the car and the driver closes the door and he goes to his side and gets inside before he soon drives off. 
I take my phone and I go and video call Nkosana and it rings a few times before he appears and he seems to be laying in bed. 
“I thought you had some work to do today”,I say.
“I did and I did get some work down but I wanted to nap a bit with the boys.”,He says and I look at them sleeping next to him. 
“Sorry to disturb you then"
“Baby you know that you are never a bother to me”,He says and I smile.
“Well, I miss my boys. All 3 of you. I wish Joburg was only 10 minutes away from here”,I say.
“We do miss you and your breasts. All 3 of us”,I gasp. 
“Nkosana, I am in the car with the driver”,I say and he chuckles. 
“Okay, I am sorry baby but I am speaking the truth”,he says. 
“Well,I will see what I can do to help substitute that for you guys"
“No, we will wait for yours”,I touch my small breasts. 
This man!
“I will call you when I am home and in my room alone”,I say.
“Okay, I am sure the boys will wake up any minute now”,He says.
“Are you sure that you can handle the boys all alone?”,I ask.
“Yes baby, your aunt hasn't left too. Angithi uyajola(Isn't it she is dating) so she is still around and handles the boys with their bathing and nappy changing. 
“Okay, that will keep her busy a bit”,I say.
“Oh she is busy alright.She is busy with her retirement age the moment. She is conducting interviews for the nannies so she is helping with that”,He says.
“Oh, I am worried about her new whatever it is that she is doing”,I say.
“She has been raving about how she is about to be 50 in a few days and we should let her be”,He says as he chuckles and I shake my head.
“It’s how fast they are going that scares me”,I say.
“But let's be honest and let her enjoy it. She seems happy and less scary”,I laugh.
“She is not that scary”
“Baby, you haven't seen her from my point of view. I have a scar from her slash and it's healing but your aunt turns into something else sometimes. I am scared to even breathe around her”,He says and I laugh.
“Baby she is not that bad. Don't be scared”
“Just,come back”,He says.
“I will this weekend.  First thing after class I am boarding the plane. My ticket is already booked”,I say
“Okay, you will find me at the airport”
I quickly say.
“I need to go to the bathroom baby, call me when you get home”,He says.
“Okay, I love you ”
“I love you more Sthandwa sami”,He has up after that and I sigh.
I feel a bit better. 
Thought it is not the same but it makes some difference. I just want to get home and cook something before I take a shower and start to relax after that. I really don't want to strain my body but relax at times too. 

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