Chapter 64

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Chapter 64

I am glad that I am done with my exams. It has been quiet a daunting year, the year has been really stretching and a lot of things have happened during the year, I am happy that soon it will come to an end and I really hope that I have passed also and get done with the course that I am doing. What I can't wait for the most is seeing what next year will have in store for me.
My aunt has been checking if I am fine everyday and I have been thinking that maybe I am not really pregnant and the doctor got it wrong but I was lying to myself when I started feeling those little pregnancy symptoms.
My birthday is coming up really soon and I am not really a fan of it, I don't really like my birthday but Nkosana does put an effort. Well last year he did and he got me an amazing gift that I like, yes he got me a kitchen supply because I have been obsessed with one. An expensive one for that matter. Even though I have used it once or twice but I am still to use it so I am not rushing to it at all. 
I am thinking of going to see Nkosana at the office during lunch but I will think about it though, depends on how I am feeling that moment.
I am busy getting done with dressing up, the twins are with their nanny and them growing up so fast makes me sad. I wish they can just take their time in growing up.  I wish I can make their time slow just so that I can take my time with them before.they start asking questions that I don't know if I will be able to keep up with everytime. 
A knock surfaces from the door and I quickly go and attend to it and it is the nanny.
“Hi, Mrs Mthimkhulu is here and your aunt”,I frown.
They didn't say that they are coming here.
“Is she alone?”
“There are 3 of them”,now I am nervous. 
“Okay, I am coming”,She nods her head and walks away. 
I close the door and quickly try to find my phone and I find it. I can bet my last money of which I do not have that my aunt told Mrs Mthimkhulu that I am pregnant. 
I call Nkosana and it rings for a few moments before he answers.
“Your mom and my aunt are here”
“Fuck, what did they say they want?”
“I don't know, the nanny told me.”
“Okay I am coming”
“No, your mom will eat you alive. Remember last time?”
“I know but we are in this together so..."
“I couldn't keep it a secret so I will handle it”,I say and hang up. 
I breathe in and out before I walk out of the room when I am sure that I am atleast decent enough.  I see Mrs Vilakazi in the mix and I know that I am in big trouble. The nanny takes the boys away and she says she is going to feed them and change them. 
I look at all these ladies and Mrs Mthimkhulu is not pleased and so as my aunt. I swallow, Mrs Vilakazi is just neutral.
“Sanibonani”,I say softly while I play with my fingers. 
“Where is Nkosana?”,his mother asks and I swallow.
“He...he is at work”,I am not lying though.
“Come here”,My aunt says and I go slowly towards them and she lifts my top and they touch my stomach and Mrs Mthimkhulu is the first one to stop. 
“Zano Kodwa why are you and Nkosana so careless?”,she is disappointed.
“We are sorry ma"
“Angithi ayabancinza amacondom(Condoms itch them)”,My aunt says and I keep my silence and cast my eyes down.
“Zano do you know how much this is going to do to you? Do you have any idea?”, I keep my silence. 
I don't know what to say.
“And you and Nkosana are not married yet but you want to build children? Yini you got a tender for being an incubator?”,I lightly gasp and shake my head as my aunt shoots at me. 
“No aunty”
“I am sorry”
“Are you having one child?”
“I don't know yet”,I say and fear strikes in. 
What if I have 2 children again. I would die.
Mrs Mthimkhulu grabs her bag.
“Come we are taking you to the doctor and we are seeing that man of yours”,She says and I nod my head. 
I don't have a choice at this point but to obey them. I go and get my shoes before we leave the apartment after informing the nanny that we will be back soon.  My phone rings that moment and it is Nkosana.  I look at these ladies as they look at me and I quickly answer it as we get inside the car. 
“Baby are you still home?”,I hear him ask.
“We are leaving and going to the doctor”
“Eish, okay you will find me at home”
“Okay”,I say.
“Don't stress, this will blow over”,I really hope so.
“Okay”,Soon he hangs up and I sigh. 
The car drives off leading all ways to the doctor and I relax on the seat. I shouldn't think much of this right? I don't want to die while young because I have a heart attack. 
They are not speaking and neither am I speaking. I will not say anything at this moment so I will let them be consumed in their silence and so as I.  
The drive to the doctor's office is silent but short. It doesn't take us long to get there.  We soon hop out of the car and make our way inside and to my unfortunate lucky there is no one here yet. We get seated while my aunt and Mrs Mthimkhulu go to the reception lady to have me see the doctor. 
“We are just worried about you Zano”,I look at Mrs Vilakazi.
“I know"
“You are still finding your feet in this life thing and already you have everything bombarding you when you could've taken things step by step.
School, relationship, marriage soon, having kids and being a wife all at once while trying to figure who Zano is really is too much”,I feel tears prickle my eyes.
“I am sorry”,I softly say. 
She comes closer to me and pulls me into a comforting hug.
“It is okay, it's done. We can't stop you from exploring but we just hope that you will take things slow with Nkosana. It will overwhelm you at some point.”,I sniff. 
“I will find a good therapist for you this side so you can go and see her atleast twice a week.”,She says. 
“So that you do not relapse or fall back behind. We need to keep up with your well being.”,I keep my silence. 
“I will get Nkosana to attend with you”
“May you please come this way”,The reception lady says to me as she has a file in her hands.
“Woza Zano”,My aunt says and I wipe my tears and stand up.
“Ayikho into oyikhalela yona, bekumnandi bekujuxuza ( There is nothing you are crying for, it was nice when they were doing things to you)”
I don't do anything further before I get slandered.
I am 28 years old. I am engaged and also I am progressing but it feels like I am a teenager who just got pregnant. 
We get inside the Doctor's office and he greets.  My aunt greets back with Mrs Mthimkhulu before we settle down. 
“What can I do for you?",He asks.
They explain to him what is going on and that they want to be sure that everything is okay with me and if I am really pregnant and he nods.
He suggests that a scan be done so that all their questions can be answered. 
I am lead to the bed and these old women follow after me and I get on the bed and the doctor pulls up my top and prepares to do a scan on me. 
As soon as his monitor is on me I look at the screen and everyone else does. 
“This is what is in your stomach”
“Is she pregnant?"
“Definetly and here are the blobs and a sack, another here and their blobs”,he says and we all frown.
“What does that mean?”,My aunt ask as he throws her hand bag over her shoulder. 
“It means that two sperms dominated and fertilized two eggs but in that process they split too, one sack spilt in half and the other into 3”,He says and I don't understand him, I am a bit confused. 
“So she is having twins again since two eggs were fertilized?”,Mrs Mthimkhulu asks.
“Mana mfana, speak simple terms because you are loosing me. I did Bantu education so I don't know Quin what what”,My aunt says as she waves her hand confused as I am. 
“Okay, here in this first sac”,He circles around it on the screen as we watch what is inside my stomach.
“There are two kids because the egg spilt in half after being fertilized.  In this one it split 3 times so in total there seems to be 5”,I feel like my soul is leaving my body.
“That can't be possible!”,I say.
“It is very possible Miss Ngubo”,He looks at me.
“Are you sure it's 5?",Mrs Mthimkhulu asks and the doctor shows him.  I feel numb.
“Cha udinga ukuphucwa Yona manje Zano ngathi awukwazi ukuyisebenzisa(You need to be revoked off your private part because you can seem to use it properly)”,My aunt says and I feel hot right now. 
I feel like I am being punished for something. 
“cha uyacatha ngalento ocatha ngayo mfana wami”,My aunt says as soon as she sees Nkosana. 
“Ma”,He says softly bowing his head.
“I have nothing to say to you either than get a vasectomy ngoba uyahluleka manje”
“Ngathi nithole itender lokukhiqiza inkosi mpela(It's like you got a tender to make babies)”,he has his head kept bowed
Tears blind my eyes and I rush past him before he could say anything.  I get to the room we use and I close the door and throw myself on the bed and I cry. 
The universe hates me for real? How can this really happen. Normal people have one child at a time but mine comes in bunches like oranges in a sack. I sniff and keep my head down as I am crying. 
I hear the door opening and don't move.  It closes and I feel the bed moving and I can tell that it is Nkosana. 
“I am sorry”,He says and I sniff.  
“I know that this is tough and something we are not prepared for mentally”,He says and I keep on sniffing.
He kisses my neck and I stir a bit before I sit up and I look at him. 
“I want to remove my womb after this”,I say to him and he gets closer to me. 
“Th...that's okay if that is what you want”,I nod my head. 
“I don't want to have anymore babies”,He nods his head. 
“I understand.”,He wipes my tears as I sniff. 
“How did the doctor's appointment go?”,He asks.
“We are having 5 babies and your strong sperms split my egg into multiple humans”,I say and wipe my face. 
“Are you sure?”,He looks a bit shocked.
“Yes, we got photos and everything. It's with your mom”,he rubs his head. 
“Wow, I didn't expect this dream coming true”,I look at him.
“What dream?"
“Having a soccer team.",I give him a look.
“I am too small for all your big headed kids”,I say and hit his arm. 
“I am sorry baby, everything will be okay”
“Mmmh”,He pulls me to him. 
“I promise I will be a house husband while you go and work and enjoy life as I take care of the kids”,He says. 
“We need more nanny's to help”,I say.
“I love you”
He looks at me.
“You don't love me?"
“Not after giving me 7 kids in a space of 2 years of knowing you.  Actually how come you never impregnanted Refilwe or your previous girlfriend but mina nje first day and you made sure to leave your look alikes?”
“The twins look like you the most baby”,He says and kisses my forehead. 
“How will we take care of 7 kids? These type of scale of kids people have in polygyomous marriages”,I say. 
“The kids are here and there is nothing we can do”,He says.
Really there is nothing we can do. 
“Mmh”,He kisses my forehead. 
“I love you",He says again. 
“I love you too",He smiles. 


I had to tell the Mthimkhulu's, I couldn't keep it a secret especially something this big and now that it is off my shoulders I am more disappointed than worried about Zano. 
Thami came to fetch me, yes we came here together and met with Buhlalo and her friend before we went to the apartment.
I get inside the car and soon the car drives off.
“How did it go?"
“She is having 5 kids”,I say and he looks at me. 
“Woah that's alot”
“Izokhamisa into yakhe uzozibona(her pussy will be wide open she will see)”,I say and he laughs lightly.
“Baby, you can't say that”
“I am telling you, that boy is making sure to give her alot of kids and I am still going to visit him privately”,I say.
“Don't use violence”
“He needs to be reminded who I am”,I say.
He sighs.
“Well we will have 5 more grandkids”
Zano will learn about contreceptives this time. 

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