Chapter 41

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Chapter 41

Time flies quicker  than a person would think, I had alot to learn from alot of people and especially my aunt who was polishing my cleaning skills. She said she didn't want me to go into someone's home without being fully equipped.
My mother never set foot back here after she was taken away and I would say that I am happy that she is away. I really do not want her to be here to ruin my day or actually try to ruin my mood in any way. 
I am tired though, I miss being a person who would lazy around and just sit but with my aunt you can't just sit. Plus they say I need the exercise so that I will deliver the baby better and quicker too. I do want to deliver the baby quicker and better too. I really do.
I miss Nkosana though. Even though the calls and video calls and messages do something to fill that little void but I do miss him. So much actually.
“Zano, finish up. Abakhongi are outside and you are still naked in there!”,A bang follows on the door as Nomvelo's voice shouts waking me up from my little bath nap.
Yesterday we stayed up, cleaning. Chopping, gossiping and most of all I was being told how to behave as a wife by the married women of this community, the old women. They said a lot of things and it was a mouth full of things too. They left and so I slept late after everything. 
“I am coming”,I say and slowly get out of the bathtub. I grab the towel careful that I do not fall as my feet are still wet.
I manage to land on the carpet well and I wipe my feet and body before I drain the water and wash the bathtub.
A loud knock surfaces on the door just after Nomvelo woke me up. 
“Zanokuhle, I will tell those men to turn back because you don't want them here anymore”,It's my aunt.
My heart skips a beat and I quickly rush to the door and I open it and she is with Nomvelo.
“Go and get dressed. Everyone is waiting on you”,She says.
“Yes”I quickly rush to my room and Nomvelo follows and they close the door.
All the girls are in here. 
“Bhungane was calling you. What took you so long?”Nomvula asks.
“I fell asleep”,I say and I grab my cosmetic bag and I quickly lotion my body and after that I get the dress I am supposed to wear. I finish up and then I sit down and they start drying my hair where it is wet and then Nomvelo says she will curl it for me and I thank her. 
She adds heat protectant before she starts to curl it.
“Would you like some make up Zano?”,Tumelo asks.
“No, I am fine.
She nods her head. 
I do not want to look too much. 
My aunt walks in the room and she comes towards me and looks at me.
“You look pretty”,she says.
“Thank you”,I say.
“Be quick, the cake is here and abakhongi have been let in”,She says and  the girls tell her they will be quick.
She walks out and Nomvelo finishes up my hair.  Once she is done she lightly combs the curls and she styles my hair before she gives me a mirror and I look at myself.
I look cute. 
“I can't believe this is happening”,Khanyisile says.
“Me too.”,I say.
“I didn't think that I would ever leave this house and actually have friends and sisters ofcause”,I say and they laugh.
“God works in mysterious ways Neh?”Happy says and I nod my head. 
We clean up in the room before we chill and wait for my aunt to show up and she does. She calls for Myself, Tumelo, Khanyisile and Nomfundo to come covered and Happy asks to come and she agrees.  We get blankets and they carefully make me cover up and we are led out of the room into the living room. I can only see my feet and not anyone in the room. We sit down on the grass may and I hear the elders talking.
“You can choose the one you are here for from these flowers”
“The green blanket”,That is Nomfundo.
“Nomfundo, uyabazi labantu(Do you know these people?)”,she better say no because she doesn't.
“Cha malume”,good. She said no.
“Another pick”
“The one in the purple blanket”,That's Happy.
There is a bit of silence before I hear someone choking.
“May we have our bride back boNgubo?”,I hear the uncles say.
“She is our flower. Nkosazane do you know these men?”
“No”,There is a bit of commotion
“May we carry on?"
“Yes,we choose the one in pink”,I open my blanket and I feel like I am breathing again.
I see Jabulani's face,displeased is what is displayed on his face.  Happy looking down like the most respectful girl in the world.
“Mntanami do you know these men?”,My uncles ask.
“Yes”,I say and I hear some ululation.
“They asked for your hand in marriage. Do you accept?”,They ask.
“Yes”,Another ululation. Soon we get released and we went back into the room and found the twins.
“How did it go?”,Nomvelo asks.
“Her husband was pissed seeing her there”,Tumelo mentions as she points to Happy.
“It’s not like I was going to agree and stuff. I just wanted to see how it is like to be in that position”,She says and they laugh.
“He will calm down. Don't worry”,Nomvula mentions.
We sit together and  continue  having a chat. Soon my aunt appears and tell us that everything went well and now we are to go outside to the tent.
We prepare to leave and my aunt tells me to stay in the room and wait for Nkosana. She wants me to leave with him.  I also want to go outside too. 
I sit down as she waits with me in the room. She keeps on checking the coast over the curtain.
“Aunty I want to go outside too”,I say and she turns around and looks at me.
“Zano, be patient”,She says and I sigh. 


I see Jabu making his way towards my parents car, he stands there for a while and then my mother hops out of the car with Mrs Vilakazi as well with his assistant. I wanted him to be there inside to make sure that everything goes well for me.and that Zano's family doesn't sabotage anything.
Nomvula appears behind them and she greets the old girls before she makes her way to the car to us. 
I have a green suit on, much to Zano's aunt's orders that she wants me to dress smartly.
They got me into the program that this will not be just a simple day but she has invited people after the negotiations for a luncheon and I am sure it is not something small considering the way the tent in the yard is big and also the amount of people going in and out of the yard now. 
I just want Zano, that's all but if it makes her aunt happy then it is okay because a happy aunt is an easy life for my woman.
We hop out of the car as she approaches it and she laughs.
“Guys, why didn't you wear green?”,she asks.
She is in a green dress with a red apron on.  She must be a buzzy buzz at the moment.
“He is the one getting married, not us”,Lange replies and she hugs him and shares a perk with him. 
“Everything went well, I am here to fetch you guys and Nkosana, Zano's aunt is waiting for him”,Thulani pats my shoulder.
“Good luck”,He says.
“She is not bad guys. She is sweet, just doesn't like nonsense”,Nomvula says and I look at her and she laughs.
“I will see you guys”,I say before I walk off and Nomvula comes with me. 
We enter the yard and my family members were taken to the tent while I was taken inside the house. I greet everyone I see as we are walking through and I am feeling a bit nervous.
We get to a room and Nomvula knocks on the door and she opens it and Zano's room comes to display. I didn't expect it look like this. Organised and nice, simple but nice too.  There are two framed pictures of her young on the wall in her room. I see her and she looks so beautiful, I can't believe that this is my woman and I have to partially thank Tusani for it. 
Her aunt turns from the window and I swallow.
“Sawubona ma”,I say.
“You are the famous Nkosana”,She says and I don't know what to say.
Zano stands up from the bed and rushes to me and gives me a hug.
“Your suit matches my dress. You look handsome”,She says and I smile.
“You look beautiful”,I say.
“Sit down the both of you. I want to talk to you”,she says and Nomvula excuses herself and she leaves the room.
We sit down on Zano’s bed and she looks at us and points at me.
“Just because you paid for Zanokuhle doesn't mean you own her.”
“I would never think of that”,I say.
She smiles.
“Good, you can both go out to the tent now.  You sit at the front”,She says and I stand up and pulls Zano up and we walk out together. This woman is just something else.”
“Is your aunt always like that?”,I ask.
“She is happy”,She says.
Well I don't know about that.


We get to the tent and there are ululations all around. I wave my hand to everyone. It is very beautiful too, I see Mrs Vilakazi and her husband with Mrs Mthimkhulu and Bhungane's father.
The Luu is here and I see her husband too. I am happy to see them.
We get seated and Nkosana holds my hand into his. Starters are served and then a few words are shared. Wise words and words of advice from the old parents and I will take what they have shared into consideration.
Pictures get taken, my aunt expresses how happy she is for me and she is really happy today. Jabu also says a few words to us and mostly his friend at that. I am happy for him and I am happy to have met this man. My life changed for the better with him in my life.  There is a huge difference in my life now.
A moment is given to me to express how I feel at the moment while people are having their little meals. I stand up and look at everyone in front of me. Some people I know and some I do not know. 
“I would like to thank all my friends, family and new family the most. I wouldn't be where I am in life if it wasn't for each of them but mostly this man next to me.  He made me see more that the world has to offer for me. His patience and kindness  and there were times he could've given up on me but he still loves me and I love him for that. Thank you Nkosana, I am so happy with you”,He smiles and people clap their hands and ululate.
He stands up and clears his throat.
He speaks and expresses his gratitude towards everyone and his speech is a bit touchy. I smile as I look at this tall man almost breaking my neck in the process. After the speech he presents a gift to my aunt for raising me.
You should've seen how my aunt was joyful she even danced and ululates in front of everyone. 
Despite everything else. My aunt did raise me and she became a mother my own mother didn't want to be in my life. I am grateful for that honestly.
The show off ends and we are indulging in good music and some food and small chatters. Soon we hear gunshots in the air and Nkosana covers me as I duck while everyone else screams
My heart beats fast as fear consumes me. 
The baby roughly kicks on me and I cry at the pain.

ZanokuhleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora