Chapter 45

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Chapter 45


I shift a bit on the bed just go lay properly as the doctor and this man look at the screen. I can hear the sounds erupting in the room and I swallow as I look at the screen and then this man who has the widest smile on his face. 
“You shouldn't be this happy. You still have some things to deal with”,His doctor friend mentions and he refrains from smiling.
“Can't I be happy just for a little moment?”,He asks and his friend shakes his head. 
“You can”,The doctor looks back at me.
“You seem to be doing fine. I would recommend a DNA test done”,He says and he looks at me. 
“Sure”,If they think they are lying then they should do whatever.
“We will do it when the child is born. I don't want the risk of loosing the child”,This man says and his friend starts to clean up my stomach. 
I soon sit up and we wait for him to get the pictures for us as we wait.
“Have you told your wife about this?”,I ask and he looks at me and he sighs.
“Ye...yes. she told my family. She is not happy”,He says and I give him a look.
“Who would be happy that your partner is having a baby with someone else. You should've just let me...”,He quickly turns to me and holds my shoulders. 
“Don't for a second think of killing this baby. It is our baby and eversince I learnt why my wife and I cannot have children it was difficult to accept that I wouldn't be a father. Yes cheating on her was very wrong and a mistake but this? This child was meant to happen”,His speech makes one feel touched. Well I will not be because now I will be killed by people I don't know for being pregnant. Already his friend is giving me side stares. 
“Okay”,I say and I sigh there after. 
“It will be okay.”,He says and I just nod my head. 
This would've been much better if he wasn't married. I didn't even know he was married that night, only after. 
The door opens and his friend comes back in and he steps away from me and retrieves the small envelope. 
“We will be in touch”,He says and his friend thanks him and I get off the bed with his help and we walk out of the room. I swallow as we go to his car and we get inside.  He starts the car and drives off. His phone rings and he takes it out and he shoves it back in his pocket after observing who might be calling. 
“You shouldn't be scared to answer your wife's call in front of me. We are nothing but parents to this child I guess”,I say as I look at my stomach. 
“It's my brothers”,He says.
“Oh okay”,He runs his fingers on his head and his phone rings and he looks at it again before he decides to answer it. 
“Yes”,he keeps his silence. 
“I don't want to fight bhuti”, he says in a defeat tone.
“I am on my way back home”,He says after some time. 
I decide to mind my own business. 
Married people are a mess of which I don't know how I got caught up into. 
He soon ends the call and he sighs.
“I need to rush home quickly”,He says.
“With me?”,I look at him.
“Yes, I promise I will take you back to your place.
“Just leave me somewhere here. I will Uber back to my place”,He looks at me like I grew some horns.
“You know how dangerous Ubers are? That's not safe”
“Like it is safe to go and get beaten by your wife?!do you know how married people get crazy? I don't want that.”,I say.
“She wouldn't”,He says firmly like be believes what he is saying right now. 
“No”,I say.
“Can we not fight about this?”,Oh God, how can you make this one the father of this baby. Now I regret my life choices at the moment.
We arrive in Constaintia. I know places like this, Bhungane once lived in This area before he moved and downgrades his big space to something smaller because he was living alone since his sister moved overseas with her family before she came back.I wonder what type of doctor is this man. I look at him and he hops out of the car once it is parked and I look at the other cars parked around this place. 
“I will be back right now. Don't call the Uber Refilwe”,He says and I nod my head. 
He goes quickly to the inside of the house and I just sit here and scroll through Instagram. I stalk Bhungane's new girl. I just feel sick by thinking that already.  She has posted something and her location points to KZN.
It's a series of pictures, seems like she is at Bhungane's family home.  I have never been there but seeing him in some of the pictures points out where they might be and the location too. 
I sigh and place my hand on my forehead.  The door opens and he is back.  He hops inside the car and I see two men and a lady running up to the car and she knocks on his window. 
He rolls it down.
“Khalipha please get out of the car. We just want to solve all of this.I will neutralize the situation”,She says. 
“Let him go Nana!”,The other man says and this lady sighs.
“Both of you get out of the car. She is part of the relationship now and she will forever be since there is a baby”,She says.
This man looks at me like he is thinking about it when he shouldn't be. 
He opens the door and hops out and he comes and gets me out too.  I quickly send my location to my mother. Just in case something happens to me.  My heart is racing and these men in front of me scare me the most. I feel like they will kill me. 
“Come, let's go inside”,This lady says and she leads the way. 
These men follow so as us. 
My heart is beating fast. I feel like crying at the moment. 
We find his wife crying in another lady's arms and my heart breaks that moment. I feel so guilty. 
“Please let's sit down”,The lady who fetched us says and this man helps me sit down like I am paralyzed. 
The wife looks up and she sees me. 
“How could you Khalipha?",She says as she cries.
“Nozwelo, I am sorry. I do apologize on my end, I shouldn't have slept with anyone beside you and I know that you are angry but I will not have my child aborted”,He says to his wife. 
The lady next to her is brushing her back.
“How sure are you that she is carrying your child?”,One man asks. 
“I am sure”,He says.
“Can we do a DNA test?”,One lady mentions. 
“Not now, I don't want to risk baby's life”,He says and they look at me.
“What do you have to say?”,haibo I didn't cheat on anyone and impregnant someone.
“I didn't know he was married and I am not after him. I am okay with the DNA testing. I have nothing to hide”,I say and the men nod their heads. 
“You will rot in hell with this woman. I don't want any piece of her in my house or life”,the wife says. 
“Sisi please calm down”,The other lady says.
“What do you mean Nozwelo?”,her husband asks with a frown on his face. 
“You choose, the baby or me?”,What? Oh no. This is getting out of hand already.
“What? Are you hearing yourself?”,He replies.
“Now let's not make drastic moves please.  Everyone calm down. Sisi please.”,The lady says.
“No Sisi Buyi let her speak.  She wants to control everything. Like how she controlled how we can't have children right now. Unlike you she removed her womb because she doesn't want to have kids and never communicated that with me. I found out after going around like a headless chicken trying to find out what is the problem but I stayed. Maybe that was my first mistake. I shouldn't have stayed when I knew what I wanted and what you wanted. ”,He says as he looks at her and his eyes are a bit glossy.
He removes the ring and throws it on her lap and pulls my hand to stand up. 
“Enjoy your life Nozwelo” ,he says as he pulls me out and now I am in the mist of the seperation drama. You see? They will say I have intentions.  If I did then I would be working my butt off bit I am not. 
The women follow us as he leaves her crying. 
“Khalipha please. You can't give up like that”
“I am tired Sisi. I am really tired. I tried to love that woman but she is difficult. I am not even shoving the baby in her face but right now she is forcing my hand. She wants me to practically not raise my child and I will not do that”,He says.
“She is emotional at the moment”
“She means what she has said. It's fine”,He says and he gets me in the car and leaves these women defeated.
He gets inside as well and he starts to drive off. 
The car is silent. He wipes his eyes and carried on like nothing has happened. 
I feel so bad. I did though put abortion on the table but he is adamant on having this child. 
“I have never been a mother before so I don't know how it works”,I was hoping he takes the child and raise it with his wife. Now what?
“I have never been a dad before. Only an uncle”,He says and I nod my head. 
“How long have you been married for?”,I ask. 
He keeps his silence for a moment.
“4 years”,He says. 
“You can't give up now”,I say.
“What about my happiness?She did things behind my back and made me look like a fool. She was once like you, you know”,He says and chuckles lightly.
I frown.
“Like what?”,I ask.
“Partying and in clubs alot.  She never told me she removed her womb. She made me put children in our plans. She knew how much I wanted to have kids in the future and a stable home but she hurt me.  I know I have hurt her too but I can't choose a stranger over my own child. My father gave me the best mother. Though I don't remember most of her but I knew she loved me like I was her own”,He says a bit lost in thoughts.
“I hear you and I am sorry”,he nods his head. 
I keep my silence. Problem solving are not my best speciality. 


“It is chasing me!”,I say as I am running while the chicken is running behind me and I am screaming.
Tears well up in my eyes. 
“It is chasing me!”
“Haibo iybambeni!(Catch it)”, Nkosana's grandmother shouts from the verander and Nkosana's cousin rushes to catch it with its wings and she holds it and I stop running and go on my knees and then on my butt and I start crying. 
It almost bit me.  My chest is heavy from the running and the baby is heavy in me too.  I cough as I am crying and the aunts rush to me. 
“Oh Nkosi yami, come here”,They pull me up and dust my butt. 
“I just...I...just wanted to go out... outside”,I say as I start having hiccups and soon I see Nkosana rushing towards me. 
“We will kill it okay?”,The aunt says and I nod my head. 
Nkosana gets to me and the worry on his face.
“What happened aunty?”,He asks.
“The chicken chased her”,She explains and he takes me into his arms. 
“I am sorry baby”,He says.
“ wanted to bite me. I almost fell with the baby”,I say and he kisses my forehead. 
“Let's go inside. I will make some hot chocolate for you”,He says. 
“I want it with some muffins”,I say.
“Okay. That's fine”,He says and he gives me a perk and wipes my tears.
“Come”,we make our way inside the house and people keep on apologizing. I hear the chicken crying for the last help. I will not even help it because it wanted to end me. 
We get to the room we are using and I get on the bed and Nkosana makes sure that I am okay before he leaves the room and goes to get me what he had promised.I am so scared to go outside now.  I don't want to go outside anytime soon.
I rub my stomach as I try to calm down. I sit uncomfortably as I feel like the bed is wet.  I hear a knock on the door and I go and open the door and Mrs Mthimkhulu is there.
“Oh,I heard you are not okay”,She says.
“The chicken chased me”,I say.
“Oh I am so sorry”,She says and looks down on me.
“You should change. ”,I look at my wet skirt. 
“I don't know what happened”,I say. 
“You didn't pee while you were outside?”,She asks.
“No, my bladder hasn't been full. I went to the toilet before I went outside”,She gets inside the room.
“We need to take you to the hospital. I think your water broke.”,She says.
“But I am 8 months in”,I say. 
“Zano, the chicken chasing you might have triggered early labour”,She says and I rub my stomach.
Now I am worried.
“Change,. I will tell Nkosana then we will leave”,I nod my head and she leaves the room. I go to the bed and it is wet. I remove the wet cover and then I change my skirt and it is wet like water water. It doesn't smell like pee. 
I shouldn't be having the baby now. I am.not supposed to anyway.

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