Chapter 57

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Chapter 57


I am so excited that I am done for the week and I couldn't wait to get on the plane. The night before I made sure I packed and the Principal called me in and told me that he pulled some quick favours for me to be able to be in Joburg since I am a mother now and my kids are all there. I cried when I told him that story, I was desperate and he told me that he was able to do something and now I am going to be with my little family. I am so happy! Plus my aunt's birthday is tomorrow too. She told me she didn't plan anything but Nomvula told me that there will be a little suprise for her so I cannot wait for that!
I didn't inform Nkosana though that I am.coming. I was supposed to come last week but I couldn't because I had a practical coming up and so I waited until I was realeased from this city. 
I will be back though, one day I will be back. 
So I landed in Joburg and my driver was with me, he had everything prepared for me. We get to the car that we will be using and then he loads my 3 suitcases full of my stuff and my bag and we get inside the car before he drives off and I am excited. 
“I can't wait to see my boys. I am sure they look bigger now in person”,I say. 
It has been what? A month and 2 weeks now since they were born. They are growing up way too fast now and it was just yesterday when I had no child in sight. 
The driver nods. 
I look outside the window and as the drive commences and we soon reach the apartment. We unload our things and then we make our way to the apartment. I get there and I knock on the door and it opens and a girl that I don't know opens the door. 
“Hello”,I say with a frown.
“Hello Sisi, how are you?”,She asks.
“I am good, who are you? My aunt and fiancé live here with my kids”,She smiles.
“I am the new Nanny Thobile”,she says.
Oh now I get it. The frown vanishes and now I return the smile to her. 
“Oh well, hi Thobile”,I say and she makes way for me and I get inside. 
“Let me help you”,she helps me with my bags and I see my little boys in their seats and I drop my bags and run to them.
“Oh my little things! I have missed you so much! Look how grown you two look”,I kiss them both and they start their little air kicking.
“Is aunty here and Nkosana?”
“Bhuti Nkosana left for work and aunty left this morning for breakfast”,But it is almost lunch now.
“Okay”,I say and kiss my babies. 
Before I know it they start crying and I move away from them and they stop and stare at me but I realise they want to stare at what is behind me. 
I grab my bags and the nanny helps me with putting them in my room.
I need to change and go and see Nkosana. I have missed him so much too. I quickly put my stuff down and then I quickly change out of the outfit that I am wearing and opt for some jeans and sneakers. Here it is a bit chilly than where I come from. I wear my leather Jacket to top off my outfit and I comb my hair and decide to curl it.
Yes I have learnt how to do that. I had no choice but to go on YouTube and learn. Yes I burnt a few times but I am getting the hang of it.
I get done and I look nice shame. 
I take my small bag and put my phone inside before I spray my fragrance and then I leave the room and the nanny is watching TV with the twins.
“Do they bother you?”,I ask.
“Not at all”,She smiles. 
“I am going out, I will be back soon”
“Okay”,I then find the driver and ask him to take me to Nkosana's work place. 
The driver was nice enough to drop me off by the door and told me if I need to be fetched. I called my aunt before coming here and she told me that she is at her new friend's work place and I told her I am going to see Nkosana and that I have came back.
She told me she will see me when she comes back from her friend. 
Should I even say friend? Maybe they are dating and we don't know as yet.
I have the Woolworths reusable bag with all that I got inside. I have some take away and some snacks and drinks. Not that I will be staying here for long but just in case I get to stay here for long. 
I get to the reception and the reception lady and also his assistant were there. I greet.
“Hello, I am here to see Mr Mthimkhulu”,I say. 
“Oh he is..”,The reception lady gets interrupted by the assistant.
“He is busy but I can take you up”,the assistant says looking at me and I nod.
She goes around while the reception lady stares at her, we start moving and getting inside the elevator. I am quiet while she looks at me. 
“So how did you meet Mr Mthimkhulu?",She asks and I look at her. 
“Through an old friend”,I say and she nods
“So he is really your boyfriend ? He is a fine man”
“He is not my boyfriend but fiancé,He paid lobola not so long ago so we are going to get married soon”,I say and she nods her head. 
I size her up and down.
“Lucky you, many people want that man”,She has an attitude. 
I light frown.
“Do you have some problem with me?”,I ask.
“No, not at all"
“You are giving me some attitude that I don't understand”
“You must be hallucinating”,she says and the elevator doors open and we both get out. 
I don't even know this girl properly anyway. I walk ahead of her and see Nkosana's office and I don't even ask anything from her anymore. 
I knock lightly and I hear a come in and I make my way inside opening the door and he is focused on the work in front of him.  I close the door and go towards his desk.
His shirt sleeves are rolled up on his arms. He seems to be quiet busy. 
“I think I might need you to take these papers to Mr Mzimela upstairs Vee”,He says and I put my things down and I go towards him and stand in front of him.
“Vee is not here”,I say and he looks up from his work.
“Baby”,He gets off the chair and quickly picks me up. 
I lightly scream.
“Nkosana”,He places me on top of his papers on the desk and kisses my lips and I return it.
“I have missed you so much”,I cup his face.
“I have missed you as well. I couldn't wait to see you”,I say. 
“This is a nice surpise, I thought you were coming tomorrow.”,He says.
“What is more nice is that I am here to stay!”,I say and clap my hands in excitement. 
“That is great news baby!”
He kisses my cheek.
“Come, let's eat. I am a bit hungry”,I say and he gets me off his desk and we move to his office couch and he takes the bag I came with and we sit down. 
“I saw the new nanny,she is nice”
“She likes the kids too. Your aunt chose a great person”,He says and I nod my head as I take out our meals and then we start eating.
“Are you busy?”
“I am a bit, why? You wanted to do something?”,He asks.
“Well no, I was just asking but do you want to go out tonight, just us”,He says and I smile.
“Yes, I would love that.”,this man just makes loving him so beautiful and I love that.
We carry on talking and I update him about school and how far I am right now with it while we are having a meal together. 
I ended up staying a bit longer in the office and waitined for him while he did some work.
“Nomvula told me that there is going to be a lunch tomorrow for aunty, I am sure she is happy”,I say and Nkosana looks up to me.
“She doesn't know. Did you tell her?”,He asks.
“I didn't know she didn't know, I haven't told her yet.”,I say.
“Keep it like that baby. This is a secret”,he says.
“Why doesn't she have to know? It's just lunch”
“It's a surprise lunch. Your cousin will be there”
“Nomfundo is coming?"
“Yes”,He says and I nod my head.
“Okay, I will try hiding this but you know I can't keep lying to her for long”,I say.
“Just forget about it and don't even think about tomorrow”,He says and I nod my head.
“Okay”,I go back to my phone.
A secret. Why should this be kept a secret?
I sit in Nkosana's office until he tells us we can leave and we leave together. 

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