Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

The drive to the doctor wasn't a long one and also I didn't have to wait long with terms of going into the doctor's office. I told him how I was feeling and he ruled out that I just have a flue and also took my temperature and found out that it is a bit high, so as my blood pressure. We waited a bit in the doctor's office for my blood pressure to go down before he prescribed some pills for me and asked that in 3 days I come back once again to check but I just have a flue, a mini fever and I understand.  I am not really one to just have a flue out of no where so when I get sick I do get really sick. 
“Should we take you to Bhungane's apartment?”,I nod my head as Happy asks me that question.
I am sure he will be there or he will find me there when he comes back from work. 
“Let’s get you some food Zano before we drop you off”,I nod my head.
“I don't want a lot.”
“We will not get you alot of food”,I nod my head. 
The drive going to the apartment had me feeling a bit drowsy though I did not close my eyes and sleep.  Maybe it is because my body is now recasting as someone who is really sick after that doctor visit. 
We get to the apartment and it is my first time being here.  We get out of the car and I take my things out with their help.  We make our way to the inside of this place and I have to say that this man doesn't know how to out together proper furniture. Even his house back in Capetown doesn't have the best furniture to compliment his beautiful so as this place as well. 
I move around the place and find a room and the girls follow me.  I put everything of mine down and open my suitcase and take out my pyjamas.
“We will leave you here for now, Call us if you need anything and please eat before drinking your medication”,Nomvula says.
“Okay, I will”,They both give me a hug and wait for me to get dressed and eat first before they leave after I had taken my medication and I rest in bed as they leave. 
I open my eyes and the room is a bit dark but I can see the light seeping through the door. I got off the bed slowly and stretched myself, rubbing  eyes as I go through to the door and walk out. I walk through the apartment until I get to a room where I hear Nkosana's voice and I open it wider going inside and he turns around and faces me.  His face stern with a frown but the frown disappears the very moment he sees me.
“I will call later”,He hangs up and puts his phone on the table. 
“Hey baby”,He goes around the desk and comes towards me. 
“Hello”,I say and he picks me up in his arms.
I wrap my legs around his torso.  I look at him.  
“How are you feeling?”,He asks.
“I am sick”,I say.
“You did go to the doctor?”,I nod my head. 
“Yes, my friends took me there.  I have a bad flue”, he nods his head and kisses my forehead. 
“I am sorry, you will be okay, I promise”,I nod my head. 
“I missed you”,I say, he smiles.
“I am happy you are here. I made some food for you,come let's go”,He says and we move out of his little space. 
“Who decorates your places?”,I look around.
“You don't like it?”
“The furniture doesn't suit the place. It's out of order”,I say looking around still. 
“You can get rid of what you don't like and put what you like”,I turn my head to look at him.
“Seriously?”,He nods his head. 
“Yes baby”,I nod my head. 
“I will think about it”,he chuckles. 
We get in the kitchen and he puts me on the counter and goes around to getting the food for me and himself. 
He warms it up after dishing up the food and then he puts the food on the counter. I ask him if I can sit on the floor and he opts we go to the living room and sit on the carpet instead so that I don't get more sick than I already am. 
We go together to the living room and sit on the floor and I take my food and start eating. It tastes really nice, I like it.
“You made this?”,I ask and he nods his head.
“I can cook here and there”,I smile. 
“I love it”,I shy away from him and carry on eating while be stares at me. 
His stares have never made me uncomfortable and they will not start now I believe. 


I can hear the sound of the hairdryer in the other bedroom and I know that Zano is busy with her hair.  She doesn't want me to help her do her hair as of late because she believes that she can now do it on her own, or should learn how to do it on her own as we will be living apart now for 12 months. 
I like doing stuff for her, especially doing her hair. It makes me feel proud and prepared. Well I thought that I am prepared one day to take care of the twins hair and even my child one day, when I have one.  
I do my tie and watch myself through the mirror. There is a shareholder meeting today at Thulani's company, discussing Lange's shortfall with regards to the Hawks and so far things are underwraps but we are hoping for the best while doing our best to conceal any loopholes.
I am not one to like wearing a tie as much but I feel like today it is needed.  I am worried though about leaving Zano in her sickly state. I finish getting dressed and I walk out of the main bedroom and go to the guest room and I find her seated on the floor doing her hair.  I made sure to get a big mirror in all of my places, I know how much she loves being seated on the floor. 
I watch her as she gets her hair dried in sections and being gentle with herself too. 
“You are doing well”,She turns to me and turns off the hair dryer. 
“You were speaking?”,I shake my head.
“I am almost done with my hair”,She says. 
I watch her as she carries on with doing her hair. 
She is just glowing so differently, I don't know man.When she told me that she is sick I didn't think much of it until Thulani told me that she could possibly be pregnant of which I believe that she is not plus she went to the doctor and she only vomitted once. 
“Are you okay?”,She asks.
I now realise that she is done. I look at her to find any signs that say it is something different but she looks the same just glowing. I believe that she is happy.
“Zanokuhle,are you happy?”,I ask her as I stare at her. 
She looks at me and has a slight frown on her face before it disappears.
“Happy how?”
“Do I make you happy? Does my mom make you happy?”
“Yes you make me happy and your family does too.”,She smiles. 
I return her smile. 
“But you are leaving now and I will be all alone so I am not happy”, I pull her closer to me and perk her lips.
“After the meeting I will try and come back to see you okay?”,She nods her head. 
“Can't I come and help you like the time we did in Cape town?”,she ask.
“You can come in after 2 hours. The driver will bring you in”,she nods her head.
“Okay,bye”,she looks at me and I lean down and she gives me a cheek kiss then giggles after that.
I love how little things excite her.  She is just...refreshing. 
“I will see you in two hours”,she nods her head and I move away from her. 
Leaving is hard right now, as hard as remembering that soon she will leave and I will be stuck here but we will try to make it work. 

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