Chapter 24: A Single Turn Point in History

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USS Forrestal (Normal)

In a small port, somewhere in the cold winter of Alaska.

???:Knocking on the door.

???:"Come in" the voice spoke from the inside.

The girl quickly open the door to find a ship who's only a couple of age older than her. Yet her act is like an old ship.

???:"I knew you'll come...Child of Nimitz, Zumwalt.

In a step, Zumwalt closes the door behind her. With a sigh the ship turn her attention to Zumwalt.

???:"I'm sure you're curious about something, right Zumwalt?"


???:"All of your answer will be answered soon enough."


A single scene vividly imagined inside Zumwalt's mind. 

Flames. A base consumes by crimson fires of their enemy. 

It was a fate that she knew is unavoidable. Whatever they do, whatever solution she could think, everything crumbled under the hands of their enemy.

In the distance, a burned white flag rose from the ground. Scorched and let ablaze, whoever that survives in battle must either escaped from the first sign of attack or has the ability to hid their presence.

Wrecks of corpses and riggings, mostly Eagle Union's spread amongst the cold waters. Their blood tainted the waters into red. 

They fight valiantly. Yet, fruitless at the end of the day. Anyone has suspected that the attack will happen in one way or the other, but not at this scale.

Dust accumulate at her feet, torned and wounded, she searched for something, something to cling her fate onto. A flicker of hope inside the Eagle Union.

With her riggings ripped and shredded on her back, the only thing she could do to fight is to claw and subdue her enemy with her bare hands, proved by blood dripping from it.

A single tear from her dying sight was seen flowing from her cheek as she turn every wreckage, one by one, every second her she takes her breath in anticipation.

From the sky, come to the ground, particles from the flames forsaken her lungs as she keeps searching, for something. 

Zumwalt:"Mom...hang...on for me." She mumbled.

Choked by her own thoughts, she trembled. Everywhere she sees, blood is presence. What happen, what went wrong. Why did her mom leave her to fend for her own, all of this question goes unanswered as she keeps searching for her.

From a far, the wind breeze, as she could hear the dying breaths from her fellow ships. But, she would just ignore it. She can't handle the pressure alone, she thought. She can't handle anything alone.

A single voice then pierced her ear, the deafening groan of someone she knew. In a rush, she tracked the sound, looking and searching for any clues to where this sound came from.

Now, with another stone to unturn, she looks beneath to find a terrifying sight. Her breath stop as her damaged eyes widen in horror. 


Hoarse as she sound, with a smile she replied. 


Blood trickles down from her eyes, her sight flickered red as she touches her body, stained by her bloodied hand.

Nimitz:"I'm...fine, Zumwalt...Don't worry...about me."

In a frantic search to see what's wrong, she slide her hand down to her waist to find...

Nimitz:"...Looks like...there's no use to hide it from you...huh." A trickle was seen dropping on her mouth as she keeps smiling.

Zumwalt:" no no no...No..." She shakes her head as she mumbled, expending every energy that's left inside her as she coughs blood.

Seeing this, Nimitz slowly move her hand to Zumwalt's...Holding it tightly as she breathes.

Nimitz:"Zumwalt...My daughter...that's...enough."


Nimitz:"...All I say is...thank you for everything...Zumwalt..."

Zumwalt:"Mom...stop saying that...You're not going to die yet..." 

With a grimace, she transfered her energy once again before the warmth of a hand was felt on her face.

Nimitz:"You survive my daughter..."

Zumwalt:"Why are you...this...this pathetic...Wake up!...Wake up and at least be with me! Mo-"

Nimitz:"All I wanted to that that you' pearl."


She momentarily stare at Nimitz's eyes. She doesn't know how to feel. Sorting her feelings, she mumbled once again.

Zumwalt:"...Mom...stop...Don't you dare...Don'"

Feeling as her energy drained out of her, she dropped onto Nimitz's heart, the sinking feeling of her heart getting weaken makes her more and more anxious. 


For a moment, Nimitz's eyes turned to the side. In a short period of time, she collected every energy from her body before pushing Zumwalt, transfering every energy back to her as she whisper one last thing.

Nimitz:"Run like the pearl."

Confused and shocked, Zumwalt now freeze in position before seeing missile barrage every land surrounding where her mom lied, followed by tens of enemy ship girls marched for the last time for making sure that they've eliminated everything.

As the situation dawns on her, with a shed of tears, she disappeared into the air as she tracks back to where she came from. 

From the distance, a red flag was declared upon the land where they lay waste upon.

A line which made up of three sentence echoed from the enemy side. 

"Peace under the red banner, Glory to the dragon, Rise the East Empire!" 

Taking the a blood stained coat that hang from a closet, she wore it behind her back as she look upon the destruction of her homeland.

The once beautiful Eagle Union, now turned into an undistinguishable ruin from any other empires from the past, she finally walks away, not risking her capture and subsequent death if she's captured by the hands of the Red Dragon.


Zumwalt:"That's from my tell me all about yours...Once traitor of Eagle Union, Independence.

Independence:"So you remembered huh...It's I believe, two..."

Zumwalt:"Months ago."

Independence:With a slight chuckle, she stood up from her rocking chair. "Very well...From the beginning until the end, where everything gone wrong, I'll open the pages that I don't want to open for you."

Independence:"Of course, as they say. No empires lasts forever, but...We can't submit to Pax Sinica for too long so, I'll tell you what you need to know...Let's start, from where we ended..."

Prologue Ends.

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