Chapter 5:Pearl Your Last Harbor

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Somewhere close to Pearl Harbor.

Akizuki:Seeing the rising sun and then look at Zumwalt's watch. "It's...6 AM."

Haguro:Observing her compass. "Shitte iru, Akizuki."

Akizuki:"We're only hundred or two hundred Nautical Miles from Pearl Harbor."

Rheinland:Scouting using her NH-90 Sealion. "What...are we even doing here?"

Haguro:"Interrupting...the Sakura Empire's advance..."

Rheinland:Store her NH-90 Sealion, frustrated. "And?"

Haguro:"Protecting so...Pearl Harbor doesn't happen."

Rheinland:Goes to Haguro and grab her by the uniform's collar. "Zwecklos! No matter what we do, that damn harbor will get pearl'd clean to dust!"

Arleigh:"Hey! Watch it!"

Rheinland:"I mean, I'm right, aren't I?!"

Arleigh:"You know how many ship girls and people died in that event!?"

Rheinland:Release Haguro's collar. "It's better to let history happen than we died uselessly!"

Arleigh:"I just said just don't make fun of it!"

Rheinland:"Am I?!" 

Arleigh:Repairing her rigging. "In...technical you're not wrong."

Rheinland:Throw her hands onto the air. "So, what were we even doing here??" She said before she sat with a frustrated face.

Zumwalt:"Watching it person...It's better than learning it in class, is it not?"

All of them then look at Zumwalt, her face covered in pure gloom and despair while pondering about the inevitable...Pearl Harbor.

Arleigh:Sighing while still repairing her rigging. "How long do you want to keep that face, Zumwalt?"

Zumwalt:Gaze at Arleigh pessimistically. "Any...bright ideas, Arleigh?" 

Arleigh:"Stop, repeating that. I hate your mother's motto."

Zumwalt:"I'll report that to her later."

Arleigh:"If we return safely."

Rheinland:"Stop the banter you imperial lovers. What. will. we. do?" She spoke in a depressed tone.

Dauntless:"We could...try to defend it."

Zumwalt:Looks at Dauntless. "We could, but where's the will gone?"

Bothered by their attitude. She stood, shouted and pointed at the two with a condescending and appalled look.

Rheinland:"You two are actually shameful. Where's that wit and strength to protect your own kin at? Where's your will to avenge your faction?!" 

Zumwalt:"Which is important, changing events that already happened in the past or your life?"

Rheinland:Shocked. "What...kind of question is even that...?"

Zumwalt:Tilted her head, hugging her legs to her chest tighter. "See? You can't even answer it."

Rheinland:Twitching face. "Don't screw with me, you coward scrap metal! Protect your damn harbor!"

Zumwalt:"Say all the things you want, Rheinland. I don't care."

Rheinland:"Last time we end up with an incompetent leader, this time a depressed one! What's next? Hammered??"

Arleigh:"That would be y-"

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