Chapter 4

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HMS Dauntless

In the ocean somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. One day before Operation Hawaii begins.

Arleigh:Checking her compass. "Zumwalt, do you know where are we?"

Zumwalt:Taking back her UAV Fire Scout. "We're approximately 1000 Nautical Miles from Midway."

Arleigh:"You pinged using the Fire Scout and Seahawk's(Helicopter) radar?"

Zumwalt:"No, I used my own AN/SPY-3 Radar."

Arleigh:Surprised. "I thought they were-"

Zumwalt:"The only thing that's dysfunctional is the communication branch."

Arleigh:Nodded. "Is everyone else the same?"

Zumwalt:"Yes, they are, Arleigh." 

The flotilla then keep cruising above the waves as they were going to Midway for a rest in the time being before going to their main target, Pearl Harbor.

Haguro:Cruise beside Zumwalt. "Zumwalt, what's the possibility of Sakura Empire appearing to attack Midway?"

Zumwalt:Noticing Haguro. "Sakura Empire?"

Haguro:"Hai, aren't they...Well us also attacking Midway when the whole Operation Hawaii thing is going on?"

Zumwalt:"Hmm, good question."

Akizuki:"What if they came with the whole fleet?"

The moment Akizuki said that, the entire flotilla stayed silent.

Zumwalt:"Well I didn't really think that through am I?" 

Zumwalt smiled confidently while she boosted her rigging, cruising and leading the entire flotilla and taking the front position.

Akizuki:"Arleigh, what does she mean by that?"

Arleigh:Shrug her shoulder. "We're screwed, when she said that, it means that we just need to wing it."

Haguro:"W-Wing it!?"

Rheinland:"So this is the state of the most advanced Eagle Union destroyer?" Sighing.

Dauntless:Daydreaming while still taking in what Zumwalt just said in her two braincells.

In the background, not far from the flotilla, a shadow looms to stalk them.

???:Flashing light signals. 'Six ships from what I assume Eagle Union destroyers, spotted.'

The unknown submarine then submerge itself, following the destroyers while keeping her distance far enough that it doesn't get spotted.

A while later.

Arleigh:Detected something on her radar. "Is it just me or I se-"

Zumwalt:Stop cruising. "Arleigh, deploy your Seahawk. We're going to fight here and right now!"

Arleigh:"On it." Deploying her Seahawk in matter of seconds.

Zumwalt:"Everyone else who has a copter deploy it at once! We're going on an offense here!" 

Hearing this, all the other destroyers reflexively deploying and materialize their helicopters out while both Zumwalt and Arleigh is checking and assessing the situation.

Zumwalt:"Arleigh! Condition?"

Arleigh:"2 Aircraft Carriers, 3 Light Cruisers, 1 Battleship, and 5 Destroyers."

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